Question | Yes | No |
- Has a Waste Management Plan (WMP) been developed and implemented for ship wastes?
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- Is the Waste Management Plan part of an overall Environmental Management System (EMS) for the port?
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- Are marinas and fishing harbours covered by the port EMS or required to
develop their own EMS?
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- Does the WMP provide a brief summary of the types of wastes received and the collection and disposal facilities/services?
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- Does the WMP address and provide management objectives for:
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- Operations:
Facility Management Maintenance Signage Infrastructure Contractual arrangements Emergency Response . Seasonal Variations Training and Education Delegation of Responsibilities and Accountability Compliance with regulatory conditions, including auditing | | |
- Technical Standards:
Facility Requirements Incorporation ofnew technologies Cleaning requirements Maintenance of equipment to technical standards | | |
- Environmental Considerations:
Prevention of pollution to surface waters Noise Emissions Visual Impacts Odour Emissions Special considerations due to surrounding environment (ego proximity to wetland or mangrove areas) Coastal Processes (ego extreme tides) | | |
- Plansforfuture expansion / upgrades:
Oily Wastes Noxious Liquid Substances Sewage Garbage Recycling of wastes Quarantine wastes | | |
- Are contact details held for all waste service providers?
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- Are the service providers licensed/approved as required by legislation?
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- Are a copy ofthe licences on file?
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- Are a copy of the licences for the waste disposal facilities used by the service providers held on file?
| | |
- Have receipts for waste disposal been sighted / copies held on file?
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- Are alternative waste service providers or disposal facilities available (eg spare drums, waste oil recyclers)?
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- Is there a procedure for choosing waste disposal service providers (eg list of preferred contractors)?
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- Are the details of back-up facilities available on file?
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- Does the WMP include an emergency response plan?
| | |
- Is the plan adequate in that it addresses at least the following issues?
spillage ofliquid spillage of solids leakage of gas fire or explosion emergency contacts other (specify) | | |
- Is information recorded on the quantities of each waste stream which are received, date of receipt, disposal contractor and method of disposal or treatment? (Data sighted/copies attached)
Oily wastes Noxious Liquid Substances Sewage Garbage Recycling of wastes Quarantine wastes | | |
- Are there variations in the quantities of each waste stream received?:
in anyone month (eg due to shipping variations) in anyone year (eg due to seasonal effects) over a number ofyears(eg due to industry growth) don't know | | |
- Is this infonnation analysed on an on-going basis to detect changes in usage (both short term season variations and long term growth or reductions) and assist in formulating future plans? (Graphs sighted):
| | |
- Is on-going consideration given to changes in demand for waste reception
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- Do plans exist for future upgrades, extensions or reductions to the waste reception facilities?
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- Is there an on-going process for reviewing existing facilities and determining changes that may be required to meet adequacy, timing or waste generation demands?
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- Are there provisions for audits against the WMP (at least within 2 years of implementation and thereafter every 3 years?
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- Is there provision for periodic review of the WMP?
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- Are the relevant requirements of the MARPOL 73/78, UNCLOS and IMO generally adhered to by the users ofthe port?
| | |
- Is there infonnation on the state and local regulations regarding (please list legislation if known):
Waste management Pollution of water Pollution of air Noise emissions Discharges to sewer Storage of dangerous goods Local Government requirements | | |
- Is there infonnation on waste minimisation hierarchy ie avoid / reduce /reuse /recycle / reprocess?
| | |
- Is an open and co-operative relationship maintained between the port authority and the relevant authorities and agents?
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- Are there channels of communication and consultation with relevant organisations to ensure that particular changes in demand are considered in providing waste reception facilities?
(Give examples of consultation methods)
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- Do training programmes for port employees (both of the port authority and users) include a section on waste management and the facilities provided at the port?
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- Is there a section in the WMP or a separate document which is included in agreements with port users and specifies requirements for the usage of port waste reception facilities?
| | |
- Is clear and visible signage for waste reception facilities present and includes:
advice at initial vessel contact point of waste reception facilities: direction to receptacle or disposal point location: labelling of all receptacles and disposal points: contact numbers: emergency procedures: translation into other languages as required: | | |
- Are there infonnation sheets/ leaflets available for each waste reception
| | |
- How is this infonnation conveyed to ships?
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Comments: | | |