Ingangsdatum: 05-04-2005
Geldig tot en met: 31-12-2006
13.1 The Administration shall, in accordance with its
procedures, issue to each ship which completes the CAS to the satisfaction of the
Administration, the Statement of Compliance.
Such Statement shall be issued:
.1 in the case of the CAS
in accordance with regulation 13G(6) or 13H(6)(a), not later than 5 months after the
completion of the CAS survey; or
.2 in the case of the CAS
in accordance with regulation 13G(7), not later than 5 months after the completion
of the CAS survey, or the anniversary of the date of delivery of the ship in 2010,
whichever occurs earlier, for the first CAS survey, and not later than the expiry
date of the Statement of Compliance for any subsequent CAS survey.
13.2 The Statement of Compliance shall be drawn up in
the official language of the issuing Administration in a form corresponding to the
model given in Appendix 1. If the language used is neither English, French or
Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.
13.3 The original of the Statement of
Compliance shall be placed on board the ship as a supplement to the ship’s
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate.
13.4 In addition, a copy of the CAS Final Report which was
reviewed by the Administration for the issue of the Statement of Compliance and a
copy of the Review Record, specified in paragraph 11.3, shall be placed on board to
accompany the Statement of Compliance.
13.5 A certified copy of the Statement of Compliance and a copy of the
Review Record, specified in paragraph 11.3, shall be forwarded by the Administration
to the RO and shall be kept together with the CAS Final Report.
13.6 The validity of the Statement of Compliance shall
not exceed 5 years and 6 months from the date of completion of the CAS survey.
13.7 The RO which has carried out the CAS
survey in accordance with regulation 13G(6) or 13H(6)(a), upon satisfactory
completion of the survey, shall issue an Interim Statement of Compliance in a form
corresponding the model given in appendix 1, for a period not exceeding 5 months. It
shall remain valid until its expiry date or the date of issue of a Statement of
Compliance, whichever is the earlier date, and shall be accepted by other Parties to
MARPOL 73/78.
13.8 The Administration may
consider and declare that the Statement of Compliance of a ship remains valid and in
full force and effect if:
.1 the ship is transferred to a
RO other than the one that submitted the CAS Final Report that was reviewed and
accepted for the issue of the Statement of Compliance; or
.2 the ship is operated by a Company other than the one that was
operating the ship at the time of the completion of the CAS survey;
provided the period of validity and the terms and conditions for the issue of the
Statement of Compliance in question remain those adopted by the Administration at
the time of the issue of the Statement of Compliance.
13.9 If a ship with a valid Statement of Compliance is
transferred to the flag of another Party, the new Administration may issue to that
ship a new Statement of Compliance on the basis of the Statement of Compliance
issued by the previous Administration, provided that the new Administration:
.1 requests and receives from the previous Administration, in
accordance with regulation 8(3), copies of all the CAS documentation relating to
that ship which the previous Administration has used for the issue or renewal and
the maintenance of the validity of the Statement of Compliance the ship was issued
with at the time of the transfer;
.2 establishes that the
RO which submitted the CAS Final Reports to the previous Administration is an RO
authorised to act on its behalf;
.3 reviews the
documentation referred to in subparagraph .1 and is satisfied that the requirements
of the CAS are met; and
.4 limits the period and the terms
and conditions of validity of the Statement of Compliance to be issued to those
established by the previous Administration.
13.10 The Administration shall:
.1 suspend
and/or withdraw the Statement of Compliance of a ship if it no longer complies with
the requirements of the CAS; and
.2 withdraw the Statement
of Compliance of a ship if it is no longer entitled to fly its flag.