Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

573(14) Ships' routeing
Geldigheid:20-11-1985 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


Ships' routeing


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organizationconcerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

FURTHER RECALLING resolution A.377(X) by which it established procedures for the adoption and amendment of routeing systems other than traffic separation schemes,

HAVING EXAMINED the report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its fifty-first session,

CONFIRMS the adoption by IMO of the new and amended routeing systems other than traffic separation schemes set forth in the Annex to the present resolution.

1 Deep water route

leading to IJmuiden(new route)
(Reference chart: Netherlands Hydrographic Office 1450, 1350 and 1974)

Note: These charts are based on European datum

Description of the deep-water route
The deep-water route is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

 (1)52°28'.15 N .,  4°32'.10 E. 
 (2) 52°28'.58 N.,  4°28'.34 E.
 (3)52°29'.09 N.,  4°24'.30 E.
 (4)52°29'.33 N.,  4°22'.08 E.
 (5)52°30'.28 N.,  4°13'.64 E.
 (6)52°30'.54 N.,  4°12'.31 E.
 (7) 52°31'.78 N.,  3°48'.49 E.
 (8)52°27'.42 N.,  3°41'.33 E.
 (9)52°30'.01 N.,  4°12'.16 E.
 (10)52°29'.96 N.,  4°13'.55 E.
  (11)52°28'.90 N.,  4°23'.03 E.
 (12) 52°27'.89 N.,  4°32'.02 E.


    1 Least water depth
    The least water depths in the deep-water route are as follows:
    (a) between longitudes 3°45'.0 E. and 4°12'.0 E.
    18.20 metres at mean LLWS;

    (b) between longitudes 4°12'.0 E. and 4°22'.0 E.
    17.90 metres at mean LLWS;

    (c) between longitudes 4° 22'.0 E. and 4° 32'.0 E.
    17.40 metres at mean LLWS.
    2 Electronic navigational aidsA dedicated Decca indicator will be brought on board by the pilot to enable the vessel to be informed continuously and highly accurately about its progress along and any deviation from the axis of the route.3 IJmuiden traffic centreThe Ijmuiden traffic centre will organize the use of the dredged channel and will monitor traffic up to a distance of about 20 miles. Information on the times and conditions when the dredged channel is navigable will be broadcast by the Ijmuiden traffic centre on VHF channel 12 with a normal working range of 35 miles.

    2 Area to be avoided in the region of the bermuda islands

    (Reference chart: BA chart 360, edition dated 15 april 1983)

    Description of the area to be avoided

    Because of the great danger of stranding on the extensive reefs fringing Bermuda to the west, north and north-east of the islands, and for reasons of environmental protection, all vessels carrying cargoes of oil or hazardous materials and all other vessels of more than 1,000 gross tons, whether or not bound for Bermudan ports, should avoid the area outside the reefs bounded by the lines connecting the following geographical positions:

    (1) Gibb's Hill lighthouse
    (32°15'.1 N., 64°50'.0 W.)     

    32°39'.0 N., 64°53'.0 W.
    32°39'.0 N., 64°38'.0 W.

    (2)32°08'.0 N., 64°53'.0 W.(7) 32°32'.0 N., 64°29'.0 W.
    (3) 32°12'.0 N., 65°10'.0 W. (8)    St. David's lighthouse
    (4)  32°24'.0 N., 65°10'.0 W. (32°21'.8 N., 64°39'.0 W.) 

    Note: Mariners are warned to navigate with extreme care in the approaches to the Bermuda islands due to the extensive and dangerous fringing reefs. The only safe approach to the islands is from the south-east, preferably in daylight. The outer aids to navigation may be unreliable.

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