9. Central alert management human machine interface
9.1 All alerts should be displayed on the
CAM-HMI either as individual alerts or as aggregated alerts.
9.2 The CAM-HMI should offer the possibility to
display aggregated alerts.
9.3 The CAM-HMI should provide the means to
announce and indicate alerts to draw the attention of the bridge
9.4 The CAM-HMI should have the capability to
duplicate the audible alert annunciation of the individual
equipment and displays installed on the bridge for category B
and C alerts.
9.5 The CAM-HMI should allow for easy
identification of alerts, and the enabling of immediate
identification of the alert releasing function or
9.6 The CAM-HMI should be designed that alert
messages of the different priorities are clearly distinguishable
from each other.
9.7 The alert messages should be completed with
aids for decision-making, as far as practicable. An explanation
or justification of an alert should be available on request.
9.8 The CAM-HMI should enable an immediate
acknowledgement of individual alarms and warnings by a single
operator action for category B alerts.
9.9 It should only be possible to acknowledge
alarms and warnings individually.
9.10 It should be possible to temporarily
silence all audible alert signals with a single operator action
at the CAM-HMI.
9.11 The CAM-HMI should be able to display at
least 20 recent alerts at the same time.
9.12 If the CAM-HMI is such that it can not
display all alerts simultaneously requiring the bridge team's
attention, then there should be a clear and unambiguous
indication that there are additional alerts requiring
9.13 It should be possible to display the
additional alerts by a single operator action.
9.14 It should be possible to return to the
display containing the highest priority alerts by a single
operator action.
9.15 When information other than the list of
active alerts (e.g., the alert history list, configurations) is
presented, then it should still be possible to see the
appearance of new alerts.
9.16 As default, the alerts should be presented
grouped in order of priority. Within the priorities the alerts
should be displayed in the order in which they occur (sequence).
Additionally, alerts may be presented in functional groups.
9.17 Aggregated alerts
9.17.1 Aggregated alerts may be provided.
9.17.2 As the handling of aggregated alerts
requires more user operations and time to obtain the necessary
information alerts required by the Organization for presentation
on the bridge should only be aggregated to combine multiple
individual alerts of the same kind to provide one alert at the
CAM-HMI for which individual presentation is anyway necessary at
alert releasing task station or system.
9.17.3 Alerts presented on the bridge which are
not required by the Organization may be aggregated for
presentation on the CAM-HMI, according to the requirements in
these performance standards.
9.17.4 Only alerts of the same priority should
be combined in one aggregated alert.
9.17.5 It should not be possible to acknowledge
aggregated alerts unless otherwise specified by the
9.17.6 It should be possible to temporarily
silence aggregated alerts.
9.17.7 Individual alerts should not trigger more
than one aggregated alert.
9.17.8 Each additional new individual alert has
to retrigger the aggregated alert.
9.17.9 If required by the Organization to be
displayed as individual alert, alerts should not be
9.18 Alert history list
9.18.1 An operator accessible alert history list
should be provided by the CAM-HMI.
9.18.2 When an alert is no longer active the
message should be kept with its entire content in an alert
history list, with the date and time the alert was raised,
acknowledged and rectified.
9.18.3 The messages of the alert history list
should be displayed in chronological order.
9.18.4 Access to the alert history list and
return to the active alert display should be possible by a
simple operator action.
9.18.5 The system should provide a clear and
unambiguous indication when the alert history list is being
accessed and displayed.
9.18.6 The CAM-HMI should support the search and
identification of alerts in the alert history list.
9.18.7 For the purpose of onboard "trouble
shooting" it should be possible to keep the content of the alert
history list at least for 24 h.
9.18.8 If an INS is installed, the functionality
of INS may be extended to include the alert history