Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

683(17) Prevention and suppression on acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships
Geldigheid:06-11-1991 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

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Prevention and suppression on acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships


RECALUNG Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

NOTING with great concern the still increasing number of incidents involving piracy and armed robbery against ships and the increasing violence against personnel on board such ships,

NOTING ALSO part VII, section lof the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, which defines piracy and provides for remedies against those committing acts of piracy and for penalties to be imposed on them,

RECOGNIZING the grave danger to life and the grave navigational and environmental risks to which such incidents can give rise,

DESIRING that Governments take all necessary action to prevent and suppress acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships,

REAFFIRMING the provisions of resolution A.545(13) adopted by the Organization on 17 November 1983,

HAVING CONSIDERED the advice of the Council at its sixty-sixth session and the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-ninth session,

  1. INVITES Governments to increase their efforts as a matter of the highest priority to suppress
    and prevent acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships in or adjacent to their waters as weil as to ensure that further and prompt action including strengthening of security measures is taken against pirates and armed robbers reportedly operating in their waters;

  2. INVITES ALSO neighbouring States to co-ordinate their actions against pirates and armed robbers operating in areas within or adjacent to their waters;

  3. URGES Governments to ensure that, to the extent possible, information on incidents involving piracy and armed robbery against ships and the modus operandi of pirates and armed robbers is made available to ships transiting their waters or entering their ports by means of notices to mariners and warnings broadcast by their coast stations;

  4. ALSO URGES Governments to encourage ships entitled to fly their flag to ensure that information on threats or attacks by pirates or armed robbers is promptly conveyed to the coastal authority concerned;

  5. FURTHER URGES Governments to encourage ships entitled to fly their flag to take appropriate precautionary measures when entering waters where there is a record of attacks by pirates or armed robbers;

  6. REQUESTS Governments to report promptly and in detail to the Organization all incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships entitled to fly their flag;

  7. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to disseminate any information received on acts of piracy or armed robbery against ships to Member Governments and non-governmental organizations by means of regular circulars;

  8. ALSO REQUESTS the Secretary-General toseek means of providing support for Governments requesting technical assistance on the prevention of acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships by such means as national or regional seminars and workshops;

  9. FURTHER REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to keep this matter under review and take such further action as it may consider necessary in the light of developments.
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