- Safetyofnavigationandprotectionofthemarineenvironmentareatriskbecause of significant deficiencies in surveys on major shipping routes and the lack of modernsurveysandnewcharts,includingENCs,inthecoastalwatersofmany maritime States;
- Many Contracting Governments to SOLAS need to establish Hydrographic Servicesinordertofulfiltheirobligationsforsurveying,chartingandupdatingas specified in SOLAS chapter V;
- IHO Special Publication 55 “Status of hydrographic surveying and nautical chartingworldwide”( which can be used by governments to initiate the procedures necessary to undertake theseobligations;
- UnitedNationsAssemblyResolutionA/58/240invitestheIMOandtheIHOto continue their co-ordinated efforts to improve surveying and chart coverage worldwide;
- The IHO, which is recognized by UNCLOS as the competent international organizationforhydrographicmatters,canprovideCapacityBuildingsupportto assist any State to establish orenhance its hydrographic services;
theIHOurgesStatestoundertakethenecessaryactionsto:establish/enhancetheirhydrographic services, execute hydrographic surveys, publish and maintain nautical paper charts, electronic chartsandpublications,andissueMaritimeSafetyInformation(MSI)undertheprovisionsofthe GMDSS.
United Nations Assembly Resolution A/58/240 also encourages states to join the IHO and to benefit from the co-ordination which it provides. The International Hydrographic Bureau ( can provide the necessary information on procedures for membership of the organization and/or Regional Hydrographic Commissions.
International Hydrographic Organization
4, Quai Antoine 1er, BP 445
MC98011 MONACO Cedex Principauté de Monaco Tel.+377 93 10 81 00
Fax +377 93 10 81 40
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