dd-mm-yyyy = Entry into force |
Document |
Amended by |
MSC/Circ.812 |
16-06-1997 |
Amended by |
MSC/Circ.1355 |
30-06-2011 |
RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,
RECALLING ALSO resolution A.489(XII) on safe stowage and securing of cargo units and other entities in ships other than cellular containerships and MSC/Circ .385 of 8 January 1985 containing the provisions to be included in a cargo securing manual to be carried on board ships,
BEARING IN MIND resolution A.533(13) on elements to be oaken into account when considering the safe stowage and securing of cargo units and vehicles in ships,
TAKING ACCOUNT of the revised IMO/ILO Guidelines for the Packing of Cargo in freight Containers and Vehicles,
RECOGNIZING that the marine transport of road vehicles on ro-ro ships is increasing,
RECOGNIZING ALSO that a number of serious accidents have occurred because of inadequate securing arrangements on ships and road vehicles,
RECOGNIZING FURTHER the need for the Organization to establish guidelines for securing arrangements on board ro-ro ships and on road vehicles,
REALIZING that given adequately designed ships and properly equipped road vehicles, lashings of sufficient strength will be capable of withstanding the forces imposed on them during the voyage,
REALIZING FURTHER that certain requirements for side guards, particularly those positioned very low on road vehicles, will obstruct the proper securing of the road vehicles on board ro-ro ships and that appropriate measures will have to be taken to satisfy both safely a spools ,
BELIEVING that application of the guidelines will enhance safety in the transport of road vehicles on ro-ro ships and that this can be achieved on an international basis,
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-first session,
- ADOPTS the Guidelines for Securing Arrangements for the Transport of Road Vehicles on Ro-ro Ships set out in the Annex to the present resolution,
- URGES Member Governments to implement these Guidelines at the earliest possible opportunity in respect of new ro-ro ships and new vehicles and, as far as practicable. in respect of existing vehicles which may be transported on ro-ro ships,
- REQUESTS the Secretary-General to bring these Guidelines to the attention of Member Governments and relevant international organizations responsible for safety in design and construction of ships and road vehicles for action as appropriate.