2.1 Testforcorridorsshouldbeperformedinreducedvisibilityusingtheatrical(white)smoke with an Optical Density at least OD 0.5 m-1*. Measuring equipment shouldconformtoastandard acceptable to the Administration.
2.2 Ifthesystemistobeinstalledinpublicspaces,thetestshouldbeperformedinreduced visibility using theatrical (white) smoke with an Optical Density at least OD 0.1 m-1.
2.3 Test for stairway enclosures should be performed in clear (no smoke) conditions.
2.4 Aminimum80%oftheparticipantsshouldreachthepre-designatedexitwithaspeedof movementofatleast0.7m/scalculatedusingthedistancemeasurementoftheoptimumroute. Participantsachievingaspeedofmovementofless than 0.7 m/s should be deemed to have failed. There is no speed of movement criterion applied to stairway enclosure tests.
2.5 Themaximumpercentageofparticipantschoosingfailedexitsshouldnotexceedthevalueof 2% for public spaces and 5% for accommodation areas, corridors and stairway enclosures.
2.6 Inthepublicspaceconfigurationwhentestingwithtwocorrectexits,nomorethan15%of the participants may choose the more distant exit.
2.7 Thereshouldbeaminimumof60participantsfor each test - being at least 8 and not more than 12 of each age group 16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65, 66-75 with an average of 45-55% male/female of the entire group.
2.8 A “control”testshouldbeperformedwithnoguidancesysteminoperationinorderto demonstratethatthereisnosignificantinherentbiastofavourthepre-designatedexit. Participants of the “control” test should not participate in any previous or subsequent tests.
2.9 For the purpose of this section:
.1 a “correctexit”isanexittowhichtheevacuationguidancesystemintentionally guides participants;
.2 participantsarrivingatanyofthe “failexits”aredeemedtohave “failed”thetestand should be stopped at that point;
.3 onlyoneparticipantshouldbeinthetestatatimeinordertoprecludeanycrowd behavioural influence;
.4 thetestareashouldbeilluminatedbytheemergencylightingasrequiredbySOLAS; and
.5 during the test signage other than those being part of the test should not be used.
* RefertotheUnitedKingdomGovernment'sHealthandSafetyExecutive(HSE)1998report:OTH533Emergency