Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) apply throughout the area covered by the proposed system.
Since the traffic separation scheme of Les Casquets is approved by IMO, regulation 10 applies therein.
Ships carrying dangerous goods coming from or bound for a port within the reporting
zone must comply with the European Community directive HAZMAT (EC Directive 93/75).
In addition to these international regulations, the joint order issued by the Maritime
Prefect for the Atlantic and the Maritime Prefect for the Channel and North Sea (No. 92/97 Brest,
No.03/97 Cherbourg) regulates shipping in the approaches to the French North Sea, Channel and
Atlantic coasts with a view to preventing accidental marine pollution.
These regulations provide, in particular, that ships carrying oil (MARPOL Annex I),
dangerous liquid substances (MARPOL Annex II), noxious substances (MARPOL Annex III) or
dangerous goods (IMDG Code) which are intending to pass through or to stay in French
territorial waters, must give advance warning by sending a message to the appropriate CROSS
five hours before entering those territorial waters, or six hours before setting sail.
The message sent to CROSS must indicate what movements the ship plans to make in
territorial waters and the condition of its manoeuvring and navigational capabilities.
The same regulations require a watch to be kept on channel 16 VHF or other specific
frequencies in certain areas, and also require that notification be given of any accident occurring
less than 50 miles from the French coast and that the necessary measures be taken by the
maritime authorities to reduce risks.
The United Kingdom has established a pollution control area under the Merchant
Shipping (Prevention of Pollution) (Limits) Regulations, 1996. The reporting zone comes
partially within these limits. Polluting ships within the zone may be prosecuted and sentenced to
a heavy fine.