General interpretations For the application of these Guidelines, the terms
related to location are clarified as follows:
.1 Protected
space is a machinery space where a local application fire-fighting
system (hereinafter, referred to as .the system.) is installed.
.2 Protected area is an area
(an installation or a part of installation) within a protected space
which is required to be protected by the system.
3 Principal
requirements for the system* Interpretation to paragraph
3.2The activation of the system should not require engine
shutdown, closing fuel oil tank outlet valves, evacuation of personnel
and sealing of the space. Any of these actions would lead to loss of
electrical power or reduction of manoeuvrability. Paragraph 3.2 is not
intended to place requirements on electrical equipment.
Interpretation to paragraph 3.8When the nozzle direction is
intended not to be vertically downward, in addition to the type approval
test in accordance with MSC/Circ.913, tests should be carried out in the
conditions of actual direction of nozzles to verify the
fire-extinguishing capabilities equivalent to that specified in
Interpretation to
paragraph 3.9This minimum rating should be
applied only to the components in the protected space.
* Refers to paragraph 3 of the Guidelines for the
approval of fixed water-based local application fire-fighting
systems, as annexed to MSC/Circ.913.