Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

139(76) Mandatory ship reporting systems
Geldigheid:01-07-2003 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulation V/11 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended, concerning the adoption by the Organization of ship reporting systems,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.858(20) which authorizes the Committee to perform the function of adopting ship reporting systems on behalf of the Organization,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the existing Guidelines and criteria for ship reporting systems adopted by resolution MSC.43(64), as amended by resolution MSC.111(73),

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-eighth session,

1. ADOPTS, in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/11, the mandatory ship reporting systems:

- "In the Gulf of Finland" described in Annex 1 to the present resolution; and

- "In the Adriatic Sea" described in Annex 2 to the present resolution;

2. DECIDES that the said mandatory ship reporting system "In the Gulf of Finland" would be implemented on 1 July 2004, whilst the said mandatory ship reporting system "In the Adriatic Sea" will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 July 2003;

3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring this resolution and its Annexes to the attention of Member Governments and Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.

Annex 1 Description of the mandatory ship reporting system in the Gulf of Finland traffic area

A ship reporting system is established in the Gulf of Finland in international waters.

1 Categories of ships required to participate in the system

1.1 Ships required to participate in the mandatory ship reporting system:

1.2 Ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards proceeding to or from ports or passing through the reporting area between ports in the Gulf of Finland, or ships visiting the area.

2 Geographical coverage of the system and the number and edition of the reference chart used for the delineation of the system

2.1 The system covers the international waters in the Gulf of Finland between a line drawn from Bengtskär Lighthouse to 59°33’.30 N 022°30’E to 59°10’N 021°30’E to Kõpu Peninsula and longitude 026°30’E.

2.2 The reference charts are:
  1. Finnish Maritime Administration charts 901 (edition 2000, scale 1:200 000), 902 (edition 2000, scale 1:200 000) and 912 (edition 1999, scale 1:200 000). Geodetic datum is the national geodetic chart-coordinate system (KKJ). WGS84 latitude correction is -0,01’ and the longitude correction is +0,19’.

  2. Russian charts 22060-INT1213 (edition 2000, scale 1:250000). Geodetic datum of the year 1942 (Pulkovo). For obtaining position in WGS datum such position should be moved 0,12’ westward. 22061-INT1214 (edition 1997, scale 1:250000). Geodetic datum of the year 1942 (Pulkovo). For obtaining position in WGS datum such position should be moved 0,13’ westward.

  3. Estonian charts 502 (edition 2001, scale 1:100 000), 504 (edition 2001, scale 1:100 000), 507 (edition 2001, scale 1:100 000), 509 (edition 2001, scale 1:100 000), 511 (edition 2001, scale 1:100 000). Geodetic datum is WGS84.

    The area of the reporting system is covered by hydrographic surveys.

    Border line point by point of the Gulf of Finland ship reporting area



    159°36’.477 N22°38’.074 E
    2 59°38’.137 N 22°51’.446 E
    3 59°39’.413 N 23°21’.123 E
    4 59°47’.022 N 24°12’.365 E
    5 59°47’.809 N 24°19’.928 E
    6 59°49’.024 N 24°29’.299 E
    7 59°53’.524 N 24°47’.122 E
    8 59°55’.281 N 24°55’.799 E
    9 59°56’.606 N 25°10’.161 E
    10 59°55’.879 N 25°28’.276 E
    11 59°55’.692 N 25°34’.962 E
    12 59°55’.920 N 25°37’.219 E
    13 59°58’.608 N 26°01’.039 E
    14 60°00’.844 N 26°04’.505 E
    15 60°02’.293 N 26°11’.314 E
    16 60°02’.791 N 26°17’.683 E
    17 60°05’.000 N 26°30’.000 E

    Russian Federation

    1 60°05’.000 N 26°30’.000 E
    2 59°57’.000 N 26°30’.000 E


    1 59°56’.273 N 26°26’.110 E
    2 59°53’.994 N 26°09’.069 E
    3 59°48’.894 N 26°01’.170 E
    4 59°49’.593 N 25°34’.569 E
    5 59°42’.193 N 24°28’.769 E
    6 59°34’.592 N 23°57’.069 E
    7 59°28’.892 N 23°31’.169 E
    8 59°28’.991 N 23°11’.369 E
    9 59°28’.191 N 23°08’.469 E
    10 59°27’.391 N 23°06’.369 E
    11 59°17’.491 N 22°43’.870 E
    12 59°17’.691 N 22°36’.070 E
    13 59°16’.190 N 22°23’.770 E
    14 59°14’.690 N 22°18’.370 E
    15 59°03’.390 N 21°50’.870 E
    16 59°02’.100 N 21°49’.000 E
    17 59°10’.000 N 21°30’.000 E


    1 59°36’.477 N 22°38’.074 E

3 Format, content of reports, times and geographical positions for submitting reports, authority to whom reports should be sent and available services

Reports should be made using VHF voice transmissions. However, ships equipped with AIS (automatic identification system) can fulfill certain reporting requirements of the system through the use of the universal AIS approved by the Organization.

A ship must give a short position report by voice or by AIS when entering the mandatory ship reporting area. The full report may be given by voice or by non-verbal means. A ship may elect, for reasons of commercial confidentiality, to communicate that section of the report which provides information on cargo by non-verbal means prior to entering the ship reporting area. When leaving port, the ship can give the full report to the ship reporting system by voice or by non-verbal means.

3.1 Format

3.1.1 The information given below is derived from the format-type given in paragraph 2 of the appendix to resolution A.851(20).

3.2 Content

3.2.1 A short report by voice or by AIS from a ship to the shore-based authorities should contain the following information:

AName of the ship, call sign or IMO identification number (or MMSI for transponder reports)
BDate and Time (UTC)
C or DPosition (expressed in latitude and longitude or bearing to and distance from a landmark)
E and FCourse and speed of the ship

3.2.2 A full report from a ship to the shore-based authorities by voice or by non-verbal means should contain the following information:

I Destination and ETA
L Route information
O Vessel’s draught
P Hazardous cargo, class and quantity, if applicable
Q or R Breakdown, damage and/or deficiencies affecting the structure, cargo or equipment of the ship or any other circumstances affecting normal navigation in accordance with the provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions
T Contact information of ship’s agent or owner
U Ship’s deadweight tonnage
W Total number of persons on board
X Miscellaneous remarks, e.g. ice class, amount and nature of bunkers if over 5000 tons, navigational status

On receipt of a position message, the system operators will establish the relationship between the ship’s position and the information supplied by the position-fixing equipment available to them. Information on course and speed will help operators to identify one ship among a group of ships. This will be achieved automatically if AIS transponder is used.

All VHF-, telephone-, radar-, AIS- and other relevant information will be recorded and the records stored for 30 days.

3.3 Geographical position for submitting reports

3.3.1 Eastbound traffic should make a report to TALLINN TRAFFIC when crossing the line drawn from Bengtskär Lighthouse to 59°33.30’N 022°30’E to 59°10’N 021°30’E to Kõpu Peninsula or when entering the ship reporting area from south.

3.3.2 Westbound traffic should make a short report to HELSINKI TRAFFIC when crossing longitude 026°30’E or when entering the ship reporting area from north.

3.3.3 A full report to the nearest shore station should be made on departure from port.

3.3.4 Further reports should be made to the relevant shore station whenever there is a change of navigational status or circumstance, particularly in relation to items Q and R of the reporting format.

3.4 Crossing traffic

3.4.1 Reports to the nearest shore station should be made on departure from a port within the coverage area. Recognizing that ferries crossing between Helsinki and Tallinn generally operate according to published schedules, special reporting arrangements can be made on a ship-by-ship basis, subject to the approval of both HELSINKI TRAFFIC and TALLINN TRAFFIC.

3.4.2 Further reports should be made to the relevant shore station whenever there is a change of navigational status or circumstance, particularly in relation to items Q and R of the reporting format.

3.4.3 On the area between Helsinki and Tallinn Lighthouses there is a heavy crossing traffic in summer consisting mostly of high speed craft and recreational craft. In the area between Porkkala Lighthouse and Naissaar there are recreational sailing activities in summer.

3.5 Authority

3.5.1 The shore-based Authorities are:

Estonia: Estonian Maritime Administration
Finland: Finnish Maritime Administration
Russian Federation: Russian Maritime Administration

3.5.2 The Estonian, Finnish and Russian Authorities monitor shipping within the mandatory ship reporting area of the Gulf of Finland by radar. This does not relieve ship masters of their responsibility for the navigation of their ship.

4 Information to be provided to participating shisps and procedures to be followed

4.1 Information provided

4.1.1 Each Authority provides information to shipping about specific and urgent situations which could cause conflicting traffic movements and other information concerning safety of navigation, for instance information about weather, ice, water level, navigational problems or other hazards. Information is broadcast on the following frequencies when necessary or on request.

StationFrequencyTimesAdditional broadcasts in wintertimes
Tallinn VHF channel 61
working channel 81
on request or when neededon request or when needed
Helsinki VHF channel 60 working channel 80on request or when neededon request or when needed
St. Petersburg VHF channel 74 working channel 10on request or when neededon request or when needed

4.1.2 Information broadcasts will be preceded by an announcement on VHF channel 16 on which channel it will be made. All ships navigating in the area should listen to the announced broadcast.

4.1.3 If necessary, individual information can be provided to a ship, particularly in relation to positioning and navigational assistance or local conditions. If a ship needs to anchor due to breakdown or emergency the operator can recommend suitable anchorage in the area.

4.2 Ice routeing in winter

4.2.1 During severe ice conditions the traffic separation schemes may be declared not valid. Such a decision is agreed jointly by the National Icebreaking Authorities and communicated to shipping with the daily ice reports. The decision may include all or a named traffic separation scheme.

4.2.2 During the period when the Gulf of Finland is covered by ice, ships reporting to the centre, will receive information on the recommended route through the ice and/or are requested to contact the national co-ordinating icebreaker for further instructions. The icebreaker gives the route according to the ice situation to the ships which fulfill the national ice class regulations and which are fit for winter navigation.

4.3 Deviations

4.3.1 If a ship participating in the mandatory ship reporting system fails to appear on the radar screen or fails to communicate with the Authority or an emergency is reported, MRCCs or MRSCs in the area are responsible for initiating a search for the ship in accordance with the rules laid down for the search and rescue service, including the involvement of other participating ships known to be in that particular area.

5 Radio Communication required for the system, frequencies on which reports should be transmitted and information to be reported

5.1 The radio communications equipment required for the system is that defined in the GMDSS for sea area A1.

5.2 Ships are required to maintain a continuous listening watch in the area and to report and take any action required by the maritime Authorities to reduce risks:

5.3 Common call and information channels: on channel 16 call and distress

5.4 The full report can be made by voice on VHF radio using the following channels:


5.5 Ship reports can, alternatively, be made by AIS, provided that the report can be transmitted fully.

5.6 Confidential information may be transmitted by other means.

5.7 The language used for communication shall be English, using the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases, where necessary.

6 Relevant rules and regulations in force in the area of the system

6.1 Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea are applicable throughout the reporting area.

6.2 Traffic Separation Schemes The Traffic Separation Schemes in the Gulf of Finland have been adopted by IMO and rule 10 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea applies.

6.3 Pilotage

Pilotage is mandatory in national waters under national laws.

6.4 Dangerous and hazardous cargoes

6.4.1 Ships carrying dangerous or hazardous cargoes and bound to or from any port within the ship reporting area must comply with the international and national regulations. The ship reporting system does not relieve ships masters of their responsibility to give the nationally required reports and information to customs authorities.

6.4.2 Discharges of oil and ship-generated waste is monitored by the joint Estonian, Finnish and Russian Authorities. Ships causing pollution within the area can be prosecuted and fined.

7 Shore-based facilities to support operation of the system

The joint Estonian, Finnish and Russian Authorities have radar, information processing and retrieval system, radio VHF and Automatic Identification System (AIS) facilities. The frequencies used in AIS.NET are AIS1 and AIS2.

7.1 Helsinki traffic

7.1.1 System capability The control centre is situated at the Helsinki VTS in Helsinki. The operator can control, monitor and display the status of all the VTS sensors from the consoles. The VTS centre will at all times be manned by two operators. HELSINKI TRAFFIC maintains a continuous watch on traffic in the Gulf of Finland on channels 60 and 16. Operators add reported vessel information to the associated database and can display supporting information on the screen. The system is capable of providing an automatic alarm to identify any track which strays into an unauthorised area. Recording equipment automatically stores information from all tracks, which can either be replayed in the system or from the recorded resource. Records are made by an authorized method that can be used as an evidence. Operators have access to different ship registers and hazardous cargo data.

7.1.2 Radar facilities The surveillance sensors can observe targets of at least 300 gross tons and a minimum height of 10 metres in the given traffic area.

7.1.3 Radiocommunication facilities Radiocommunication terminals are sited in the consoles of HELSINKI TRAFFIC operation room. VHF radio transceivers are located at Hanko, Porkkala, Harmaja, Emäsalo and Orrengrund. The VHF channels used are:

• Channel 60 working channel

• Channel 80 reserve channel

7.1.4 AIS facilities HELSINKI TRAFFIC can continually receive the messages broadcasted by ships fitted with transponders to gain information on their identity and position. This information is displayed as an icon on an electronic chart covering the Gulf of Finland mandatory ship reporting area.

7.1.5 Personnel qualifications and training HELSINKI TRAFFIC is staffed with personnel trained according to national and international recommendations. The training of the personnel comprises an overall study of the navigation safety measures, the relevant international (IMO) and national provisions with respect to safety of navigation. The training also includes thorough real-time simulations in different ship bridge simulators. The trainees are trained as well in navigating ships through the VTS area as servicing shipping from the VTS Centre.

7.2 Tallinn traffic

7.2.1 System capability The VTS system will be located in the office of the Maritime Administration at Hundipea port, Tallinn. From the consoles the operator can control, monitor and display the status of all VTS sensors. The VTS centre will at all times be manned with two operators. TALLINN TRAFFIC maintains a continuous watch over traffic on the Gulf of Finland on channels 61 and 16. Operators add the reported vessel information to the associated database and can display supporting information on screen. The system is capable of providing an automatic alarm to identify any track that strays into the unauthorized area. Recording equipment automatically stores information from all tracks, which can either be replayed on the system or from the recorded resource. Records are made according to an authorized method that can be used as evidence.

7.2.2 Radar facilities The surveillance sensors can observe targets of at least 300 gross tonnage and a minimum height of 10 metres in the given traffic area.

7.2.3 Radio communication facilities VHF radio transceivers are located at TALLINN TRAFFIC operation room. The VHF channels used are:

• Channel 61 working channel

• Channel 81 reserve channel TALLINN TRAFFIC monitors shipping in the Gulf of Finland by radar, VHF and RDF equipment and with AIS shipborne transponders. All the traffic and messages will be stored to the database and displayed on the electronic chart. The messages from AIS transponders, not in accordance with IEC 61993-2 will be filtered out. System uses standard AIS channels.

7.2.4 Personnel qualifications and training TALLINN TRAFFIC is staffed with personnel trained according to national and international recommendations.

7.3 St. Petersburg Traffic

7.3.1 System capability The Centre is situated at VTMIS Centre located in Petrodvorets. The Centre is linked with shore-based VHF station located at island Gogland. VHF range covers the waters close to the border. ST. PETERSBURG TRAFFIC maintains a continuous watch on traffic on the Gulf of Finland on channels 74 and 16. Operators add reported vessel information to the associated database and can display supporting information on screen. The system is capable of providing an automatic alarm to identify any track, which strays into an unauthorized area. Recording equipment automatically stores information from all tracks, which can either be replayed on the system or from the recorded resource.

7.3.2 Radar facilities The nearest radar sensor to ship reporting system is placed on island Gogland with antenna height 80 metres above sea level can observe targets at least 300 gross tons at the distances up to 026030’E.

7.3.3 Radio communication facilities Radio communication terminals are sited in consoles of ST. PETERSBURG TRAFFIC operation rooms. VHF radio transceivers are located at Gogland. The VHF channels used are:

’ Channel 74 working channel

’ Channel 10 reserve channel

7.3.4 AIS facilities St. Petersburg The ST. PETERSBURG TRAFFIC can monitor ships sailing in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland to the east of 026030’E and equipped with universal AIS shipborne stations.

7.3.5 Personnel qualifications and training The ST. PETERSBURG TRAFFIC is staffed with personnel trained according to national and international recommendations. The training of the personnel comprises an overall study of the navigation safety measures, the relevant international (IMO) and national provisions with respect to safety of navigation. The training also includes thorough real-time simulations.

8 Alternative communication if the communication facilities of the shore-based authorities fail

8.1 The system is designed with sufficient system redundancy to cope with normal equipment failure.

9 Measures to be taken if a ship fails to comply with the requirements of the system

9.1 The primary objective of the system is to facilitate the exchange of information between the ship station and the shore station and to support safe navigation and the protection of the marine environment. All means will be used to encourage and promote the full participation of ships required to submit reports under SOLAS regulation V/11. If reports are not submitted and the offending ship can be positively identified, then information will be passed to the relevant Flag State Authorities for investigation and possible prosecution in accordance with national legislation.

Appendix 1 Radio reports to the Gulf of Finland mandatory ship reporting system

Summary of ship reporting system in the Gulf of Finland

1 Ships required to participate:

Ships of 300 gross tonnage and over are required to participate in the system.

2 Position for submitting reports:

The ship reporting area covers the international water area in the Gulf of Finland between a line drawn from Bengtskär Lighthouse to 59°33.30’N 022°30’E to 59°10’N 021°30’E to Kõpu Peninsula and longitude 026°30’E.

Reports are to be submitted:

When entering the ship reporting area in the Gulf of Finland.

Eastbound traffic to TALLINN TRAFFIC.
Westbound traffic to HELSINKI TRAFFIC

The report to the nearest of the shore stations on departure from a port within the area limits.

3 Communication:

By voice on VHF radio, call on given channel.

Working channels:

Alternatively by AIS.

Confidential information may be transmitted by non-verbal means.

4 Reporting format:

Short position report:
AName of the ship, call sign or IMO identification number (or MMSI for transponder reports)
BDate and time (UTC)
C or DPosition (expressed in latitude and longitude or bearing to and distance from a landmark)
E and FCourse and speed of the ship

Full report:

IDestination and ETA
LRoute information
OVessel’s draught
PHazardous cargo, class and quantity, if applicable
Q or R Breakdown, damage and/or deficiencies affecting the structure, cargo or equipment of the ship or any other circumstances affecting normal navigation in accordance with the provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions
UShip’s deadweight tonnage
WTotal number of persons on board
XMiscellaneous remarks, e.g. ice class, bunkers over 5000 tons, navigational status

5 Authority receiving the report:

Estonia: Estonian Maritime Administration
Finland: Finnish Maritime Administration
Russia: Russian Maritime Administration

6 Winter season:

During severe ice conditions the traffic separation schemes may be declared not valid. Such a decision is agreed jointly by the Estonian, Finnish and Russian Authorities and is communicated to shipping in connection with the daily ice reports.

When a ship reports to the Traffic Centre, it will receive the preliminary waypoints and the national co-ordinating icebreaker’s name and working channel from the operator.

The vessel shall contact the national co-ordinating icebreaker for further instructions.

Annex 2 Description of the mandatory ship reporting system in the Adriatic Sea

1 Categories of ships required to participate in the system

1.1 Ships of the following categories are required to participate in the system:

- all oil tanker ships of 150 gross tonnage and above;

- all ships of 300 gross tonnage and above, carrying on board, as cargo, dangerous or polluting goods, in bulk or in packages.

1.2 For the purpose of this system:

- .dangerous goods. means goods classified in the IMDG Code, in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code and in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code;

- "polluting goods" means oils as defined in MARPOL Annex I, noxious liquid substances as defined in MARPOL Annex II, harmful substances as defined in MARPOL Annex III.

2 Geographical coverage of the system and the number and edition of the reference chart used for the delineation of the system

2.1 The operational area of the mandatory ship reporting system covers the whole Adriatic Sea, north from the latitude 40° 25’.00 N as shown in the attached chartlet as annex 1: the area is divided into 5 (five) sectors, each of them assigned to a competent authority, operating on a VHF channel as shown in the attached table as annex 2.

2.2 The reference charts including the operational area of the ADRIATIC TRAFFIC system are the Italian Chart No.435 INT 306 of the Italian Navy Hydrographic Institute (Edition 1993, Datum ED-50) and the Croatian Chart No. 101 of the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia (Ed. 1998, Datum Besselov Elipsoid).

3 Format and contents of teh report, times and geographical positions for submitting reports, authorities to whom reports shall be sent, available services

The formats for reporting are derived from the one attached as appendix to resolution A.851(20).

3.1 First report

3.1.1 The first report of ADRIREP (FR) shall be sent by radio to the competent authorities in accordance with the format shown in annex 3.

3.1.2 The first report shall contain the following information, in order to meet the objectives of the ADRIATIC TRAFFIC:

- ship.s name, call sign, IMO identification number and flag;
- date and time of the report;
- present position;
- course;
- speed;
- port of departure;
- destination and estimated time of arrival;
- estimated time of arrival at the next check point;
- ship.s draught
- the general category of hazardous cargo as defined by the IMDG, IBC, IGC Codes and MARPOL Annex I;
- ship.s representative and/or owner available on 24-hour basis;
- ship.s type, deadweight, gross tonnage and length overall;
- total number of persons on board; and
- any other relevant information. 3.1.3 In the last section of the first report, in accordance with provisions of SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions, ships shall also report information on any defect, damage, deficiency or limitations as well as, if necessary, information related to pollution incident or loss of cargo. The possession of this information will enable the operators of the shore-based competent authority to broadcast safety messages to other ships and to ensure more effective tracking of the trajectories of ships concerned. 3.2 Position report3.2.1 The position report of ADRIREP (PR) shall be sent by radio to the competent authorities in accordance with the format shown in annex 4. 3.2.2 The position report shall contain the following information, in order to meet the objectives of the ADRIATIC TRAFFIC:
- ship.s name, call sign, IMO identification number and flag;
- date and time of the report;
- present position;
- course;
- speed;
- port of departure;
- destination and estimated time of arrival;
- estimated time of arrival at the next check point; and
- any other relevant information. 3.2.3 The present format shall be supplemented by any other information which differs from the one provided by the previous report. 3.3 Times and geographical positions for submitting reports3.3.1 Sailing the Adriatic Sea northwards The ship shall transmit the first report to the competent shore-based authority of the interested sector when:
- entering the Adriatic Sea by crossing northwards the parallel 40° 25’.00 N;
- entering the Adriatic Sea by leaving a port inside the area covered by the system. The ship shall transmit the position report to the competent shore-based authorities when:
- entering a new sector by crossing northwards its southern borderline, as per annex 2;
- entering the port of destination in the area covered by the system. 3.3.2 Sailing the Adriatic Sea southwards The ship shall transmit the first report to the competent shore-based authority of the interested sector when leaving a port inside the area covered by the system. The shore-based authority to whom the first report shall be transmitted is that of the Country of the port the ship is leaving. The recipient of the report will inform the maritime authority of the ship.s destination (if in the area covered by the system), Brindisi Coast Guard and the other shore-based authorities in between, if any. The ship shall transmit the position reports to the competent shore-based authorities when: - entering a new sector by crossing southwards its northern borderline, as per annex 2; - entering the port of destination in the area covered by the system. 3.3.3 Crossing the Adriatic Sea3.3.3.1 The ship shall send the position report to the closest shore based authority of the country the ship is leaving, which shall inform the maritime authority of the port of destination. 3.3.4 Special casesThe ship which, sailing northwards or southwards, enters Sector 5 shall transmit the report to, alternatively, one of the competent authorities as per annex 2, according to where the ship is going to or coming from. The ship crossing southwards the latitude 40° 25’.00 N and going out either of Sector 1 or of the area covered by the system shall transmit an additional final position report to Brindisi Coast Guard. 3.4 Authorities to whom the reports should be sent3.4.1 The ships participating in the system shall transmit by radio the report to the .shore-based authorities. as in annex 2.

4 Information to be provided to participating ships and procedures to be followed

4.1 The shore-based authority which receives the first report (01/FR) shall inform the maritime authority of the ship.s destination (if in the area covered by the system) and the other shore-based authorities in between, if any.

4.2 The competent shore-based authority of Sector 5 (as per paragraph 3.3.4) which receives the position report from the ship entering the sector will also inform the other two shore-based authorities about the entrance of the above mentioned ship.

4.3 Once received a report, the ADRIATIC TRAFFIC competent authority will provide the ship with:

- information on navigational conditions (status of aids to navigation, presence of other ships and, if necessary, their position, etc.);

- information on weather conditions; and

- any other relevant information.

5 Radiocommunication required for the system, frequencies on which reports should be transmitted and information to be reported

5.1 ADRIATIC TRAFFIC will be based on VHF voice radiocommunications.

5.2 The call to the appropriate shore-based authority shall be made on the VHF channel assigned to the sector in which the ship is located, as per annex 2.

5.3 However, ship which cannot use the frequencies listed in the annex 2 in order to transmit the reports, should use, via coast station, any other available communication equipment (e.g. MF, HF or INMARSAT ) on which communication might be established.

5.4 The language used for communication shall be English, using the IMO Standard Marine Communications Phrases, where necessary.

6 Rules and regulations in force in the area of the system

6.1 The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) are applicable through the whole area covered by the system.

7 Shore-based facilities to support operation of the system

  1. Brindisi Coast Guard (Italy)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF communication equipment.

  2. MRCC Bar (Yugoslavia)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF, MF and HF communication equipment.

  3. MRCC Rijeka (Croatia)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF, MF, HF and INMARSAT-C communication equipment.

  4. MRSC Ancona (Italy)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF, MF and HF communication equipment.

  5. MRSC Venezia (Italy)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF, MF and HF communication equipment.

  6. MRSC Trieste (Italy)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF, MF and HF communication equipment.

  7. MRCC Koper (Slovenia)

    - telephone and telefax communication facilities;
    - VHF communication equipment.

8 Alternative communication if the communication facilities of the shore based authorities fail

8.1 ADRIATIC TRAFFIC is planned with a sufficient system redundancy to cope with normal equipment failure. Since that the system is based on the VHF voice communication, each shore based facility has got at least two VHF transmitters/receivers; in addition to that, in case of failing contacts by VHF, the shore based authorities can operate and be contacted through phone, fax, INMARSAT-C and MF/HF facilities. In order to ensure the continuous 24-hour activity, the shore based facilities have been located and manned with properly trained and dedicated personnel in the respective national MRCCs/MRSCs. Should a shore based authority suffer an irretrievable breakdown and call off itself from the system until the failure is repaired, it could be relieved by one of the adjacent shore based authorities.

9 Measures to be taken if a ship fails to comply with the requirements of the system

9.1 The primary objective of the system is to support the safe navigation and the protection of the marine environment through the exchange of information between the ship and the shore. If a ship does not submit reports and can be positively identified, then information will be passed to the competent Flag State authorities for investigation and possible prosecution in accordance with national legislation. Information will be passed also to Port State Control inspectors.

Annex 3 Format of "Adriatic Traffic"ship reporting system first report

Annex 4 Format of "Adriatic Traffic"ship reporting system position report/final report

Note: The format of the position/final report shall contain in addition to this format any other field which differs from the information provided in the last report.


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