Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

718(17) Early implementation of the harmonized system of Survey and Certification
Geldigheid:06-11-1991 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(i) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the fictions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,

RECOGNIZING that the International Conference on the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 1988 (1988 HSSC Conferences), adopted the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at sea, 1974 (1988 SOLAS Protocol), and the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (1988 Load Line Protocol) which introduce, inter alia, the harmonized system of survey and certification under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at sea, 1974 (1974 SOLAS Convention) and the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (1966 Load Line Convention),

RECOGNIZING ALSO that by resolution MEPC.39(29) amendments have been adopted to introduce the harmonized system of survey and certification under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the 1978 Protocol relating thereto (MARPOL 73/8), and that these amendments will enter into force at the same time as 1988 SOLAS and 1988 Load Line Protocols,

RECOGNIZING FURTHER that by the resolutions given below, amendments that will also enter into force at the same time as 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols, have been adopted to introduce the harmonized system of survey and certification under the following instruments:
(a) the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) by resolutions MEPC.40(29) and MSC.16(58),
(b) the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied in Bulk (IGC Code) by resolution MSC.17(58),
(c) the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) by resolutions MEPC.41(29) and MSC.18(58),

NOTING that resolution 1 adopted at 1988 HSSC Conference urges Governments to ratify, accept, approve or accede to the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols as soon as possible and at the same time,

NOTING ALSO that resolutions 2 and 3 adopted at the 1988 HSSC Conference urge Governments which are Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention and the 1966 Load Line Convention to become Parties to the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols at the earliest possible time and invite such Contracting Governments, which are not Parties to the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols, following the entry into force of the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols, to give the certificates, issued under the forms prescribed by the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols, the same recognition as that given to certificates issued under the 1974 SOLAS Convention and the 1966 Load Line Convention,

BEING AWARE that it may be some time before the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols enter into force,

BEING AWARE ALSO that the harmonized system of survey and certification simplifies survey requirements thereby reducing the burden on Administrations and also on the operators of ships and the crews of ships,

BELIEVING THAT the harmonized system of survey and certification is at least equivalent to the present requirements for survey and certification,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation of the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-ninth session and of the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its thirty-first session,

1. AGREES that States that have rarified, accepted, approved Of acceded to both the 1988 SOLAS Protocol and 1988 Load Line Protocol, and are parties to MARPOL 73/78, may:
(a) implement the harmonized system of survey and certification, as detailed in the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols and the respective amendments to MARPOL 73178, the IBC Code, the IGC Code and the BCH Code, on or after 1 February 1992;
(b) issue certificates in the form prescribed by the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols and the respective amendments that introduce the harmonized system of survey and certification into MARPOL 73/78, the IBC Code, the IGC Code and the BCH Code modified in accordance with annex 1;
(c) introduce the harmonized system of survey and certification on their ships as provided for in annex2;

2. AGREES ALSO that States that have ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to both the 1988 SOLAS Protocol and the 1988 Load Line Protocol, and are not parties to MARPOL 73/78, may:
(a) implement the harmonized system of survey and certification, as detailed in the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols, and the respective amendments to the IGC Code, on or after 1 February 1992;
(b) issue certificates in the form prescribed by the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols and the respective amendment that introduces the harmonized system of survey and certification into the IGC Code modified in accordance with annex 1;
(c) introduce the harmonized system of survey and certification on their ships as provided for in annex 2;

3. INVITES Governments that have not implemented the harmonized system of survey and certification in accordance with paragraph 1(a) or 2(a) above to give certificates issued under paragraph 1(b) or 2(b) above the same recognition as that given to certificates issued under the 1974 SOLAS Convention, the 1966 Load Line Convention, MARPOL 73/78, the IBC Code, the IGC Code and the BCH Code, as appropriate;

3A. INVITES FURTHER Governments of States which are Parties to the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols to agree that certificates issued under paragraph 1 (b) or 2(b) above, which are current when the said Protocols enter into Force, remain valid until they expire.

4. REQUESTS Governments that implement the harmonized system of survey and certification in accordance with the provisions of this resolution to inform the Secretary-General of their action and of the date when it will take effect;

5. REQUESTS ALSO that the Secretary-General keep Member Governments informed of those Governments that are introducing the harmonized system of survey and certification in accordance with the provisions of this resolution;

6. URGES Governments to ratify, accept, approve or accede to the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols as soon as possible and at the same time.

Annex 1 Modifications to the forms of certificates prescribed by the 1988 SOLAS and LL Protocols and the respective amendments to MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC, IGC and BCH Codes


After the words "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974", delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 related thereto" and add "in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification."

Record of Equipment for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (Form P)

After "RECORD OF EQUIPMENT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974" delete "AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING THERETO" and add "in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"

Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Form E)

After "RECORD OF EQUIPMENT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974" delete "AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING THERETO" and add "in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"

Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (Form R)

After "RECORD OF EQUIPMENT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974" delete "AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING THERETO" and add "in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"

Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Form R)

After "RECORD OF EQUIPMENT OF RADIO FACILITIES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974" delete "AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING THERETO" and add "in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification".

Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Form C)

After "RECORD OF EQUIPMENT FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974," delete "AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING THERETO" and add "in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification".


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON LOAD LINES, 1966," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


After "Issued under the provisions of the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON LOAD LINES, 1966," delete "as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto" and add "and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


In the paragraph commencing "Issued under ..." delete "and as amended by resolution MEPC.39(29)" and add an asterisk. Add in a convenient position on the certificate the following: "* and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


Under "INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF SHIPS CARRYING DANGEROUS CHEMICALS IN BULK (resolutions MSC.4(48) and MEPC.19(22))" delete "as amended by resolutions MSC.16(58) and MEPC.40(29)" and add "and resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


Under "INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF SHIPS CARRYING LIQUEFIED GASES IN BULK (resolution MSC.5(48))" delete "as amended by resolution MSC.17(58)" and add "and resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification"


Under "CODE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF SHIPS CARRYING DANGEROUS CHEMICALS IN BULK (resolution MEPC.20(22) and resolution MSC.9(53)) delete "as amended by resolution MEPC.41(29) and resolution MSC.18(58)" and add "and resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification."


In the paragraph commencing "Issued under ..." delete "and as amended by resolution MEPC.39(29)" and add an asterisk. Add in a convenient position on the certificate the following:

* and in accordance with Assembly resolution A.718(17) relating to the early implementation of the harmonized system of survey and certification

Annex 2 Introduction of the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification

1 The current certificates that are on board a particular ship at the time the flag State decides to implement the harmonized system of survey and certification in accordance with this resolution remain in force until they expire.

2 It will then be necessary for the owner, in agreement with the Administration and any recognized organizations that issue certificates on their behalf, to decide on a mutually convenient date on which to introduce the harmonized system of survey and certification for the particular ship.

3 It may be decided that the mutually convenient date is the expiry date of one of the existing certificates having a five-year period of validity but the date of the introduction of the harmonized system of survey and certification for a particular ship should not be later than the expiry date of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.

4 Notwithstanding that some certificates may still be in force, when the harmonized system of survey and certification is introduced on a particular ship, renewal surveys would be carried out whether or not they are due and the ship issued with a new set of the relevant certificates. However, consideration may be given to accepting renewal surveys that have been carried out within three months of the date of introduction of the system.

5 In order to ensure that the ship has valid certificates it may be necessary to renew existing certificates that have only one- or two-year periods of validity or to issue short-term certificates so that all the certificates are then renewed on the date when the harmonized system of survey and certification is introduced for the particular ship.

6 When implementing the harmonized system of survey and certification in accordance with this resolution it should be applied to all types of ships and in respect of all relevant instruments.
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