S8.3.1 Bow doorsS8.3.1a The design external
pressure, in Kn/m**2, to be considered for the scantlings of primary
members, securing and supporting devices of bow doors is not to be less
than the pressure normally used by the Society nor than:
Pe = 2.75 lambda CH (0,22+0,15 tan(alpha))(0,4 V
sin(beta + 0,6 L**0.5)**2
V contractual ship's speed, in knots,
L ship's length, in m, but need not be taken greater than 200 metres,
lambda coefficient depending on the area where the
ship is intended to be operated:
lambda = 1 for
seagoing ships,
lambda = 0.8 for ships operated
in coastal waters,
lambda = 0.5 for ships
operated in sheltered waters,
Note: Coastal waters and sheltered waters are defined according to
the practice of each Classification Society. As an example, coastal
waters may be defined as areas where significant wave heights do not
exceed 4 m for more than three hours a year and sheltered waters as
areas where significant wave heights do not exceed 2 m for more than
three hours a year. CH = 0.0125 L for L < 80 m
CH = 1 for L => 80 m
alpha flare angle at the point to be considered,
defined as the angle between a vertical line and the tangent to the side
shell plating, measured in a vertical plane normal to the horizontal
tangent to the shell plating,
beta entry angle at the
point to be considered, defined as the angle between a longitudinal line
parallel to the centerline and the tangent to the shell plating in a
horizontal plane.
S8.3.1b The
design external forces, in Kn, considered for the scantlings of securing
and supporting devices of bow doors are not to be less than:
Fx = Pe Ax
Fy = Pe Ay
Fz = Pe Az
Ax = area, in m**2 , of the transverse vertical
projection of the door between the levels of the bottom of the door and
the upper deck or between the bottom of the door and the top of the
door, whichever is the lesser,
Ay = area, in m**2 , of
the longitudinal vertical projection of the door between the levels of
the bottom of the door and the upper deck or between the bottom of the
door and the top of the door, whichever is the lesser,
Az = area, in m**2 , of the horizontal projection of the door between
the levels of the bottom of the door and the upper deck or between the
bottom of the door and the top of the door, whichever is the lesser,
h = height, in m, of the door between the levels of
the bottom of the door and the upper deck or between the bottom of the
door and the top of the door, whichever is the lesser,
l = length, in m, of the door at a height h/2 above the bottom of the
w = breadth, in m, of the door at a height h/2
above the bottom of the door,
Pe = external pressure,
in kN/m**2, as given in S8.3.1a with angles alpha and beta defined as
alpha flare angle measured at the point
on the bow door l/2 aft of the stem line on the plane h/2 above the
bottom of the door, as shown in Figure 1,
entry angle measured at the same point as alpha.
For bow doors, including bulwark, of unusual form or
proportions, e.g. ships with a rounded nose and large stem angles, the
areas and angles used for determination of the design values of external
forces may require to be specially considered.
S8.3.1c For visor doors the closing moment My
under external loads, in kNm, is to be taken as:
My =
Fx a + 10 Wc - Fz b
W mass of the visor door, in t,
vertical distance, in m, from visor pivot to the centroid of the
transverse vertical projected area of the visor door, as shown in Figure
b horizontal distance, in m, from visor pivot to
the centroid of the horizontal projected area of the visor door, as
shown in Figure 2,
c horizontal distance, in m, from
visor pivot to the centre of gravity of visor mass, as shown in Figure
S8.3.1d Moreover, the
lifting arms of a visor door and its supports are to be dimensioned for
the static and dynamic forces applied during the lifting and lowering
operations, and a minimum wind pressure of 1.5 kN/m**2 is to be taken
into account.
S8.3.2 Inner
doorsS8.3.2a The design external
pressure pe, in kN/m**2, considered for the scantlings of primary
members, securing and supporting devices and surrounding structure of
inner doors is to be taken as the greater of the following:
- pe =
0.45 L,
- hydrostatic pressure ph = 10 h, where h is the
distance, in m, from the load point to the top of the cargo
where L is the ship's length, as defined in
S8.3.2b The design
internal pressure pi, in kN/m**2 , considered for the scantlings of
securing devices of inner doors is not to be less than:
pi = 25