4.1 Fuel compositionFuel composition, to calculate gas
mass flow wet (GEXHW), should be provided by one of the following:
.1 fuel composition by analysis (carbon, hydrogen and
sulphur); or
.2 default
values, see table 3.
4.2 Exhaust gas densityExhaust gas density, to calculate
gas mass flow wet (GEXHW) and NOx Technical Code Table 5, coefficient
.u., should be provided by one of the following:
calculation as per the NOx Technical Code, appendix 6; or
.2 default value of 1.293
kg/m3 ( 273.15 K and 101.3 kPa).
4.3 Dry/wet correctionIf not already measured on a wet
basis, the gaseous emissions concentrations as per paragraph 2 of these
Guidelines should be converted to a wet basis according to:
.1 direct measurement of the water component; or
.2 calculated in accordance
with the NOx Technical Code, paragraph 5.12.2. (NOx Technical Code,
equation 11, CO may be set to zero).
4.4 NOx corrections for humidity
and temperatureNOx corrections for humidity and
temperature should be performed as per NOx Technical Code, paragraph
5.12.3. The reference charge, or scavenge, air temperature (T
ref ) should be stated and approved by the Administration. The
sc ref values are to be referenced to 25°C sea water
temperature and in the application of the T
sc ref value due
allowance should be made for the actual sea water temperature.
4.5 Exhaust gas flow rateExhaust gas flow rate should be
determined by:
.1 NOx Technical Code, paragraphs 5.5.1 or
5.5.2; or
.2 NOx Technical
Code, appendix 6, method 2, with not measured species set to zero and
CO2AIR, if applicable, set to 350 ppm.
4.6 Calculation of emission
flow rates and specific emissionsThe calculation of emission flow
rates and specific emissions should be performed as per NOx Technical
Code, paragraphs 5.12.4 and 5.12.5.