2.2.1 The PSCO should verify that:
.1 there are effectively implemented maintenance procedures for the equipment
containing ozone-depleting substances; and
.2 there are no deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting substances.
2.2.2 In order to verify that each installed diesel engine with a power output of more than
130 kW is approved by the Administration in accordance with the NOx Technical Code and
maintained appropriately, the PSCO should pay particular attention to the following:
.1 examine such diesel engines to be consistent with the EIAPP Certificate and its
Supplement, Technical File and, if applicable, Engine Record Book;
.2 examine diesel engines specified in the Technical Files to verify that no
unapproved modifications, which may affect on NOx emission, have been made to
the diesel engines;
.3 in the case of ships constructed before 1 January 2000, verify that any diesel
engine which has been subject to a major conversion, as defined in
regulation VI/13, has been approved by the Administration; and
.4 emergency diesel engines intended to be used solely in case of emergency are still
in use for this purpose.
2.2.3 The PSCO should check whether the quality of fuel oil used on board the ship, conforms
to the provisions of regulations VI/14 and VI/18*, taking into account appendix IV to the Annex.
Furthermore, the PSCO should pay attention to the record required in regulation VI/14(6) in
order to identify the sulphur content of fuel oil used while the ship is within SOx emission control
areas, or that other equivalent approved means have been applied as required.
2.2.4 If the ship is a tanker, as defined in paragraph (12) of regulation VI/2, the PSCO should
verify that the vapour collection system approved by the Administration, taking into account
MSC/Circ.585, is installed, if required under regulation VI/15.
2.2.5 The PSCO should verify that shipboard incineration of sewage sludge or sludge oil in
boilers or marine power plants is not undertaken while the ship is inside ports, harbours or
estuaries (regulation VI/16(5)).
2.2.6 The PSCO should verify that the shipboard incinerator, if required by regulation VI/16(2),
is approved by the Administration. For these units, it should be verified that the incinerator is
properly maintained, therefore the PSCO should examine whether:
.1 the shipboard incinerator is consistent with the certificate of shipboard incinerator;
.2 the operational manual, in order to operate the shipboard incinerator within the
limits provided in appendix IV to the Annex, is provided; and
.3 the combustion chamber flue gas outlet temperature is monitored as required
(regulation VI/16(9)).
2.2.7 If there are clear grounds as defined in paragraph 2.1.6, the PSCO may examine
operational procedures by confirming that:
.1 the master or crew are familiar with the procedures to prevent emissions of
ozone-depleting substances;
.2 the master or crew are familiar with the proper operation and maintenance of
diesel engines, in accordance with their Technical Files;
.3 the master or crew have undertaken the necessary fuel oil changeover procedures,
or equivalent, associated with demonstrating compliance within an SOx emission
control area;
.4 the master or crew are familiar with the garbage screening procedure to ensure
that prohibited garbage is not incinerated;
.5 the master or crew are familiar with the operation of the shipboard incinerator, as
required by regulation VI/16(2), within the limits provided in appendix IV to the
Annex, in accordance with its operational manual;
.6 the master or crew are familiar with the regulation of emissions of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), when the ship is in ports or terminals under the jurisdiction
of a Party to the 1997 Protocol to MARPOL 73/78 in which VOCs emissions are
to be regulated, and are familiar with the proper operation of a vapour collection
system approved by the Administration (in case the ship is a tanker as defined in
regulation VI/2(12)); and
.7 the master or crew are familiar with bunker delivery procedures in respect of
bunker delivery notes and retained samples as required by regulation VI/18.
* It should be noted that in the case where bunker delivery note or representative sample as required by
regulation VI/18 are not in compliance with the relevant requirements, the master or crew should have
documented that fact. Where fuel oil supply was undertaken in a port under the jurisdiction of a Party to the
1997 Protocol, the PSCO should report that non-compliance to the appropriate authority responsible for the
registration of fuel oil suppliers (regulation VI/18(8)(a)).