Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Nr. 14 Lanyard of epirb
Geldigheid:03-08-1995 t/m 31-12-2004Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Translation Of letter SI-22.032/95/SIKN dd 3 August 1995

Lanyard of epirb

The purpose of the lanyard of an epirb, which is required by the IM0 guidelines, is hot known to everybody. During inspections it was noted that the lanyard often was used as painter line or as lashing.
The investigation of the sinking of the fishing vessel "Anne Jenny " showed that the float free capability of the epirb had been hampered by the tangled lanyard or that the lanyard had been used as lashing.
Looking at this accident and also the previous mentioned experiences met during inspections, the Netherlands has decided to prohibit the use of the lanyard. As this is not in compliance with the IM0 guidelines IMO has been informed.
A copy of SLS.14/Circ.130 is attached to this letter.

Please advise your surveyors to pay special attention to this lanyard and to take the appropriate action if the lanyard may hamper the free floating of the epirb.

Yours truly,

Head Shipping Inspection,
on behalf

H.A. de Rooy
3 augustus 1995
Ons kenmerk:
lijn epirb

Mijne heren,

Het doel van de, volgens IM0 richtlijnen voorgeschreven, lijn bij een epirb was niet voor iedereen duidellijk. Tijdens inspecties bleek dat de lijn vaak werd gebruikt als vanglijn of extra sjorlijn.
Bij het onderzoek naar het vergaan van het vissersschip Anne Jenny is gebleken dat de epirb niet vrij kon opdrijven omdat de lljn ervan verward is geraakt, of is gebruikt als sjordraad.
Gezien dit voorval en de eerder opgedane ervaringen bij inspectie heeft Nederland besloten de lijn niet meer toe te staan.
Aangezien dit een afwijking is van de IMO richtlijnen, behoort dit formeel aan de IM0 te worden gemeld. Een afschrift van deze melding treft u bijgaande ter informatie aan.

Ik verzoek u bij inspectie resp. controle van de epirb de lijn te (laten) verwijderen indien de mogelijkheid bestaat dat door de lijn het vrij opdrijven van de epirb kan worden belemmerd.


Het Hoofd Van De Scheepvaartinspectie,
namens deze,
Hoofd Afdeling Koopvaardij (1.Hfd .) ,

H. A. de Rooy


Equivalent arrangements accepted under regulation I/5

Radiecommunication equipment

Statement by the Goverument of the Netherlands

The Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization has the honour to trammit herewith the text of a stalemem by the Govemmem of the Netherlands under regulation 1/5 ofthe above Convention.

The Secretary-General word be grateful if steps could be taken to bring this inforrnation to the attention of the appropriate authorities.


Regulation IV/14.1 of the International Convenfion for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires all equipment to which chapter IV applies to conform with appropriate performance standard not inferior to those adopted the Organization. Where float-free emergency position-indicating radio beacons operating on 406 MHz are concemed, the appropriate performance standard is |aid down in resolution A.763(18).

Paragraph 2.3.10 of this resolutionrequires the EPIRB tobe equipped with a buoyant lanyard suitable îor use as a tether, which should be so arranged as 10 prevent its being trapped in the ship's structure when floating free.

Experience in the Netherlands both during mandatory inspections as well as during intspection carried out in connecction with regulationI/19 of the SOLAS Convention has given rise for concern about this requirement. It was established that on several vessels the lanyard was used as a lashing to addifionally secure the EPIRB to the ship.

The recent sinking of a dutch fishing vessel raised further concern about this laynard.

The SAR-acfion was severly hampered by the fact that the EPIRB layard had become entanglod in the vessel's toast structure (this was estabIished after the wrick was lifiled). This resulted in the EPIRB giving a single burst alert before going down with the ship as a result of which no posifion could be established. Only after one a a half hours, when the lanyard broke and the EPIRB drifted up and started transmittingin its normal sequence, could theSAR action be inifiated.

It is the view of tbc Netherlands that the lanyard on EPIRBs does not make'a significant contibution to the safety of life at sea. For the purpose of tethering it to a survival craft suffïcient material is available in those survival craft to do so.

In view of the above, the Netherlands gives notification of the following equivalent arrangements to regtdadon IV/14.1, under the provisions of regulauon F5 of the above Convention:

"Float-Free Emergency Posifion-lndicafing Radio Beacons operating on 406 MHz are not allowed tobe fitted with the layard as stipulated in paragraph 2.3.10 of resolution A.76318 B> but instead have to be fitted with a suitable fitting for attachmend of a lanyard originating from a survival craft or rescue boaL"
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