Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoS - MARPOL Annex IV - Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships
Geldigheid:01-04-2022 t/m Versie:vergelijk Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Applicability of MARPOL Annex IV

In accordance with the ‘Decree Prevention of Pollution by Ships’ (Besluit voorkoming verontreiniging door schepen) article 5, sub 4 and the ‘Regulation Prevention of Pollution by Ships’ (Regeling voorkoming verontreiniging door schepen) article 5f, MARPOL Annex IV is applicable to all ships.

With regard to MARPOL regulation IV/2, the NSI does not consider MARPOL Annex IV applicable to unmanned pontoons (less or more than 400 GT).

Sewage systems

With regard to MARPOL regulation IV/9, the NSI:  

  1. prohibits the use of a sounding rod as a means to indicate visually the amount of the contents of a holding tank for the retention of sewage;
  2. accepts, for ships of less than 400 gross tonnage, a high level alarm as a means to indicate visually the amount of the contents of a holding tank for the retention of sewage;
  3. requires the capacity of a holding tank and the capacity of a sewage treatment plant to be calculated taking into account the volume of sewage per person on board per day, as set out in table 1; and
  4. requires the capacity of the holding tank to be sufficient for at least three days, unless there are circumstances justifying a lower capacity requiring a well-founded proposal to be submitted by the shipowner, through / via the ROs branch office in the Netherlands, to the NSI and the permission from the NSI thereof.  
Table 1: Volume of sewage per person on board per day
  Without vacuum plant With vacuum plant
  Black water Grey and black water Black water Grey and black water
Passenger ships

70 litre

230 litre

25 litre

185 litre

Other ships

70 litre

180 litre

25 litre

135 litre


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