Legend / Explanation of abbreviations:
- COLREG: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
- FSS: International Code for Fire Safety Systems
- IACS: International Association of Classification Societies
- IMO: International Maritime Organisation
- LSA: International Life-Saving Appliances Code
- NSI: Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate
- RO: Recognised Organisation
- SOLAS: the International Convention for the Safety of ife at Sea, 1974, and its protocol of 1988: articles, annexes and certificates, as amended
Interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-1/12.6.1
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/12.6.1, for ships constructed before the 1st of January 2024, the NSI allows for fitting the valve on the after side of the collision bulkhead, provided that the valve is readily accessible (which doesn’t necessarily means ‘remotely controlled’) under all service conditions and the space in which it is located is not a cargo space.
Sliding watertight doors on small cargo ships
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/13-1.2, and taking into account:
for cargo ships of less than 500 GT and with a length equal or greater than 24 meter, where the fitting of sliding watertight doors is not feasible or not practicable, doors in watertight bulkheads may be hinged quick-acting doors arranged to open out of the major space protected, provided that:
- the doors are:
- located in way of the internal watertight subdivision boundaries and the external watertight boundaries necessary to ensure compliance with the relevant subdivision and damage stability regulations; and
- not located in external boundaries above equilibrium or intermediate waterplanes;
- the hinged quick-acting doors comply with the requirements of SOLAS and MSC.1/Circ.1464/Rev.1 as amended, and MSC.1/Circ.1572/Rev.1 as amended, as applicable; and
- the hinged quick-acting doors have notices affixed to each side stating, "To be kept closed at sea”.
Interpretation on partial reduction in propulsion capability (13-03)
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/26.3, for a ship equipped with multiple engines driving one or more propeller shafts, the NSI accepts a partial reduction in propulsion capability from normal operation in lieu of the carriage of stand-by pumps, provided that:
- the reduced propulsion capability is at least forty percent of the total rated propulsion power of the ship; and
- any specific conditions as set out in individual class rules have been met.
Redundancy of ship's whistle
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/ and COLREG rule 33, the whistle of a ship flying the flag of the Netherlands and built on or after 24 September 2012 shall, following a breakdown of the ship’s electrical power, be capable of intermittent operation for a period of 18 hours, irrespective of the means of activation of the ship’s whistle (i.e. electrical power or non-electrical power). The provisions should fall within the technical requirements of COLREG Annex III.
Pursuant to SOLAS regulation II-1/, for a ship engaged regularly in voyages of short duration, the NSI may accepts a lesser period than 18 hour period but not less than 12 hours, provided that an adequate standard of safety is being attained. A well-founded proposal shall be submitted by the RO to the NSI.
Additional requirements for periodically unattended machinery spaces (UMS) (15-07)
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/46.2, on board of ships with periodically unattended machinery spaces, the relevant alarms and indicators shall be inspected and tested at least every 4 months.
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/46.3, the ship shall be provided with documentary evidence of the regular inspection and routine testing of the relevant alarms and indicators. Inclusion and recording of the regular inspection and routine testing results of the alarms and indicators in the ship’s planned maintenance system is acceptable as documentary evidence.
The RO shall verify during each survey for the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate that:
- the regular inspection and routine testing of the relevant alarms and indicators have been carried out at least every 4 months; and
- the ship is provided with documented evidence thereof.
Manual closing devices under the waterline (13-02)
With regard to SOLAS regulation II-1/48.3, the following applies:
- the IACS recommended practice on the time requirement for thoroughly closing sea inlets and discharges below the waterline in case of influx of water, as stipulated in IACS Rec. No.100:
- A calculation should be carried out to show that the time taken from alarm activation plus the time to reach and fully close manually operated or powered valves is less than the time taken for the influx of water to reach the control without submergence of the platform on which the person is operating the valve.
- In the event calculations are not available, the NSI considers 10 minutes as ‘adequate time for operation in case of influx of water to the space’, allowing sufficient time for the ship’s crew to close any relevant valve serving a sea inlet, a discharge below the water-line or a bilge injection system, following the sounding of a bilge level alarm in the engineers’ accommodation of the ship.
- In case the calculation as mentioned under 1.a., shows that the ‘time for operation in case of influx of water to the space’ is less than 10 minutes, the calculation shall be submitted to the NSI and the shipowner is to be informed accordingly.
- the unified interpretation of SOLAS regulation II-1/48.3 as stipulated in IMO MSC.1/Circ.1424, as from the 21st of May 2012.
Suspension of Class (10-47)
Suspension of class is a situation in which the ship temporary does not meet the class requirements. The Classification Society (RO) shall inform the NSI, in case a Dutch flagged ship is suspended from class, according Annex II, sub 2.6 of the standing agreement between the ROs and the NSI. Suspension of class is dealt with in accordance with IACS procedure PR 1C, as amended.
In addition to the circumstances for which automatic suspension of class may apply, other reasons for suspension of class may be applicable as per procedures and decision of the RO.
In all cases a suspension of class will remain in effect until such time as matters are rectified and class is reinstated or class is withdrawn.
Notification of suspension or withdrawal of class
When class is suspended or withdrawn, the RO will at the same time:
- inform the ship owner, flag Administration and underwriters of the ship (the latter at the request of the ship owner or by the ship owner), and
- publish the information on its website and convey the information to appropriate databases (Equasis, etc.).
Formally, when the ship has its class suspended, it doesn't meet the Ships Decree 2004, Article 37, paragraph 2 requirement. Based on the above, the related statutory certificates would become invalid as well. However, there is no automatic suspension of the statutory certificates in case of suspension of class. The possible suspension of the statutory certificates will be decided on a case by case situation and in close consultation with the ship owner. However, given the above, the ship owner shall immediately contact both the RO and the NSI in these cases while the ship is intended to remain in operation, especially since such is a legal omission.