Ship Security Plan and associated records
Eachshipshallcarryonboardashipsecurityplanapproved bytheAdministration. Theplanshallmakeprovisionsfor the three security levels as defined in part A of the ISPS Code. Recordsofthefollowingactivitiesaddressedinthe ship security plan shall be kept on board for at least the minimum period specified by the Administration:
.1 training, drills and exercises;
.2 security threats and securityincidents;
.3 breaches of security;
.4 changes in security level;
.5 communications relating to the direct securityoftheshipsuchasspecificthreatsto theshiportoportfacilitiestheshipis,orhas been, in;
.6 internal audits and reviews of security activities;
.7 periodic review of the ship security assessment;
.8 periodic review of the ship security plan;
.9 implementation of any amendments to the plan; and
.10 maintenance, calibration and testing of any security equipment provided on board, including testing of the ship security alert system.