RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning
maritime safety,
RECALLING FURTHER that, by resolution A.713(17), it adopted interim measures to be taken to
improve the safety of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes,
RECALLING ALSO that, when adopting resolution A.713(17), it recognized the Concern that the
nature of cargo and ballast operations can subject the ships which carry solid bulk cargoes to more
severe patterns of bending and shear forces; that the speed and methods of loading and the
equipment employed in unloading operations at solid bulk cargo terminals may contribute towards
local overstressing and damage; that some solid bulk cargoes can, through their high density anti
Propensity to Shift, pose dangers; and that there was a need for continued and effective
maintenance of the ships concerned,
BEING CONCERNED at the continued loss of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, sometimes
without a trace, and the heavy loss of life incurred,
BEING AWARE of the work undertaken by Governments, classification societies and other
segments of the private sector in this regard,
BEING INFORMED that the Maritime Safety Committee has initiated further measures to enhance
the safety of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, and is in the process of defining the problems and
suggesting solutions, both in the short term and in the long term; is considering all relevant aspects
of risks to ships carrying solid bulk cargoes as a ship type, so that all elements of safety are
assessed in their totality; and has carried out a review of recent losses involving ships carrying
solid bulk cargoes with special reference as to whether they had been subjected to enhanced
NOTING the work done by the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) in
developing survey and maintenance requirements for ships carrying solid bulk cargoes,
1 . URGES Governments, classification societies, shipowners, ship operators, shipmasters and
terminal operators, pending the development of the above-mentioned requirements, to take
immediate measures along the lines specified in the annex to the present resolution;
2. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to carry out, with high priority, its work on the
safety of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, and to develop as soon as possible requirements and
recommendations covering survivability standards, design and construction standards, operational
standards, survey requirements, ship/shore interface aspects and management and training;
3. INVITES Governments thoroughly to investigate accidents occurring to ships carrying solid
bulk cargoes entitled to fly their flats and to submit to the Organization the conclusions arrived at
and recommendations made, so as to assist in the adoption of appropriate remedial measures;
4. INVITES FURTHER Governments in whose territories solid bulk cargo loading and
unloading terminals are situated to advise the Organization of any studies on cargo handling
practices at such terminals for information purposes;
5. INVITES ALSO Governments to take appropriate measures for educating all concerned on
the avoidance of inadvertent overloading;
6. AUTHORIZES the Maritime Safety Committee to circulate the requirements and
recommendations developed in accordance with paragraph 1 above to Governments, classification
societies and others concerned, recommending their implementation;
7. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to keep this subject under continuous review
and to amend or extend the measures set out in the annex as necessary.