4 November 2004
1 MEPC51(29Marchto2 April2004)agreedthatthecurrentresolutions,guidelinesand circulars associated with the existing MARPOL Annex I should not be revised with the sole purposeofbringingcross-referencesinlinewiththenewregulationnumberingsystemunderthe revised Annex I.In addition, MEPC 51 decided that they should only be revised if they containedoutdatedprovisionswhichneedtobeupdatedasaresultofamendmentstoAnnexI,or which need adaptation to technical progress (MEPC 51/22, paragraphs 12.9, 12.9.1 and 12.9.2).
2 MEPC 51 further agreed to instruct the Secretariat to prepare a draft MEPC circular, providingsuitabletableswiththecross-referencesbetweenthe“old”and“new”regulationsof MARPOLAnnexI,andviceversa(MEPC51/22,paragraph12.9.3)foreaseofreferencebyall users of MARPOL Annex I.
3 MEPC52(11to15October2004)consideredandapprovedtheMEPCcircular,attached
atannex,whichcontainsthecross-referencetables. Table“A”providesthecorrelationbetween
thenumbersofregulationsintheexistingAnnexIandtheircorrespondingnumbersunderthe revised Annex I. Table “B”, on the other hand, provides the same correlation but from the revised Annex I to the existing Annex I.
4 Member Governments are invited to disseminate the MEPC circular to their maritime Administration officials, industry and interested organizations with the aim of facilitating the smooth implementation of the revised MARPOL Annex I.