Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoRO no. 19 - Medical oxygen supply system on board ships carrying dangerous goods or substances identified as a marine pollutant
Geldigheid:22-07-2021 t/m Versie:vergelijk Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

1. General

The purpose of this Instruction is to provide the Recognised Organisations (ROs) with necessary information to carry out surveys on behalf of the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate (NSI) with respect to medical oxygen supply system on board ships carrying dangerous goods in packaged form as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/1, carrying substances identified as a marine pollutant in the IMDG Code, or carrying dangerous goods in solid form in bulk as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/7, and in accordance with the Regulation Seagoing Vessels (‘Regeling Veiligheid Zeeschepen’). The Oxygen Supply system shall meet the requirements as set out in the Policy Rule Safety Seagoing Vessels (‘Beleidsregel Veiligheid Zeeschepen ’) paragraphs 5.1 to 5.3 as far as practicable and reasonable.

2. Requirements

With regard to SOLAS regulation VII/2.4 and VII/7-1.3, and taking into account paragraph of the IMDG Code and paragraph 3.1.3 of the IMSBC Code, as well as article 25 and article 49 of the Netherlands Regulation Safety Seagoing Vessels, for ships carrying dangerous goods in packaged form as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/1, carrying substances identified as a marine pollutant in the IMDG Code, or carrying dangerous goods in solid form in bulk as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/7 (IMSBC Code), the NSI requires:

  1. a copy of the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG) to be on board;
  2. these ships to be equipped with non-portable medical oxygen cylinder(s), and a portable medical oxygen-giving set ready for use including a spare portable medical oxygen cylinder, as set out in table 1 of this Instruction, meeting the following requirements:
    1. The medical oxygen shall be directly provided or delivered by a pharmacist1;
    2. The non-portable medical oxygen cylinder(s) shall be stored:
      1. outside the ship’s accommodation space in a protected location and not exposed to excessive heat, flames, or a corrosive atmosphere, and located so that they cannot be easily damaged or disturbed; or
      2. inside the ship’s accommodation space in a location which is properly ventilated in case of escape of the oxygen from the cylinder, and located so that they cannot be easily damaged or disturbed.
    3. The medical oxygen cylinders shall all be fitted with:
      1. a pressure regulating unit,
      2. a pressure gauge,
      3. a key to open the cylinder; and
      4. a safety valve allowing for any overpressure to lead to open deck by means of a steel pipe;
    4. The fixed oxygen lines and installation parts of the non-portable elements of the ship’s medical oxygen supply system are constructed in accordance with the relevant rules of the RO.
    5. When the medical oxygen cylinders are not used, the seal shall remain intact in order to prevent leakages;
    6. All medical oxygen cylinders shall have the same connectors and color;
    7. The pressure in all non-portable medical oxygen cylinders shall be the same;
    8. The medical oxygen cylinders shall have clear markings with "oxygen for medical use";
    9. The contents of the medical oxygen cylinders must be checked and changed as required by the manufacturer’s instructions or every three years in the absence of manufacturer’s instructions;
    10. The medical oxygen supply system shall be inspected annually in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions;
    11. The medical oxygen cylinders shall be hydrostatically tested every ten years, or at an interval specified by the manufacturer, whichever occurs sooner;
    12. The medical oxygen supply system shall be addressed in the ship’s risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E).

Beside this, the NSI permits, in case the non-portable medical oxygen cylinder(s) are stored inside the ship’s accommodation space, the non-portable oxygen cylinder(s) to be stored inside the ship’s hospital besides the bed(s), provided that:

  1. the cylinder(s) are securely locked in a frame connected directly to the steel structure of the ship and the locking system is of a quick release type;
  2. a warning sign indicating the presence of oxygen has been posted at the entrance of the ship’s hospital.

The NSI accepts that a ship issued with a valid Document of Compliance for Dangerous Goods need not carry medical oxygen cylinders while not actually loading, carrying or discharging any such dangerous goods. The shipboard Safety Management System (SMS) must include provisions to ensure that the medical oxygen cylinders and medical oxygen supply system will be provided onboard before the ship begins any of these operations with dangerous goods.


Regulation Safety Seagoing Vessels, Annex 5, Colom A & B:

Regulation Safety Seagoing Vessels, Annex 5, Colom C:

Non-portable medical oxygen cylinder(s)

1 (40 L/200 bar)*; or

2 (20 L/200 bar)*; or

4 (10 L/200 bar)*
Portable medical oxygen-giving set, ready for use

1 (2 L/200 bar)*


None, recommended: 1 (2 L/200 bar)

Spare portable medical oxygen cylinder

1 (2 L/200 bar)*

None, recommended: 1 (2 L/200 bar)

Table 1 - Different compositions medical oxygen system

* A minimum of 44 L/200 bar oxygen of which there should be at least:

  • One complete portable set with 2 L/200 bar oxygen ready for use with a spare cylinder of 2 L/200 bar; and
  • One oxygen cylinder of 40 L/200 bar (at ship’s hospital, assembled for direct use) with one flowmeter unit (two ports) for supplying of oxygen for two persons at the same time. If more than one non-portable oxygen cylinder is used, there must be two flowmeter units for supplying of oxygen for two persons at the same time.

1 The purchase of Medical Oxygen Cylinders has to be supervised by a Pharmacist with a GMP-certificate in accordance with Directive 2003/94/EC, “Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for medicines and investigational medicines for human use” and the Dutch Medicines Act (‘Geneesmiddelenwet’). The manufacture of Medical Oxygen Cylinders shall comply with Annex 6 “Manufacture of Medicinal Gases” of the EudraLex - Volume 4 - Good Manufacturing Practice. (GMP) guidelines.

3. Survey

With regard to SOLAS regulation I/8, for ships carrying dangerous goods in packaged form as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/1, carrying substances identified as a marine pollutant in the IMDG Code, or carrying dangerous goods in solid form in bulk as defined in SOLAS regulation VII/7 (IMSBC Code), the NSI requires:

  1. the medical oxygen supply system to be subject to the surveys as specified in SOLAS regulation I/8;
  2. the annual survey as specified in SOLAS regulation I/8(b)(iii) to include an inspection of the medical oxygen supply system, verifying that:
    1. the medical oxygen supply system has been annually inspected according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
    2. the medical oxygen cylinders have been hydrostatically tested every ten years2, or at an interval specified by the manufacturer, whichever occurs sooner; and
    3. the contents of the medical oxygen cylinders have been checked and changed as required by the manufacturer’s instructions or every three years, whichever occurs sooner.

2 as defined in NEN-EN 1968:2002, as amended


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