Ref. T3/1.01 MSC/Circ.1149
15 December 2004
1 TheMaritimeSafetyCommittee,atitsseventy-ninthsession(1to10December,2004), considered a preliminary report on an explosion during the transport of Hot Briquetted Iron/ DirectReducedIron(HBI/DRI)Finesasaresultofwhichthevesselconcernedwaslostandsix crew members were killed. In considering the report, the Committee:
.1 was advised of other accidents involving similar cargoes, which may evolve hydrogen in contact with water and may heat spontaneously and which may be described as:
Orinoco Iron Remet Fines; Remet Fines(HBI);
Orinoco Remet Fines in Bulk; or
HBI Fines;
.2 noted with concern the lack of proper information on the above-mentioned cargoes and that they are not specifically listed in the BCCode; and
.3 confirmedthat,forsafecarriageofthesecargoes,dueregardshouldbegivento the relevant general precautions in the BC Code and in particular to the appropriate precautions in the entries for “DIRECT REDUCED IRON (A) Briquettes,hot-moulded”andfor “DIRECTREDUCEDIRON(B)suchaslumps, pelletsandcold-mouldedbriquettes(nottobeconfusedwithironsponge,spent)”, notingthatthepropertiesofthesecargoesaresimilartothoseofdangerousgoods
of Class 4.3.
2 TheCommitteefurtherendorsedthedecisionsoftheDSCSub-Committeetocirculate the following DSC circulars (copies attached as annexes to this circular):
.1 DSC/Circ.26regardingincidentsinvolvingthetransportofZincIngotswherein it was noted that, possibly due to the presence of Zinc Ashes not completely removedfromthesurfaceoftheingots,arsineaccumulatedinhighconcentrations inthecargoholdsandthusrecommendsprecautionsforthecarriageofthiscargo;
.2 DSC/Circ.27 detailing an explosion in a cargo hold loaded with re-cycled aluminiumdescribedas “Serox”or “Oxiton”whichnotesthepossibleformation of gases such as hydrogen, ammonia and acetylene.
3 The Committee, in view of the above,
.1 drewtheattention,onceagain,ofshippers,terminaloperators,shipowners,ship operators,companiesandcharterersinvolvedinthetransportofsolidbulkcargoes to:
.1 theneedtoprovidetheshipmasterwithallrelevantinformationonthecargo to be loaded in accordance with Chapters VI and VII of the SOLAS Convention, and the provisions of the BC Code; and
.2 the need, when transporting anysolid bulk cargo, to consult the BC Code;
.2 recommended to shippers and shipmasters:
.1 toensure,beforeloadinganysolidbulkcargo,thesuitabilityoftheholdand its equipment for the product to be transported;
.2 toensure,beforeloadinganysolidbulkcargo,thesuitability ofthecargo for transportation;
.3 toseekadvice,beforeloadinganysolidbulkcargonotspecificallylistedin the BC Code, fromthe competent authorities; and
.4 toonlycommenceloadingifalloftherelevantsafetycriteriacontainedin the BC Code are met;
.3 recommendedthatshipowners,shipoperatorsandcompaniesshouldensurethat shipmasters and crews involved in the transport of solid bulk cargoes are trained in theprovisionsoftheBCCode,includingthesafetymeasurescontainedtherein, and to incorporate theminto their safety management system procedure.
4 Member Governments are invited to bring the above information to the attention of shippers,terminaloperators,shipowners,shipoperators,companies,charterers,shipmastersand allotherpartiesconcernedrequestingthatappropriateactionbe taken,takingintoaccountthe provisions of the relevant IMO instruments when transporting solid bulk cargoes.