Article 6
In this paragraph a designated body also means: a body notified by another Member State of the European Union with the Commission of the European Communities, designated with tasks to be performed within the scope of one or more conformity-assessment modules as referred to in Annex B to the Directive.
Article 7
1. For equipment intended for placing on board of a Dutch ship, the manufacturer shall follow a procedure of conformity assessment.
2. For equipment, not being equipment as referred to in the first paragraph, the manufacturer may follow a procedure of conformity assessment.
3. A procedure of conformity assessment is followed before the equipment is put on the market.
Article 8
1. A procedure of conformity assessment implies for equipment to which pursuant to Annex A.1 to the Directive:
- the conformity-assessment modules B and C are applicable: the EC-type examination, supplemented with the procedure of conformity to type;
- the conformity-assessment modules B and D are applicable: the EC-type examination, supplemented with the production-quality assurance procedure;
- the conformity-assessment modules B and E are applicable: the EC-type examination, supplemented with the product-quality assurance procedure;
- the conformity-assessment modules B and F are applicable: the EC-type examination, supplemented with the product verification procedure;
- conformity-assessment module G is applicable: the unit verification procedure;
- conformity-assessment module H is applicable: the full-quality assurance procedure, as included in Annex B to the Directive.
2. The unit verification procedure, as referred to in the first paragraph, subparagraph e, may only be followed for equipment produced individually or in small quantities and not in series or in mass.
3. If pursuant to Annex A.1 to the Directive two or more procedures as referred to in the first paragraph, are applicable, the manufacturer, without prejudice to the second paragraph, opts for one of the applicable procedures.
4. If assessment standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as well as assessment standards of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) are applicable to equipment, the manufacturer opts for the standards of one of the two authorities.
Article 9
1. For the implementation of a conformity-assessment procedure, the manufacturer chooses a designated body competent to perform the tasks designated to it.
2. If a procedure as referred to in Article 8, first paragraph, subparagraph a up to d, is followed, another designated body than the one for the EC-type examination may be selected for the supplementary procedure.
Article 10
1. In the final phase of the production process, the manufacturer shall affix the mark of conformity to equipment which complies with the product specifications and for which an appropriate conformity-assessment procedure has been followed.
2. The mark shall be followed by the identification number of the designated body which has performed the conformity-assessment procedure, if that body is involved in the production-control phase. The identification number shall be affixed by the manufacturer, unless it is affixed by the designated body itself.
3. The mark of conformity and when the occasion arises the identification number, as referred to in the second paragraph, are followed by the two last digits of the year in which the mark of conformity is affixed.
4. In compliance with Annex D to the Directive, the mark of conformity shall be affixed to the equipment or to its data plate so as to be visible, legible and indelible throughout the anticipated useful life of the equipment. However, where that is not possible or not warranted on account of the nature of the piece of equipment, it shall be affixed to the packaging of the product, to a label or to a leaflet.
Article 11
1. The manufacturer draws up a written declaration of conformity for equipment on which the mark of conformity is affixed by him, in which he states, in compliance with the regulations included in Annex B to the Directive, that that equipment:
- is in accordance with the certificate of EC-type examination and that it complies with the product specifications, if the conformity-assessment procedure has been followed for the equipment, as referred to in Article 8, first paragraph, subparagraph a;
- is in accordance with the certificate of EC-type examination, if the conformity-assessment procedure has been followed for the equipment, as referred to in Article 8, first paragraph, subparagraph b, c or d;
- complies with the product specifications, if the conformity-assessment procedure has been followed for the equipment, as referred to in Article 8, first paragraph, subparagraph e or f.
2. The declaration of conformity, as referred to in the first paragraph, accompanies the equipment.
Article 12
The manufacturer renders all assistance to the designated body and the natural persons or legal persons appointed by it pursuant to Article 16, second paragraph, as far as that is necessary for the performance of the conformity-assessment procedure and the performance of other tasks as referred to in this Act.
Article 13
1. The technical documentation to be supplied by the manufacturer within the scope of a conformity-assessment procedure to the designated body complies with the Appendix to Annex B to the Directive.
2. During a period of at least ten years, the manufacturer keeps the technical documentation, as referred to in the first paragraph, as well as other data to be determined by Ministerial Regulation.
3. When required, the manufacturer supplies the inspection and testing reports which have been drawn up during the conformity assessment of the equipment in operation on board of ships to the persons or bodies which are entrusted by the Netherlands or another Member State of the European Union with the execution of the performance tests on that equipment as required by the Conventions.