RECALLING Article 150) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,
BEARING IN MIND that international conventions concerning ships and their crews adopted by the Organization may have a bearing on ports' infrastructure, suprastructure and operations,
RECOGNIZING the contribution that ports, as nodes in the transport chain, can make towards the promotion of maritime safety, the protection of the marine environment and the facilitation of maritime traffic,
HAVING ASCERTAINED the need, for the Organization, to address ship/port interface matters concerning maritime safety, the protection of the marine environment, the facilitation of maritime traffic and technical co-operation in the relevant fields,
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the work on ship/port interface matters coming under the responsibility of other international organizations,
CONSCIOUS of the need to avoid overlapping and duplication of effort in areas within the competence of other international organizations,
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-third session, the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its thirty-seventh session and the Facilitation Committee at its twenty-third session,
1. AGREES that the Organization should act as a forum to promote co-ordination between relevant
intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations in consultative status on matters of
concern arising from ship/port interface activities relating to the objectives of the Organization and, in
consultation with these bodies, to:
(a) identify subject areas concerning both ships and ports;
(b) establish and periodically update the objectives to be achieved with respect to the subject areas so identified;
(c) make an inventory of the work done and being undertaken by IMO and other intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations in the subject areas identified;
(d) evaluate whether the work referred to under (c) meets the objectives set for the subject areas;
(e) identify subject areas requiring further consideration;
(f) identify, prioritize and periodically update the needs of countries with respect to the subject areas; and
(g) take any action deemed necessary to promote the above areas of activity;
2. INVITES Member Governments to become actively involved in the realization and implementation of the strategy for ship/port interface;
3. INVITES intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations to become actively involved in identifying areas of concern relating to the ship/port interface and to participate in finding ways to resolve the problems giving rise to such concerns;
4. INSTRUCTS the relevant Committees to take appropriate action and keep the matter under review.