Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

MSC.1/Circ.1168 - Interim Guidelines For The Testing, Approval And Maintenance Of Evacuation Guidance Systems Used As An Alternative To Low-Location Lighting Systems
Geldigheid:06-01-2005 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

 Ref. T4/4.01                                                                                                               MSC/Circ.1168


1 June 2005






1          TheMaritimeSafetyCommittee,atitsseventy-fifthsession(15to24May2002),recognized theneedforthedevelopmentofguidelinesforthetesting,approvalandmaintenanceofevacuation guidance  systems  used  as  an  alternative  to  low-location  lighting  systems  required  by  SOLAS chapter II-2 and the FSS Code.



2          TheCommittee,atitseightiethsession(11to20May2005),havingconsideredaproposalby theforty-ninthsessionoftheSub-CommitteeonFireProtection,approvedtheInterimGuidelinesfor thetesting,approvalandmaintenanceofevacuationguidancesystemsalternativetothelow-location lighting systems, set out in the annex.



3          MemberGovernmentsareinvitedtoapplytheannexedInterimGuidelinesandsubmittothe Sub-Committee on Fire Protection information on experience gained in the implementation of the InterimGuidelines  and  on  any  progress  made  inthe  development  of  the  testing,  approval  and maintenance of evacuation guidance systems.



4          Member  Governments  are  also  invited  to  bring  the  annexed  Interim  Guidelines  to  the attentionofshipdesigners,shipowners,shipoperators,shipbuildersandotherpartiesinvolvedinthe design, construction, testing, approval and maintenance of evacuation guidance systems.









1 Scope

The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide standards for the testing, approval and maintenance for alternative systems to low-location lighting systems required by SOLAS regulation II-2⁄ and chapter 11 of the FSS Code.

2 Testing.

2.1       Testforcorridorsshouldbeperformedinreducedvisibilityusingtheatrical(white)smoke with an Optical Density at least OD 0.5 m-1*.  Measuring equipment shouldconformtoastandard acceptable to the Administration.



2.2       Ifthesystemistobeinstalledinpublicspaces,thetestshouldbeperformedinreduced visibility using theatrical (white) smoke with an Optical Density at least OD 0.1 m-1.



2.3       Test for stairway enclosures should be performed in clear (no smoke) conditions.



2.4       Aminimum80%oftheparticipantsshouldreachthepre-designatedexitwithaspeedof movementofatleast0.7m/scalculatedusingthedistancemeasurementoftheoptimumroute. Participantsachievingaspeedofmovementofless than 0.7 m/s should be deemed to have failed. There is no speed of movement criterion applied to stairway enclosure tests.



2.5       Themaximumpercentageofparticipantschoosingfailedexitsshouldnotexceedthevalueof 2% for public spaces and 5% for accommodation areas, corridors and stairway enclosures.



2.6       Inthepublicspaceconfigurationwhentestingwithtwocorrectexits,nomorethan15%of the participants may choose the more distant exit.



2.7       Thereshouldbeaminimumof60participantsfor each test - being at least 8 and not more than  12  of  each  age  group  16-25,  26-35,  36-45,  46-55,  56-65,  66-75  with  an  average  of 45-55% male/female of the entire group.



2.8       A “control”testshouldbeperformedwithnoguidancesysteminoperationinorderto demonstratethatthereisnosignificantinherentbiastofavourthepre-designatedexit.  Participants of the “control” test should not participate in any previous or subsequent tests.



2.9       For the purpose of this section:



.1         a “correctexit”isanexittowhichtheevacuationguidancesystemintentionally guides participants;





.2         participantsarrivingatanyofthe “failexits”aredeemedtohave “failed”thetestand should be stopped at that point;



.3         onlyoneparticipantshouldbeinthetestatatimeinordertoprecludeanycrowd behavioural influence;



.4         thetestareashouldbeilluminatedbytheemergencylightingasrequiredbySOLAS; and



.5         during the test signage other than those being part of the test should not be used.






*          RefertotheUnitedKingdomGovernment'sHealthandSafetyExecutive(HSE)1998report:OTH533Emergency






3 Test facility Design

3.1       Public spaces



3.1.1    Ifthesystemisintendedtobeinstalledinpublicspaces,thetestfacilityshouldbedesigned sothatparticipantsarerequiredtonavigatetoapre-designatedexitacrossapublicspace,wherethe shortestdistancetothatexitisnotalongawall.  Aminimumoftwoexitsshouldbeprovidedtotest


theabilityofparticipantstoidentifyandproceedtoanexitwithinanopenspace.  Anadditionalfail exit should be located 2 to 3 mfromeach correct exit.



3.1.2    Thetestroomshouldbenotlessthan15mby10mwiththestartpointandpre-designated exitbeingonthelongsides,diagonallyoppositeeachother,suchthatthedistancearoundthewalls isapproximatelyequalineitherdirection.   Thedensityofthesmokeshouldbegreatenoughto preventaparticipantfrombeingabletoseenomorethanhalftotwo-thirdsofthedistancetothe nearest  exit  OD  0.1  m-1.   Direct  distance  between  start  and  a  correct  exit  should  be  not  less than 12 m.



3.2       Accommodation areas and corridors



Thetestlayoutshouldbesuchthatparticipantsshouldberequiredtonavigatecorrectlytheirwayto apre-designatedexitviaatleastfourdecisionpointsincludingatleasttwocross-junctionsandat leastoneT-junction.  Itshouldnotbepossibletonavigatethecorrectroutebyremainingattachedto onecontinuouswall.  Thecorrectrouteshouldincludetheplacementofanon-exitdoorwithin2to 3 mofthecorrectexitdoor.  Anon-exitdoorisafailexit.  Thetotaldistancetravelledoverthe correctrouteshouldbenotlessthan25m,withthedistancebetweendecisionpointsbeingnotless than 5 m.



3.3       Stairway enclosures



Participants  should  be  required  to  use  the  stairway  enclosures  to  a  pre-designated  floor.   The participantsshouldenterthestairwayenclosuresfromamid-pointwhereeachwillbeinstructedby the guidance systemto proceed either up or down.  The option of up or down should be randomly chosen.



4 Participant Briefing

Participantstobebriefedonthepurposeofthetestandthetechnologytobetested,usingthe proposedbriefingtechniquethatwouldbeusedintheimplementationonboardship,e.g.thebriefing




system, etc.  No briefing should be given on the route, test layout or numbers of exits.



5 Approval.

All systems should be approved by the Administration for compliance with the Performance standards for evacuation guidance systems (MSC⁄Circ.1167) developed by the Organization and, for electrically powered systems, IEC 60092 Electrical Installations in Ships. Installation requirements should be included in the approval procedures, and individual onboard arrangements should be verified accordingly.

6 Maintenance.

6.1 All elements of the system should be visually examined and checked at least once per week, and a record thereof should be kept. All missing, damaged or inoperable elements should be replaced.

6.2 All systems should have their signal tested at least once every five years. Readings should be taken on site. Should any reading be found to be outside manufacturers tolerances, then that element of the system should be replaced.

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