RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning
maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,
NOTING the provisions of various international instruments on maritime safely and pollution
prevention concerning languages of the text of certificates issued under these instruments,
BEING AWARE of the importance of a smooth and effective handling of international shipping
and the benefits to all parties concerned which can be derived therefrom,
URGES Governments and authorities concerned which consider that a translation of ship
certificates issued under international instruments and carried on board foreign ships visiting their
ports is needed, to require translation only:
(a) Into a language, the translation into which is stipulated in the instrument in question, or
(b) Into English or French, if there is no such stipulation.
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Publicatie op Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF) – Maritime:
Huidige versie: 1
Datum beschikbaarheid huidige versie: 17-01-2006 (vanaf dit moment beschikbaar op Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF) – Maritime)
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