Cargo vessels of 500 gross and upwards may, in lieu of complying with the
requirements of regulation 35 of chapter III of SOLAS 1974.
dd-mm-yyyy = Entry into force |
Document |
Equivalent arrangements accepted under regulation 5 of Chapter I
Statement by the Government of the Netherlands
The Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization has the honour to
transmit herewith the text of a statement by the Government of the Netherlands under the
provisions of regulation 5, chapter I of above Convention.
The Secretary-General would be grateful if steps could be taken to bring this information
to the attention of the appropriate authorities.
Statement by the Government
of the Netherlands
Regulation 35 of chapter III of the International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea, 1974 provides that every cargo ship, with certain
exceptions, shall carry lifeboats on each side of the ship of such aggregate capacity as
will accommodate all persons on board and in addition shall carry liferafts sufficient to
accommodate half that number.
The Government of the Netherlands gives notification of the acceptance of
the following equivalent arrangement under the provisions of regulation 5 of chapter I of
the above Convention and in conformity with regulation 26.1.2 of chapter III of the 1983
SOLAS Amendments.
Cargo vessels of 500 gross and upwards may, in lieu of complying with
the requirements of regulation 35 of chapter III of SOLAS 1974:
carry an approved totally enclosed lifeboat, capable of being
freefall launched over the stern of the ship of such capacity as will accommodate
the total number of persons on board and this lifeboat shall be:
- stowed with an approved float-free arrangement so that the lifeboat floats
free when the ship sinks,
- launched by means of an approved launching appliance using an inclined plane,
- served, in addition, by an approved launching appliance for guided lowering
from, and hoisting up into, the embarkation position on board;
- carry liferafts, of the davit-launched type, of such aggregate capacity on each
side of the ship as will accommodate the total
number of per~ons on
board; and
- unless such liferafts can be readily transferred for launching on either
side of the ship, additional liferafts
shall be provided so
that the total capacity available on each side will accommodate twice the total
number of persons on board, and
- unless the liferafts are boarded from a position on deck which is less
than 4.5 m above the waterline in the lightest
condition or have a mass of more than 185 kg, the liferafts on at least one side
of the ship shall be served by
approved launching appliances;
- carry one approved motor rescue boat served by an approved launching appliance.
- If the lifeboat, as required under sub-paragraph .1, complies with the requirements
for a rescue boat, the lifeboat may be accepted as a rescue boat.
- The launching appliances required under sub-paragraphs .1.3, .2.2 and .3 may be
combined, provided that they comply with all relevant requirements.
In accepting this equivalent arrangement the Government of the
Netherlands has taken into account the experience gained with numerous extensive trials
both with models and loaded boats and the experience gained from foreign cargoships which
have been equipped with lifeboats, capable of being free-fall launched over the stern of
the ship.