Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

618(15) Ships' routeing
Geldigheid:19-11-1987 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

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Ships' routeing


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization
concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning
maritime safety,

FURTHER RECALLING resolution A.377(X) by which it established procedures for the
adoption and amendment of routeing systems other than traffic separation schemes,

HAVING EXAMINED the report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its fifty-first session,

CONFIRMS the adoption by IMO of the new and amended routeing systems other than
traffic separation schemes set forth in the Annex to the present resolution.

Annex Routeing systems other than traffic seperation schemes

1 Precautionary area and special provisions in the amended traffic seperation scheme off Terschelling and in the German Bight

1. Precautionary area and special provisions in the amended traffic separation scheme off Terschelling and in the German Bight

(Reference charts: German Hydrographic Office 84 and 87 Netherlands Hydrographic Office 1352 and 1355)

Note:  These charts are based on European datum.

1.1 Precautionary area

A precautionary area is established bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

(18)54°02'.4N.,   7°38'.1 E. 

(20) 53°52'.ON.,   7°45'.6E.

 (19)53°52'.ON.,  7°47'AE.  (21) 54°01'.7N.,   7°33'.OE



1.2 Special provisions

It is recommended that this scheme should not be used by the following ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards:

(a) tankers carrying oils mentioned in appendix I, Annex I, to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOU 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), with the exception of gasolines, jet fuels and naphtha, mentioned in this Convention; and

(b) ships carrying in bulk liquid substances classed in categories A and B mentioned in appendices I and II, Annex II, to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOU 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating there to (MARPOL 73/78).

These ships are recommended, instead, to use the "Two-way route for tankers from North Hinder to the German Bight" and the traffic separation scheme "Deutsche Bucht Lightvessel Western Approach".

2 Special provisions and precautionaru area in the new traffic seperation scheme off Vlieland

2. Special provisions and precautionary area in the new traffic seperation scheme of Vlieland

(Reference charts: German Hydrographic Office 84 Netherlands Hydrographic Office 1352)

Note: These charts are based on European datum.

2.1 Special provisions

It is recommended that this scheme should not be used by the following ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards:

(a) tankers carrying oils mentioned in appendix I, Annex I, to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOl 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating there to (MARPOL 73/78), with the exception of gasolines, jet fuels and naphtha, mentioned in this Convention; and

(b) ships carrying in bulk liquid substances classed in categories A and B, mentioned in appendices I and II, Annex II, to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOl 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating there to (MARPOL 73/78).

These ships are recommended, instead, to use the "Two-way route for tankers from North Hinder to the German Bight" and the traffic separation scheme "Deutsche Bucht Lightvessel Western Approach".

2.2 Precautionary area "Vlieland Junction"

A precautionary area is established off Vlieland. The area is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:

(2)53° 29'.07 N.,   04°46' .66 E.(30)53°31' .92 N.,   04°45' .07 E.
(3)53°28'.02 N.,    04°42' .25 E.
(23)53°32'.97 N.,    04°49' .49 E.

3 Precautionary area in the amende traffic separation scheme in the Gulf of Suez

3 Precautionary area in the amended traffic seperation scheme in the Gulf of Suez

3.1 Precautionary area

(n) A precautionary area is established bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions:


(64)28°09'.90 N., 33°17'. 10E.(66) 28°09'.30N., 33°23'.70 E.
(65) 28°06'.80N.,  33°19'. 40E.(67) 28°12'.2N.,  33°21'.45 E.



Note: Recommended directions of traffic flow off Ras-Shukheir. Recommended directions of traffic flow are established in the approaches to Ras-Shukheir Oil Terminal, July, Ramadan and Morgan oilfields.

4 Deep-water route "west of the Hebrides"

4 Deep-water route "west of the Hebrides"

(Reference chart: British Admiralty NO.2721, May 1985 edition)
Note: This chart is based on Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) datum.

4.1 Description of the deep-water route
The deep-water route lies between the outer Hebrides Isles on its south-east side and the Flannan Islands and St. Kilda to the north-west. It is bounded by a line connecting the following geographical positions

(1) 57°34.50' N.,  8°00.00' W.

(3) 58°24.10' N.,  7° 13.50' W.
(2 )58°20.70' N.,  7°03.50' W.

(4) 57°38.05' N.,  8°09.95' W.




(i) The waterdepth in the route, as confirmed by recent detailed hydrographic
surveys, is nowhere less than 34 metres.

(ii) Laden tankers of over 10,000 grt are recommended, weather conditions
permitting, to use this route in preference to sailing through the restricted waters
of the Minches.

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