1 The VHF EPIRB DSC distress alerting signal should be
transmitted on the frequency of 156.525 MHz using G2B class of emission.
2 The frequency tolerance should not exceed
10 parts per million.
3 The necessary
bandwidth should be less than 16 kHz.
The output power should be at least 100 mW.
5 The emission should be vertically polarized at the source.
6 Modulation
6.1 Frequency modulation with a pre-emphasis characteristic
of 6 dB/octave (phase modulation) with the modulating sub-carrier, should be used.
6.2 A sub-carrier of 1,700 Hz with
frequency shift between 1,300 Hz and 2,100 Hz should be used.
6.3 The frequency tolerance of 1,300 Hz and 2,100 Hz tones
should be within ± 10 Hz .
6.4 The
modulation rate should be 1,200 bauds.
6.5 The index of modulation should be 2.0 ± 10%.
7 DSC Message format and transmission sequence
7.1 The technical characteristics for the
DSC message should be in accordance with the sequence for the "distress call"
specified in Recommendation ITU-R M.493.
7.2 The "nature of distress" indication should be "EPIRB emission".
7.3 The "distress co-ordinates" and "time"
information need not be included. In this case the digit 9 repeated 10 times and the
digit 8 repeated 4 times should be included as specified in Recommendation ITU-R
7.4 The "type of subsequent
communication" indication should be "no information" (symbol # 126) which indicates
that no subsequent communications will follow.
7.5 The alerting signals should be transmitted in bursts. The (N+1) burst
of transmission which consists of five successive DSC sequences should be made with
an interval of Tn after the (N)th burst as given in figure l.
Where: Tn = (240 + 10N) s ± 5% and N = 1, 2, 3, ...