Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

110(73) Mandatory ship reporting system
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RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulation V/8-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 concerning the adoption by the Organization of ship reporting systems,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.858(20) which authorizes the Committee to perform the function of adopting ship reporting systems on behalf of the Organization,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Guidelines and criteria for ship reporting systems adopted by resolution MSC.43(64),

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-sixth session,

1. ADOPTS, in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/8-1, the mandatory ship reporting system for the waters "Off Les Casquets and the adjacent coastal area", as described in the Annex to the present resolution;

2. DECIDES that the said mandatory ship reporting system will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 June 2001;

3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring this resolution and its Annex to the attention of Member Governments and Contracting Governments to the SOLAS Convention.

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001


RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulation V/8-1 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 concerning the adoption by the Organization of ship reporting systems,

RECALLING FURTHER resolution A.858(20) which authorizes the Committee to perform the function of adopting ship reporting systems on behalf of the Organization,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Guidelines and criteria for ship reporting systems adopted by resolution MSC.43(64),

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-sixth session,

1. ADOPTS, in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/8-1, the mandatory ship reporting system for the waters "Off Les Casquets and the adjacent coastal area", as described in the Annex to the present resolution;

2. DECIDES that the said mandatory ship reporting system will enter into force at 0000 hours UTC on 1 June 2001;

3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring this resolution and its Annex to the attention of Member Governments and Contracting Governments to the SOLAS Convention.

Annex Description of the mandotory ship reporting system for the waters off Les Casquets and the adjacent coastal area.

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

1 Categories of ships required to participate in the system

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The new system will apply to ships of over 300 GT, in line with the MAREP, OUESSREP and CALDOVREP systems already in place in the Channel or west of the Channel.

Within the coverage zone, these provisions replace the MAREP system in force for ships of 300 GT and over. However, ships of less than 300 GT will have to continue to make reports in accordance with the provisions of the voluntary system in the following circumstances:

- When they are not in control of their manoeuvres, or moored in the traffic separation scheme or the coastal area;

- When their capacity to manoeuvre is limited, or

- When their aids to navigation are defective.

Outside the zone, the provisions of the MAREP system remain unchanged.

2 Geographical coverage of the system and the number and edition of the reference chart used for the delineation of the system

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The reporting system would cover the TSS of Les Casquets and the adjacent coastal navigation area.

Thus, the area covered would be bounded by a line connecting the following four points:

A: 50º 10'.0 N / 002º 58'.0 W

B: 50º 10'.0 N / 002º 00'.0 W

C: 49º 20'.0 N / 002º 00'.0 W

D: 49º 20'.0 N / 002º 58'.0 W

The call should be made 2 nautical miles before entering the area (chart annexed).

Traffic crossing on regular routes

Ships making regular voyages from a port situated within the coverage area or in an adjacent area must send their reports to Jobourg. However, since ferries generally sail in accordance with fixed schedules, it will be possible for arrangements to be made on a case-by-case basis between ships and the Jobourg VTS.

Reference chart

The marine reference chart including all the area covered by the proposed system is French chart No.7311 of the Naval Hydrographical and Oceanographic Service (International chart No.1071).

3 Format and content of reports, authority to which reports should be sent services available

The MANCHEREP reports required of ships entering the area covered by the system would be position reports of the OUESSREP and CALDOVREP type which are sent to the VTS by ships identifying themselves in the traffic separation schemes of Ouessant and the Pas de Calais.

A ship may elect, for reasons of commercial confidentiality, to communicate that section of the report which provides information on cargo by non-verbal means prior to entering the system.

The requirements listed below are taken from the standard reporting format set out in paragraph 2 of the appendix to resolution A.851(20).

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The MANCHEREP reports required of ships entering the area covered by the system would be position reports of the OUESSREP and CALDOVREP type which are sent to the VTS by ships identifying themselves in the traffic separation schemes of Ouessant and the Pas de Calais.

A ship may elect, for reasons of commercial confidentiality, to communicate that section of the report which provides information on cargo by non-verbal means prior to entering the system.

The requirements listed below are taken from the standard reporting format set out in paragraph 2 of the appendix to resolution A.851(20).

3.1 Content

The requirements listed below are taken from the standard reporting format set out in paragraph 2 of the appendix to resolution A.851(20).

3.1 Content
The report required should include:

  1. information considered to be essential:
(A)-name of ship, call sign of IMO number(C or D)-position(E and F)-course and speed  When they receive a position report message, the VTS operators do their best to correlate the position of the ship with the information available to them: echo radar at position indicated direction finding data description of the environment given by the officer of the watch position in relation to other ships (in case of dense traffic) course and speed.Information on course and speed is thus an additional element enabling the VTS operators to correlate the announced position and if necessary to pick a ship out from within a group.In addition, in accordance with the provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL conventions, ships will be required to give information on any defects, damage, deficiencies or other limitations, as well as, if appropriate, information on pollution or cargo losses.

3.2 Recipient of report

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The shore-based authority for the whole area is the Jobourg Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) (call sign `Jobourg Trafic’) operating from the premises of the Regional Operational Centre for Surveillance and Rescue (CROSS JOBOURG). This is a service of the Ministry of Equipment, Transport and Housing which is similar to the MRCC and the VTS.

The VTS broadcasts a regular information bulletin on ship traffic at 20 minutes and 50 minutes past the hour. This bulletin indicates:

- information on traffic

- urgent warnings to mariners concerning the area

- special weather bulletins.

This information is broadcast in French and English on VHF channel 80 following a call on VHF channel 16.

The VTS also broadcasts regular weather reports in French (07h00, 15h00 and 19h00 French time) and special reports in French and English at 3 minutes past the hour from coastal transmitters situated at Granville, Jobourg, Port en Bessin and Antifer.

In addition, if required, the VTS can provide personalized information on a ship, notably as an aid to positioning.

4 Information to be provided to ships and procedures to be followed

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

Ships detected and identified are tracked on radar. This tracking in no way exempts masters from their navigational responsibilities.

They are informed about traffic conditions in the traffic separation scheme, about the beaconing situation and about weather conditions; on request, they can receive personalized assistance.

The Channel vessel traffic services keep each other informed of transits by ships, particularly ships carrying hazardous cargoes.

5 Radio communications required for the system, frequencies on which reports should be transmitted and information to be reported

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The proposed communication requirements for the system are those defined for area A1 in the framework of the GMDSS.

Ship reporting is effected by radiotelephony on metric waves. The channels selected are VHF channel 13, on which there is continuous watch by the VTS, and channel 80, which is also used for broadcasting safety information.

The above-mentioned frequency plan would be used pending the modifications made necessary by the use of AIS transponders, which can also be used for transmitting reports. France will be sending a communication to IMO on the subject of the possibility of such transmissions.

If for any reason a ship finds it impossible to communicate with the VTS by VHF, it should use any other means of communication it may have available.

6 Rules and regulations in force in the area of the proposed system

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) apply throughout the area covered by the proposed system.

Since the traffic separation scheme of Les Casquets is approved by IMO, regulation 10 applies therein.

Ships carrying dangerous goods coming from or bound for a port within the reporting zone must comply with the European Community directive HAZMAT (EC Directive 93/75).

In addition to these international regulations, the joint order issued by the Maritime Prefect for the Atlantic and the Maritime Prefect for the Channel and North Sea (No. 92/97 Brest, No.03/97 Cherbourg) regulates shipping in the approaches to the French North Sea, Channel and Atlantic coasts with a view to preventing accidental marine pollution.

These regulations provide, in particular, that ships carrying oil (MARPOL Annex I), dangerous liquid substances (MARPOL Annex II), noxious substances (MARPOL Annex III) or dangerous goods (IMDG Code) which are intending to pass through or to stay in French territorial waters, must give advance warning by sending a message to the appropriate CROSS five hours before entering those territorial waters, or six hours before setting sail.

The message sent to CROSS must indicate what movements the ship plans to make in territorial waters and the condition of its manoeuvring and navigational capabilities.

The same regulations require a watch to be kept on channel 16 VHF or other specific frequencies in certain areas, and also require that notification be given of any accident occurring less than 50 miles from the French coast and that the necessary measures be taken by the maritime authorities to reduce risks.

The United Kingdom has established a pollution control area under the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution) (Limits) Regulations, 1996. The reporting zone comes partially within these limits. Polluting ships within the zone may be prosecuted and sentenced to a heavy fine.

7 Shore-based facilities to support the operation of the system

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

7.1 Shore-based facilities

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The JOBOURG Vessel Traffic Service operates from the premises of the JOBOURG Regional Operational Centre for Surveillance and Rescue. This service has both radar and radio facilities.

7.2 Radar facilities

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

A radar monitoring system of the THOMSON TRS 3405 type is installed at the Jobourg centre. This facility has two transmitters/receivers. The main antenna is situated 202 metres above zero on the charts. An emergency radar facility of the THOMSON TRS 3410 type is also in service. The nominal range of the radar is 64 miles. The centre is manned by technical staff around the clock.

The radar data are processed and then interpreted by the personnel on duty. Watch is maintained on display consoles.

The echo of every ship detected in the area of coverage is noted as an automatically referenced radar track. Any additional information is keyed in by the operators for each track identified. The vessel traffic service is equipped with a system for processing and filing radar data which permits the publication of statistics and trajectography.

7.3 Radiocommunication facilities

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The personnel on watch duty use radio facilities installed at the JOBOURG centre. The vessel traffic service has four dedicated transmitter/receivers for its exclusive use.

In addition, the VTS can if necessary make occasional use of the VHF radio facilities of the MRCC. These are both local and off-site VHF facilities.

The VTS is also equipped with MHF facilities and with aeronautical VHF, which enables it to establish contact with aircraft carrying out monitoring missions.

The operators of the vessel traffic service use direction finders which are accurate to within one half of a degree. One of these is installed at Jobourg and the other at the Roches Douvres lighthouse. On each of these direction finders it is possible to select two different channels simultaneously.

7.4 Information exchange

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

Lastly, a database shared by all three Channel vessel traffic services makes it possible to exchange information on ships identified, so that procedures for contacts between the VTS and the ships can be simplified.

8 Alternative communication if the communication facilities of the shore-based authority fail

Ingangsdatum: 01-06-2001

The VHF radiocommunication facilities of the vessel traffic service are installed in Jobourg. They consist of four single channel transmitter/receivers and one emergency multichannel transmitter/receiver. One multi-channel transmitter/receiver normally dedicated to the Jobourg MRCC supplements the VTS facilities.

Failure of several of the VHF radio facilities of the VTS would not eliminate all possibility of contact between the VTS and ships. There is thus no need to make provision for any special procedure in such a case.

If need should arise for an MF link in the event of failure of the facilities at the Jobourg centre, a call would be made to the Ouessant VTS coastal radio station.

In the event of simultaneous breakdown of both radar monitoring facilities, the harbour master’s office of Aurigny Island would take over the vessel traffic service of Les Casquets until such time as repairs had been completed.

Appendix The report required should include:

Ingangsdatum: 01-05-2008

The report required should include:

AName, call sign, IMO No. (or MMSI No. for reporting by transponder);
BDate and time;
C or DPosition in latitude and longitude or true bearing and distance from a clearly identified landmark;
ETrue course;
GPort of departure;
IPort of destination and expected time of arrival;
OPresent draught;
PCargo and, if dangerous goods are on board, IMO quantity and class;
Q or RDefect, damage and/or deficiencies affecting ship.s structure, cargo or equipment, or any other circumstance affecting normal navigation, in accordance with the SOLAS or MARPOL Conventions;
TAddress for provision of information concerning a cargo of dangerous goods;
WNumber of persons on board;


  • Estimated quantity of bunker fuel and characteristics for ships carrying over 5,000 tonnes bunker fuel;
  • Navigation conditions.

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