Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoRO no. 32 - Remote Survey
Geldigheid:26-01-2024 t/m Versie:vergelijk
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Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

1 Introduction

This Instruction to Recognised Organisations (ROs) has been set by the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate (NSI) in relation to the acceptance of remote survey on board ships. This instruction provides the ROs guidance in relation to remote surveys, that can be divided in 2 categories:

  • Remote classification surveys

  • Remote statutory surveys

2 Remote classification surveys

Remote surveys in accordance with IACS UR Z29 - Remote Classification Surveys, as defined under 1.2.1 (Remote survey), are allowed for Class-related items for ships flying the flag of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

3 Remote statutory surveys

The topic of remote surveys is currently addressed in IMO ((sub)Committees 'III' and 'MSC'). Pending the outcome, envisaged in 2024, the NSI only allow remote statutory surveys based on case by case approval; whereby following text of the IMO is taken into account:

A remote statutory survey is a means of statutory survey that enables examination of a ship's hull structure, machinery components and systems, and ship's equipment and/or gathering information and evidence of compliance with applicable requirements without the physical attendance on board of the surveyor 1 . In the absence of a surveyor on board, the examination and tests are carried out by a competent crew member and/or a qualified technician of an approved service supplier under the remote supervision and instructions of the surveyor by two-way audio and video communication or other accepted means of communication and to the satisfaction of the surveyor.

The following boundaries are to be reckoned with when applying for acceptance of a remote surveys in relation to statutory-related remote surveys:

  • The scope of eligible remote statutory survey items is aligned with the 'IACS UR Z29' and with the EU submission to the IMO as well as the IACS submission to IMO, i.e. only minor2 statutory-related survey items can be considered.

  • Full statutory annual, periodical, intermediate, initial or renewal survey are in principle excluded as EU flag States are bound to the principles laid down in the EU Commission submission to the IMO.

3.1 Procedure for remote statutory surveys

A well-founded proposal for a remote statutory survey may be submitted by the RO to the NSI for approval by the NSI (case by case), provided that the following is addressed at least:

  • At the request of the shipowner;

  • Accepted by concerned RO, complying with this Instruction3;

  • It is concerning of minor (statutory) survey items / non-compliances4, isolated and easily verified;

  • (if considered necessary) with assistance and/or confirmation report by the relevant RO approved service supplier.

3.2 Remote statutory survey not covered under minor survey items

In exceptional cases, the NSI may accept that statutory survey items, not being minor statutory survey items, are surveyed remotely. This however only in cases when physical attendance on board is impossible (e.g. due to access or travel restrictions, lack of surveyor). In these cases always a confirmatory verification on board shall be included in the well-founded proposal, either as soon as possible or during the next scheduled statutory survey.

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