ROUTE - T1 Ships over 40,000 tonnes deadweight, when passing through the entrances to the Baltic
Sea, in view of the fact that 17 m is the maximum obtainable depth without dredging in the area
north-east of Gedser and that the charted depths, even under normal conditions, may be
decreased by as much as 2 m owing to unknown and moving obstructions, should:
.1 not pass the area unless they have a draught with which it is safe to navigate
through the area, taking into account the possibility of depths being as much as
2 m less than charted, as mentioned above, and additionally taking into account
the possible changes in the indicated depth of water caused by meteorological or
other effects;
.2 participate in the ship reporting system (SHIPPOS) operated by the Government
of Denmark; and
.3 exhibit the signal prescribed in rule 28 of the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended, in certain areas in the Store Baelt
(Hatter Rev, Vengeancegrund and in the narrow route east of Langeland), when
constrained by their draught.
2 Ships with a draught of 11 m or more should, furthermore:
.1 use for the passage the pilotage services locally established by the coastal States;
.2 be aware that anchoring may be necessary owing to the weather and sea
conditions in relation to the size and draught of the ship and the sea level and, in
this respect, take special account of the information available from the pilot and
from radio navigation information services in the area.
3 Ships irrespective of size or draught, carrying a shipment of irradiated nuclear fuel,
plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board ships (INF-cargoes) should:
.1 participate in the ship reporting system (SHIPPOS) operated by the Government
of Denmark; and
.2 use for the passage the pilotage services locally established by the coastal States.
4 Shipowners and masters should consider the full potential of the new and improved
navigation equipment introduced in the revised SOLAS chapter V, including Electronic Chart
Display and Information System (ECDIS) when navigating in these narrow waters.