Ref. T4/4.01 MSC/Circ.1170
15 June 2005
1 TheMaritimeSafetyCommittee,atitseightiethsession(11to20May2005),recalledthat,at its sixty-third session, it had adopted, by resolution MSC.31(63), amendments to SOLAS regulation II-2/15, prescribing additional requirements to oil fuel arrangements, lubricating oil arrangements and arrangements for other flammable oils as well as the application of these requirements. The amendments entered into force on 1 July 1998.
2 TheamendmentstoSOLASregulationII-2/15,inparticulartherequirementsforoilfuel systems, applied to all ships constructed before, on or after 1 July 1998 because the above amendmentsstipulatedtodoso. However,theCommitteeagreedthattheamendmentstoSOLAS regulationsII-2/15.3andII-2/15.4werenotintendedto apply to existing ships constructed before 1 July 1998. The Committee, therefore, clarified that paragraphs 3 and 4 of SOLAS regulationII2/15,intermsofcompliancewiththeprovisionsofparagraphs2.10and2.11ofSOLAS regulation II-2/15, should only be applied to ships constructed on or after 1 July 1998.
3 TheCommitteenotingthatanamendmenttoSOLASregulationII-2/15hadbeenconsidered by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection with a view to clarifying the application of the aforementioned provisions, approved the attached draft amendment with a view to subsequent adoption at MSC 81.
4 MemberGovernmentsareinvitedtobringtheaboveinformationtotheattentionofallparties concerned.