Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

ItoRO no. 27 - Speed log malfunction
Geldigheid:15-04-2015 t/m 15-04-2022Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Instruction to RO  No. 27 - Speed log malfunction.

Date entry into force: 15-04-2015

Issuance of a temporary exemption in case of malfunction of the speed log measuring speed through  the (STW) water.


For ships constructed on or after 1-9-1984 but before 1-2-1992:   SOLAS 1981 Amend / Chapter V (Reg.1~21) / Reg. 12 ,  ≥ 500GT ,  Ships required by paragraph (j) to be fitted with an automatic radar plotting aid shall be fitted with a device to indicate speed and distance through the water.

Relevant under J iii: The Administration may exempt ships from the requirements of this paragraph, in cases where it considers it unreasonable or unnecessary for such equipment to be carried, or when the ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years of the appropriate implementation date. For these ships an exemption for ARPA would consequently  mean an exemption for a STW speed measuring device.


For ships constructed on or after 1-2-1992 but before 1-7-2002:  SOLAS 1989/1990 Amend / Chapter V (Reg.1~21) / Reg. 12 , idem the above.


For ships constructed on or after 1-7-2002:  SOLAS 1999/2000 Amend / Chapter V (Reg.1~35) / Reg. 19.2.3: 2.3   All ships 300 GT and passenger ships irrespective of size shall, in addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph 2.2, be fitted with:

.4 speed and distance measuring device, or other means, to indicate speed and distance through the water;


For ships constructed on or after 1-7-2014 :    In accordance with MSC Circulars / MSC.1/Circ.1429  SOLAS requires all ships of 50,000 GT to be fitted with a speed and distance measuring device fulfilling SOLAS regulation V/ and, in addition, a speed and distance measuring device fulfilling regulation V/

Both regulations should be fulfilled by two separate devices*, i.e. one speed and distance measuring and indicating device capable of measuring speed through water and one separate speed and distance measuring and indicating device capable of measuring speed over the ground in the forward and athwart ships direction.


* Performance Standards for devices to measure and indicate speed and distance, given in resolution MSC.96(72), have been amended accordingly. These amendments are published in resolution MSC.334(90) and apply to devices installed on ships constructed on or after 1 July 2014.



In accordance with art. 40 of the Ships decree 2004, a ship for which a passenger ship safety certificate or a cargo ship safety certificate is required shall satisfy a.o. the requirements of chapter V  of the SOLAS Convention applicable to that ship. Furthermore, in accordance with art.14 of the Ships decree 2004, these ships shall be subject to the surveys required by regulations I/7 and I/8 of the SOLAS convention.


Further relevant for this instruction:  SOLAS V/16 requires;

1 the Administration shall satisfy herself  that adequate arrangements are in place to ensure that the performance of the equipment required by this chapter is maintained.

2 Except as provided in regulations I/7(b)(ii), I/8 and I/9, while all reasonable steps shall be taken to maintain the equipment required by this chapter in efficient working order, malfunctions of that equipment shall not be considered as making the ship unseaworthy or as a reason for delaying the ship in ports where repair facilities are not readily available, provided suitable arrangements are made by the master to take the inoperative equipment or unavailable information into account in planning and executing a safe voyage to a port where repairs can take place.


1. Ships equipped with a trunk and chest valve (retractable log)

If the ship is equipped with a speed log situated under a chest-valve, making it possible to replace or repair the log without the need for a dry dock, repairs shall take place as soon as practically possible* and a temporary exemption shall be issued for a maximum period of 4 weeks. During this period, the measurements under 3.1-6 of this instruction, shall be adhered to.

*Always taking safe practices for working in enclosed spaces into account. In cases were cargo obstructs access to the speed log trunk, a port of convenience may be used in order to minimize delays.

2. Ships equipped with a fixed installation (non-retractable log)

If the ship is equipped with a fixed non retractable system, consequently a dry-dock or, alternatively, a diving underwater repair company  shall be involved.  In this case a temporary exemption may be granted until repairs can take place, taking the following into account;

Underwater repairs are possible, the log technical specifications indicate the possibility of underwater repairs:

1. If an underwater repair company is available and capable of repairing the log in water, this shall be done as soon as practically possible. All safety precautions, including port or terminalrestrictions shall be adhered to.If an underwater repair company is not available a may be granted until the ship reaches a port where this facility is available.Within the time frame of the , special measures as listed under section 3.1 to 3.6 of this instruction, shall be adhered to.


Underwater repairs are impossible and a dry-dock visit is necessary for the repair;


2. If a scheduled dry docking, part of an intermediate or renewal survey (safety construction, outside bottom survey) is planned within 6 months;a shall be granted until the survey, including the repairs, take place. Inherent tothese outstanding repair works, the intermediate scheduled bottom survey can no longer be executed in-water. Within the time frame of the , special measures as listed under section 3.1 to 3.7 of this instruction, shall be adhered to.


3. If a scheduled dry docking, part of an intermediate or renewal survey (safety construction, outside bottom survey) is scheduled more than 6 months from the date of malfunction, a shall be granted until the dry docking takes place. Within the time frame of the , all special measures listed under section 3 of this instruction, shall be adhered to.


4. If, for any reason,an unscheduled dry docking takes place earlier than the scheduled dry docking/bottom survey, repair of the speed log shall take place a this unscheduled dry docking.


3. List of temporary measures to be taken

  1. Before granting a the administration shall be informed and ItoRO 15,reporting and procedure for non-compliance, shall be taken into account.

  2. Awareness for navigating officers referring to lack of STW (speed through water) information.

  3. Effect on ARPA/ATA and reliability of target acquisitioning to be taken into account.

  4. On ships where ARPA/ATA is a mandatory requirement, navigating officers shall determine an estimated speed through the water at least once every watch and whenever necessary according to safe navigation practices.

  5. Obligation of the master to report failure of SOLAS equipment requirement malfunction under EU directive (reporting obligations) and Port State Control.

  6. Clearly mark the equipmentas being inoperative.

  7. An additional device, with independent power supply, to indicate speed and distance over the ground shall be provided

  8. If the period estimated for this is longer than 6 months the administration shall be informed with all relevant technical details regarding the speed log concerned. This information shall specifically contain details of previous attempts made to repair the equipment including underwater repair possibilities.

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