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Ref. T5/1.01 MEPC/Circ.395 2 July 2002
1 TheConditionAssessmentScheme(CAS)asamandatoryrequirementundertherevised regulation 13G of Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 will enter into force on 1 September 2002. Pursuant to paragraph 14.1 of the CAS, Administrations shall communicate to the Organization:
1 particulars ofthe Statements ofCompliance issued;
2 detailsofthesuspensionorwithdrawaloftheStatementsofComplianceissued;
3 particulars of the ships to which it has declined the issue of a Statement of
Compliance andreasonsthereof.
2 In accordance with paragraph 14.2 of the CAS, the Organization shall circulate the aforementioned information to all Parties to MARPOL 73/78 and shall maintain an electronic database containing the aforesaid information, accessible only to Parties to MARPOL 73/78.
3 ResolutionMEPC.94(46)urgedPartiestoMARPOLtoaccept,inthelightofthefactthat certainCategory1tankershavetoundergotherequiredCASsurveypriorto1September2002, valid Statements of Compliance issued following satisfactory completion of CAS surveys commenced prior to that date.
4 TheSecretariathastakenthenecessarystepstoensurethattheelectronicdatabaseforthe CAS will become operational on 1September 2002.Alltheinformationcommunicatedtothe Organization will be included in the electronic database.
5 The database will consist ofthe following:
.1 DataStorageModulecontainingaregisteroftheoiltankerscomplyingwithCAS
and authentication information for Parties to MARPOL 73/78;
.2 AdministrativeModulethatprovidesmaintenanceandreportgenerationservices
to the administrators of the database; and
.3 ExternalAccessModuleproviding “readonly”accesstotheinformationstoredin the database for Parties to MARPOL 73/78.
6 TheExternalAccessModuleoftheelectronicdatabaseisavailableasawebapplication
hosted on one of the external IMO web servers. Access to the database by Parties to MARPOL 73/78 is provided by means of a users name and password to be informed through appropriatemeans.
7 In order to facilitate thesubmission of information mentioned in paragraph 1 above by the Administrations,theSecretariathasdevelopedthreeforms,whichareattachedasannexes1,2 and 3 to this circular.
8 PartiestoMARPOL73/78areinvitedtousetheattachedformswhencommunicatingthe requiredinformationundertheCASregimetotheOrganization,andsuchinformationshouldbe forwarded to:
The Director
Marine Environment Division
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SR United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7735 7611
Telefax: +44 20 7587 3210