Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Nr. 29 Drawings to be admitted for approval for ships o.t. fishing vessels
Geldigheid:01-04-2000 t/m 31-12-2004Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Drawings to be submitted for approval for ships other than fishing vessels


Drawings to be approved by NSI: AII drawings have tobe submitted in 3-fold, This is a list of all possible drawings. Not everything is applicable for each ship.

1. Generalarrangement
2. Lay-out of accommodation areas
3. Structural fire protection in accommodation areas
4. Ventilationsystem in accomrnodation areas
5. Inspection report on noise levels
6. Stability calculation (preliminary and final version) (passenger ships only)
7. Damage stability calculation (preliminary and final version)(passenger ships only)
8. Lines.plan(passenger ships only)
9. Damage control plan (passenger ships only)
10. Plan of firezones (passenger ships only)
11. Plan of fire doors (passenger ships only)
12. Helicopter landing and pick-up area(ro-ro passenger ships only)

1. Lay-out of engine room
2. Data of propulsion machinery
3. Data of auxiliary machinery
4. Lay-out and connection of acetylene welding and cutting installation
5. Flooding calculation of sea valves in temporarily unmanned engine rooms
6. Diagram of deckwash and fire-fighting system
7. Diagram of bilge and ballast system
8. Diagram of fixed fire extinguishing systems(including necessary data, calculations and manuals)
9. Diagram of steering gear (hydraulical part)
10. Diagramof dirty oil system
11. SOPEP(Ship Board Oil Ponution Emergency Plan)
12.Arrangements for the cardage of dangerous cargoes
13. Arrangements for the cardage of INF-Code material
14.Shipboard emergency plan for the cardage of INF-Code material
15. Diagram of sanitary system (passenger ships only)
16. Diagram of cargo heating or cooling system (tankers only)
17. ODME Manual (Oil DischargeMonitoring Equipment Manual) (oil tankers only)
18. COW Manual (Crude Oil Washing) (oil tankers over 20.000 tons only)
19. Clean Banast Manual (oil tankers over 20.000 tons only)
20: P&AManual (chemica ltankers only)
21. Gas Manual (gas tankers only)

1. Safety plan
2. Plan showing visibility from bridge
3. Bridge lay-out including data of GMDSS equipment and navigation equipment
4. Arrangement and particulars of survival craft
5. Arrangement of magnetic compasses
6. Arrangement of navigation lights with necessary data
7. Antenna plan
8. Emergency escape plan, including evacuation analysis (passenger ships only)
9. Fire control plan(passenger ships only)
10.Search and Rescue plan(passenger ships only)
1I.Decision Support System(passenger shipsonly)
12. Fire patrol plan (passenger ships only)
13. Craff operating Manual (HSC vessels only)
14. Route operational Manual (HSC vessels only)
15.Training Manual (HSC vessels only)
16.Maintenance and Service Manual (HSC vessels only)

Drawings to be approved by the classification society: All drawings have to be forwarded directly from the dassification society to NSI in 1-fold with the accornpanying letter and remarks of the classification society.
This is a list of all possibie drawings. Not everything is applicable for each ship.


1. Stability calculation (preliminary and final version)(not for passenger ships)
2. Damage stability calculation (prelirninary and flnal version)(not for passengerships)
3. Lines plan (not for passenger ships)
4. Capacity plan (hot for passenger ships)
5. Darnage control plan (not for passenge rships)
6. Grain stability calculation(preliminary and final version)
7. Loading requirements with regard to the strength of the ship (Ioading rnanual)
8. Freeboard calculation
9. Freeboard report
10. Construction plan
11. Midship section
12.Construction fore and aft ship
13.Grainbulkhead(s) and particulars of temporary fittings
14. Stern post and rudder stock
15. Steel hatch covers
16.Acces hatches and doors
17.Watertight doorsinduding control systerns(mechanical and electrical part)
18.Air pipes and sounding pipes or sounding devices
19.Scuppers and deckdrains
20.Plan of side scuttlesand windows
21.Details of fittings for the carriageof tirnber
22.Means of access to and provisions inside tanks (tankers only)
23.Calculation and data of segregated ballasttanks (oil tankers only)
24. Calculations of the hypothetic outflow of oil and limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks (oil tankers only)
25.Plan of gas dangerous zones(chernica and gastankers only)
26.Strength calculation for tanks including data necessary for the Certificate of Fitness (gas tankers only)
27.Data relating to the materials used for tanks, insulation and the ship's hull (gas tankers only)

1. Diagram of fuel system
2. Diagram of lubricating oil system
3. Diagram of cooling water system
4. Diagram of starting air system
5. Diagrams and descriptions of bridge control, automation and alarmsystems
6. List of technical alarms
7. Sterntube with propeller shaft and glands
8. Pitchpropeller including control device (hydraulicaland electrical part)
9. Fired stearnand vapour pressureboilers
10. Burnerinstallations, including description of autornatic control systems
11. Feedwaterand stearnsystern
12.Therrnaloil boilers and thermal oil systern
13. Diagram of cargo lines (tankers only)
14. Diagram of purging and venting lines (tankers only)
15. Mechanicalventilation in cargo area (tankersonly)
16. Inert gas system (rnechanical and electrical part) (tankers only)
17. Lay-out of cargo pump rooms (tankers only)
18.Cargotank overflow control system(tankers only)
19.Systems for the control of the atmosphere in and around tanks (gas tankers only)

1. Cargo Securing Manual

1. Electrical Ioad balance calculation
2. Diagram of main switchboard
3. Diagram of emergency switchboard
4. Diagram of starting systems for emergency diese lengines
5, Diagram of emergency battery system
6, Diagram of distribution and sub-distribution boxes
7. Diagram of distribution panels for navigation lights and nautical instruments
8. Diagram of fire fighting pumps and emergency fire fighting pumps
9. Diagram of propulsion remote control system
10. Diagram of control and protection of main and auxiliary diesel engines, oil-fired boilers and heaters (thermal oil, inert gas, incinerators)
11. Diagram of general alarmsystem
12. Diagram of control and/or alarm of fixed fire extinguishing systems
13. Diagram of engine room alarm system and rernote extensions
14.Diagram and arrangement plans of automatic sprinkler, fire detection and alarm systems
15. Diagram of steering gea rand associated alarm system, including rudder governing control system
16. Diagram of control and signalling of watertight sliding doors
17. Diagram of internal communication and public adress system
18. Diagram of supply system for GMDSSinstallation
19, Diagram of rite doors signalling and control system(passenger ships only)
20. Deck plans showing lighting and emergency lighting
21. Diagram of electrical equipment in cargo area (oil. gas and chemical tankers only)
22.Diagram of cargo tank overflowalarmand control system(gasanti chemicaltankers only)
23. Diagram of cargo measuring and control equipment (gas and chemical tankers only)
24. Systems for the control of the atmosphere in and around the tanks (gas tankers only)

Existing vessels which will be brought under Dutch flag

AIIdrawings must have been approved by, or on behalf of, the former flag state.
AII drawings have to be submitted in 2-fold except where indicated.
This is a list of all possible drawings. Not everything is applicable for each ship.

1. General arrangement
2. Structural fire protection, including fire zones and fire doors(passengershipsonly)
3. Ventilation plan (passenger ships only)
4. Fînal stabitity calculation
5. Final damage stability calculation
6, Final grain stability calculation
7. Damage control plan
8. Free board calculation
9. Free board report

1. Data of propulsion machinery
2. Data of auxiliary machinery
3. Diagram of deckwashand fire-fighting system
4. Diagram of bilge and ballast system
5. Diagram of fixed fire extinguishing systems(including necessary data, calculations and manuals)
6. Diagram of steering gear system(electrica and hydraulic)
7. Diagram of dirty oilsystem
8. SOPEP(Ship Board Oil Pollution Emergency Plan)
9. ODME Manual (Oil DischargeMonitoring EquipmentManual) (oil tankers only)
10.COW Manuat (CrudeOil Washing) (oil tankers over 20.000 tons only)
11. CleanBallast Manual (oiltankers over 20.000 tons only)
12.P&A Manual (chemical tankers only)
13.GasManual (gas tankers only)

1. Safetyplan (to be submitted in 3-fold)
2. Bridgelay-out induding data of GMDSS equipment and navigation equipment
3. Arrangement and particulars s of surviva lcraft
4. Cargo Securing Manual
5. Emergency escape plan (passenger ships only)
6, Firecontrol plan (pasenger shipsonly)
7. Search and Rescue plan (passenger shipsonly)
8. Decision Support System(passenger ships only)
9. Firepatrol plan (passenger ships only)
10.Craft operating Manual (HSC vessels only)
11.Route operational Manual (HSC vessels only)
12.Training Manual (HSC vessels only)
13.Maintenance and Service Manual (HSC vessels only)

When a series of vessels are built on the same shipyard according to the same drawings the following is appticable.
For the first ship the drawings have to be submitted as stated on the list of newbuilding vessels. For every following ship only the following drawings are to be submitted, Where applicable these drawings must be approved by the dassification society (see under 'newbuilding').
The classification society has to produce a statement that the vessels are identical and can be treated as sister vessels.
This is a list of all possible drawings. Not everything is applicable for each ship.

1. General arrangement
2. Final stability calculation
3, Final damage stability calculation
4. Damagecontrol plan
5. Final grain stability calculation
6. Grain bulkhead(s) and particulars of temporary flttings
7, Details of fittings for the carriage of timber
8, Inspection report on noise levels
9. Freeboard calculation
10, Freeboard report

1. SOPEP(Ship Board Oil Pollution EmergencyPlan)
2. ODME Manual (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment Manual) (oil tankers only)
3. COW Manua( (Crude Oil Washing) (oil tankers over 20,000 tons only)
4. Clean Ballast Manual (oil tankers over 20.000 tonsonly)
5. P&A Manual (chemical tankers only)
6, Gas Manual (gas tankers only)

1. Safety plan
2. Cargo Securing Manual
3. Search and Rescueplan (passenger ships only)
4, Decision Support System(passenger ships only)
5. Fire patrol plan (passenger shipsonly)
6. Craft operating Manual (HSC vessels only)
7. Route operational Manual (HSC vesseIs only)
8. Training Manual (HSC vessels only)
9. Maintenance and Service Manual (HSC vessels only)
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