Recommendation on improved fire test procedures for surface flammability of
bulkhead, ceiling and deck finish materials | | dd-mm-yyyy = Entry into force |
Document | A.Res.753(18) | 04-11-1993 |
Amended by | MSC/Res.313(88) | 26-11-2010 |
RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines
concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from
NOTING that there is increasing interest within the marine industry to use materials
other than steel for pipes and that there are no specific requirements for plastic and
reinforced plastic pipes and piping systems in existing regulations,
RECOGNIZING that guidelines, covering acceptance criteria for plastic materials in
piping systems, appropriate design and installation requirements and fire testing
performance criteria for assuring ship safety, are needed to assist maritime
Administrations to determine, in a rational and uniform manner, the permitted
applications for such materials,
RECOGNIZING ALSO that the framework of the guidelines should provide the freedom to
permit the development of international and national standards and allow the natural
development of emerging technology,
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its
sixty-first session,
- ADOPTS the Guidelines for the application of plastic pipes on ships, set out in
the Annex to the present resolution;
- INVITES Governments:
- to apply the Guidelines when considering the use of plastic piping
on board ships flying the flag of their State; and
- to inform the Organization on the development of national standards and
emerging technology on plastic piping;
- REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to keep the Guidelines under review, and
amend them as necessary.