I. N.S.I. Interpretations of Solas 1974 with regard to design and practical performance of electrical installations
Note: According to the "Shipping Order 1965" these regulations concern, if not mentioned otherwise, also the
ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, and ships being a "small vessel", that is defined as:
a) lessthan 500
b) length less than 24 m
c) max. sailing area of 30 miles
d) not being a passengership engaged for
international voyages,and
d) not being a passengership engaged for voyages of more than one day.
SOLAS Chapter II-l, Part D, Electrical Installations
Regulation 40, General
Regulation 40.2
in order to ensure uniformity in the implementation and application of the provisions in respect of electrical
installations the Netherlands Adrninistration has included the IEC Publication 92 in the national legislation by
means of issuing the Notice to the Shipping No. 204/1986, which means that the electrical installations have to
comply with the relevant Standards of IEC Publication 92.
Regulation 41 Main source of electrical power
Regulation 41.1.2
In consequence of the requirernent of the services necessary to provide normal operational conditions of
propulsion and safety as well as minimum comfortable conditions of habitability to be ensured in the event of any
one generating set being stopped, it is not allowed to trip the services in question through non-essential tripping
devices in case of normal electric operational conditions being maintained by one or by no more than two
generating sets in parallel according to the approved Ioad balance calculation.
Regulation 41.1.5
Where in a three-phase system the main lighting system is supplied by transformers, there must be two (threephase)
transformers. Where according to the requirements following Regulation
or IEC60092-302 Clause7.8.101.2 a main busbar subdivision is prescribed, each transformer shalI be supplied
from its own of both busbar parts.
Instead of two transformers, in a three-phase system three single-phase transforrners and one stand-by spare
transformer may be accepted, provided that where according to above mentioned requirements a main busbar
subdivisionis prescribed, the supply of the 'three-single-phase-transformer' shall be obtained through a change over
switch near the transformer and by two electric supplies, each connected to one pact of the busbars.
In connection with IEC60092-302 Clause7.8.101.2 the following is prescribed:
1. where the main source of electirical power is not necessary for propulsion of the ship, and the aggregate
capacity of generators connected to the main busbars does hot exceed 100 kVA a.c. or 100 kW d,c., a
subdivision of the rnain busbars is not necessary.
2. where the main source of electrical power is not necessary for propulsion of the ship, and the aggregate
capacity of generators connected to the rnain busbar exceeds100 kVA a.c. or 100 kW d.c., the main busbars
shall be subdivided into at least two isolated parts which shall norrnally be connected by removable links or
other approved means.
3. where the main source of electrical power is necessary for propulsion of the ship, irrespective of the generator
aggregate capacity, the main busbars shall be subdivided into at least two parts which shall norrnally be
connected by circuit breakers or other approved means; in this respect N.S.I.joins the I.A.C.S. interpretation for
other approved rneans being a rnultiple circuit breaker, disconnector or switch-disconnector.
Regulation 41, legal addltion:
in respect to small vessels the aforementioned in regulation 41 is replaced by regulation 64."
Regulation 42, Emergency source of electrical power in passengerships
To fullfil the satisfaction of this Adrninistration with regard to the impossibility of interference as rnentioned, N.S.I.
points at attention for disconnecting and/or shorting the regarding wires for rernote control of ernergency diesel,
emergency switch board, transitional source of emergency power and other controls that might interfere with the
supply, control and distribution of emergency electrical power.
This disconnecting or shorting must be obtained autornatically by means of using auxiliary contacts of the bustiebreaker
in the emergency switchboard or rnanually by using contacts of a change-over switch in the emergency
switchboard for 'emergency, stand-by / harbour service,off', both automatically or manually providing the safe
situation of disconnecting and shorting in the emergency mode.
Furthermore attention shall be paid to the requirernent that cables and wiring serving essential or emergency
power, lighting, internal communications or signals shall be routed clear of galleys, laundries, rnachineryspaces of
category A and other high fire risk areas.See also regulation 45.5.3 and regulation 45a.1.2.
According to this Administration on passengerships a construction of an emergency generator room and/or
emergency battery and switchboard room being contiguous to the boundaries of
rnachinery spaces of category A or spaces containing the main source of electrical power, main switchboard and
associated equipment will not be allowed.
Regulation 42.1.4
According to N.S.I. the suitable measures to be taken for safeguarding independent emergency operation under all
circumstances in case of using the emergency generator to supply non-emergency circuits, e.g. as harbour
generator during lay time in port consist at least of:
1. where the emergency switchboard is arranged for feed-back operation, before the provisions of regulation
42.5.5 come into operation caused by overload, the bustie-breaker in the emergency switchboard must operate
as preference tripping breaker upon overload of the emergency generator.
2. where the emergency switchboard is arranged for parallel operation with the rnain switchboard a time limiting device of appr. 10 seconds for parallel operation shall be installed, thus enabling the Ioad to take over without
a black-out, but preventing continuous paralleling in order to fulfil the requirernent of this regulation of
exceptionally use for short periods, and the requirement of regulation 40.1.1 regarding the recourse to the
emergency electrical source of power.
Regulation 42.2.1, legal additions: emergency lighting: in galleys, rnessroorns, Iounges, movie theatres, rnovie operator spaces,and other public
spaces; and at the centralised operating stations for fixed fire extinguishing installations.
According to this Administrations decision PNZ/S-26.625, on passenger ships of less than 500 gt the shipborne
navigational equipment of regulation V/12 needs not to be supplied frorn the ernergency source of electrical
power, and on passengerships of 500 gt and upwards but less than 5000 gt of these shipborne navigational
equipment only the gyro-compass,the radar installation, the rudder angle indicator and the radio direction finder
must be supplied by the emergency source of electrical power.
Regulation 42.2.3, legal addition: connected to the emergency switchboard: the general ernergency alarm and public address systern as required by regulation III/4.2, the
audible warning of release of fire-extinguishing mediurn as required by regulation II-2/5.1.6, and the Iock-in alarm
of accessible lift cars;
Regulation 42.5.2
Although not mentioned in this paragraph, it is this Administrations interpretation that the cables between
emergency generator and emergency switchboard, as well as the associated transforming equipment belong to the
emergency source of electrical power, and therefore shall be installed in the same Iocation as the emergency
generator and emergency switchboard.
Regulation 42.7
The provision for the periodic testing of the complete system means a testing system which simulates the black-out
situation as close as possible and is provided with a test push-button or a test position of another suitable switch at
the emergency sw}tchboard.
Regulatlon 42, legal addition:
in respect to smallvessels the aforementioned is replaced by regulation 64."
Regulation 42-1, Supplementary emergency lighting for ro-ro passenger ships
Other alternative means of lighting have not been defined by this Administration but may be subject to
consideration in special cases.
Regulation 43, Emergency source of electrical power in cargo ships
Regulation 43.1.2
According to this Administration no exceptional circumstancescan be considered to allow the emergency source of
electrical power to be placed forward of the collision bulkhead.
Regulation 43.1.3
To fulfil the satisfaction of this Administration with regard to the impossibilityof interference as mentioned, N.S.I.
points at attention for disconnecting and/or shoting the regarding wires for remote control of emergency diesel,
emergency switchboard, transitional source of emergency power and other controls that might interfere with the
supply, control and distribution of emergency electrical power.
This disconnecting of shorting must be obtained automatically by means of using auxiliary contacts of the bustiebreaker
in the emergency switchboard or manually by using contacts of a change-over switch in the emergency
switchboard for 'emergency, stand-by / harbour service, off', both automatically or manually providing the safe
situation of disconnecting and shorting in the emergency mode.
According to this Administration on cargo shipswith a length of 100 m and more, a construction of an emergency
generator room and/or emergency battery and switchboard room being contiguous to the boundaries of
machinery spaces of categoryA or spaces containing the main source of electrical power, main switchboard and
associated equipment will not be allowed.
Regulatlon 43.1.4
According to N.S.I. the suitable measures to be taken for safeguarding independent emergency operation under all
circumstances in case of using the emergency generator to supply non-emergency circuits, e.g. as harbour
generator during lay time in port, consist at least of:
1. where the switchboard is for feed-back before the of emergency arranged operation, provisions regulation
42.5.5 come into operation caused by overload,the bustie-breaker in the emergency switchboard must operate
as preference tripping breaker upon overload of the emergency generator.
2. where the emergency switchboard is arranged for parallel operation with the main switchboard a time limiting
device of appr. 10 seconds for parallel operation shall be installed, thus enabling the Ioad to fake over without
a black-out, but preventing continuous paralleling in order to fulfil the requirement of this regulation of
exceptionally use for short periods, and the requirement of regulation 40.1.1 regarding the recourse to the
emergency electrical source of power.
Regulation 43.2.2, legal additions: emergency lighting: in galleys, messrooms and other public spaces, and at the centralised operatingstations for fixed fire extinguishing installations.
According to this Administrations decision PNZ/S-26.625, on cargo ships of 500 gt and upwards but less than
5000 gt of the shipbome navigational equipment required by regulation V.12, only the gyro-compass, the radar
installation, the rudder angle indicator and the radio direction finder must be supplied by the emergency source of
electrical power.
Regulation 43.2.4, legal addition: connected to the emergency switchboard: the general emergency alarm and public address systemas required by regulation (III/4.2,
the audible warning of release of fire-extinguishing medium as required by regulation II-2/5.1.6, and
the Iock-in alarm of accessible lift cars.
Regulation 43.5.2
Although not mentioned in this paragraph, it is this Administrations interpretation that the cables between
emergency generator and ernergency switchboard, as well as the associated transforming equipment belong to the
emergency source of electrical power, and therefore shall be installed in the same Iocation as the emergency
generator and emergency switchboard.
Regulation 43.7
The provision for the periodic testing of the complete system means a testing system which simulates the black-out
situation as close as possible and is provided with a test push-button or a test position of another suitable switch at
the emergency switchboard.
Legal addition:
Regulation 43a, Emergency source of electrical power on board cargoships of lessthan 500 gt
1.1 On board a cargo ship of less than 500 gt an emergency source of electrical power must be available which is
independent from the propulsion installation and from the main electrical source of power.
1.2 The emergency source of electrical power, including associated transforming equipment, if any, the
emergency switchboard and the emergency lighting switchboard must be Iocated outside the boundaries of
rnachinery spaces of category A and outside the spaces containing the main source of electrical power,
including transforming equipment, if any, or the rnain switchboard.
Supply, control and distribution of emergency electrical power shall not be interfered by a fire or other
casualty inside the last mentioned spaces.
2 The emergency source of electrical power may be either a generator or an accumulator battery, which shall
comply with the following:
2.1 where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall be driven by a direct connected prime
rnover with an independent supply of fuel, having a flashpoint of not less than 43°C (close cup test.);
2.2 where the ernergency source of electrica lpower is an accumulator battery, it shall be capable of:
1 carrying the emergency electrical Ioad without recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery
throughout the discharge period within 12% above or below its nominal voltage;
2 automatically connecting to the ernergency switchboard in the event of failure of the main source of
electrical power, and
3 immediately supplying at least those services specified in paragraph 3.
3 The electrical power available from the emergency source of power shall be sufficient to supply all those
services that are essential for safety in an emergency, due regard being paid to such services as may have to be
operated simultaneously:
3.1 For a period of 3 h, emergency lighting at every muster and embarkation station and over the sides as
required by regulations III/11.4 and III/15.7;
3.2 for a period of 6 h, the emergency lighting at the concerning Iocations as required by regulation 43,2.2, the
services as required by regulation 43.2.3, the intermittent operation of the daylight signalling lamp, the ships
whistle if electrically powered or controlled, the general emergency alarm system required by regulation
III/6.4.2 and the means of communication as required by regulations II-1/29.10and II-1/37;and
3.3 the fire detection and fire alarm system as far as required and unless such services have an independent
supply, the audible warning of release of fire-extinguishing medium as required by regulation II-2/15.1.6 and
the pump of the fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing system in machinery spaces as required by
regulation II-2/10.6, if dependent upon the emergency generator for its source of power.
4 The arrangement and formation of the emergency generator and his prime mover or the emergency
accumulator battery as well as the emergency switchboard shall meet the requirements mentioned in the
regulations 43.5.1 up to and induding 43.5.5 and 43.6.
5 Provision shall be made for the periodic testing of the complete emergency system,
6 In respect to small vessels the aforementioned in regulation 43a is replaced by regulation 64. °
Regulation 44.1
The provision acceptable to this Adrninistration consists of the installation of automatic controlled electric (cooling
water) heating with audible and visible Iow temperature alarm, depending upon the inforrnation from the
rnanufacturer regarding the starting ternperature of the engine.
Regulation 44.2
Starting devices may be approved by this Administration in case of consisting of :
.1 The emergency diesel engine equipped with one electric starting motor and provided with two starting
batteries. It shall not be possible to connect the starting batteries in parallel and a manual operated change-over
switch or alternative device like e.g. two key-operated switches with only one key shall be provided to
connect the batteries to the starting circuit.
The starting batteries may be charged by one battery charger being electrically supplied from the
emergency switchboard, or
.2 The emergency diesel engine equipped with one electric starting motor and provided with one starting
battery, in which case a second starting possibility must be available, such as manual starting (if possible),
inertia starter,spring Ioaded starter ormanual-hydraulic starter,or
.3 The emergency diesel engine equipped with a compressed air startingmotor, provided with its own starting
air vessel inside the emergency generator room that is being kept pressurised by the main engine starting
system and provided with a non-return valve Iocated inside the emergency generator room. Unless this
system is provided with a manual operated compressor in the emergency generator room, one of the
second starting possibilities as required by paragraph 2 shall be available.
Regulation 45, Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin
Regulation 45.1.2
According this regulation this Administration has issued the following legal additions:
(complying with IEC92-201, clause5.3, table 2, paragraph 3)
1 removable electric equipment which is kept in hands during operation, like hand-tools, cargo-lamps, handlamps
and the like shall preferably have heen constructed in accordance with the principle of double
insulation. If this is not the case ,in moist spaces and on weather deck the supply voltage shall hot exceed
50 V direct current or 50 V root mean square between conductors; auto-transformers shall not be used for
the purpose of achieving this voltage.
This voltage may be increasedbut not exceed 250 V on condition of achieving the voltage by means of a
safety isolating transformer supplying only one consuming device;
2 at carrying out activities inside narrow spaces like boilers, tanks and the like, in nu case the supply voltage
shall exceed 50 V direct current or 50 V root mean square between conductors; auto-transformers shall not
be used for the purpose of achieving this voltage.
3 the Head of Nethedands Shipping Inspectorate may require additional precautions for removable electric
equipment to be used inside narrow or very moist spaces where in connection with the conductivity special
danger may exist.
Note: For electric welding the Notice to the Shipplng No. 123/1977, Regulatlons with regard to electric
welding has heen issued. This notices provides several regulations, of which the electrical part is
mentioned here in brief as follows:
Welding transformers welding with a.c.The maximum no-load welding output voltage allowed is 42 volts a.c.
In case the transformers' no-load voltage is higher than 42 volts, a voltage Iowering device shall be
permanently installed which Iowers the no-load voltage until maximum 42 volts within 0.5 second
after switching on the welding transformer and after cutting of the welding arc current.
In order to check the goodworking order of the voltage Iowering device before starting the welding
activities, these welding transformers have to be provided with an efficiently mechanical protected
voltmeter connected to the welding voltage, clearly indicating the 42 volts value.
( for welding with d.c. on board ships no regulations are available; if asked for it can be advised to
keep to the standards of NEN3140, where is stated a maximum d,c. welding voltage of 120 volts
without ripple or 110 volts with maximum 1.5% iripple)
Regulation 45,1.3The degree of protection provided by enclosures of electric equipment shall be in accordance with the standardsof
IEC92-201, Clause26, table 5.
Regulation 45,2The voltage specified by this Administration is the safety voltage of 50 V direct current or 50 V root mean square
between conductors as stated in IEC92-101, clause1.3.19.
Regulation 45.2, legal addltions:(complying with IEC 60092-302, clause7.1.104 and IEC92-401, SectionThree)
1 every main or emergency switchboard shall be provided with an insulated handrail, Iocated on a fixed part,
or insulated handles suitably fitted on the front of the switchboard;
2 where access to the rear of open main or emergency switehboards is available for maintenance purposes, an
insulated handrail shall be fitted at those side and where the maintenance perrnitting space behind an open
switchboard has a total length of 6 meters or more, access doors shall be provided at both ends, fitted with
an external Iock which can at all times be opened from the interior.
The access doors shall carry a permanent and prominent indication ofthe maximum voltage.
Regulation 45.2Insulating mats, passage-way in front and at the rear of switchboards, position relative to pipes and tanks etc. shall
be performed in conformation with the requirements of IEC92-401 SectionThree.
As all switchgear and controlgear assemblies shall comply with the IEC Publication 92, for all switchboards special attention shall be paid to the following clauses of IEC 60092-302*:
7.4.2* Protection against direct contactMeans of isolation of generator circuit breakers shall be provided to permit safe rnaintenance while the
rnain busbars are alive. * Instruments for a.c. generators Each a.c. generator shall be provided with at least the following instrurnents:
a voltmeter for measuring each phase and between eachphase and neutral (when applicable)
an ammeter for measuring each phase;
a three-phase watt meter for generators rated more than 50 kVA, if parallel operation is possible;
a frequencymeter.
NOTE- For voltmeters and ammeters, change-over switches can be used to connect one instrument to the
different phases (or to neutral).* Instruments for d.c. power sources
For each d.c. power source (e.g. generators,converters, rectifiers and batteries) one voltmeter and one ammeter
shall be provided, except for d.c. power sources for starting devices (e.g. starting motor for emergency generator).
7.6.104* Synchronising devices
For protection against the effects of incorrect synchronisation while paralleling generators, at least
a blocking device(e.g. check synchroniser) to avoid synchronising failures or
a current-limiting reactance shall be provided.
N.S.I. NOTE - As not further specified, the aforesaid is prescribed regardless of manual or autornatic
For manual synchronising at least: one synchroscope or
Three synchronising lamps or other equivalent means shall be provided.
N.S.I.NOTE - The aforesaid is always required where parallel operation is possible, and the equivalent rneans shall
indicate direction of speed-difference between the incoming generator and the busbars (e.g. only
zero-volt-measuring devices can not be considered as equivalent means).
7.7.101* Barrier between generator sectionsWhere the aggregate capacity of generators connected to a main busbar of an assembly exceeds100 kVA a.c. or
100 kW d.c., barriers between the generator sections and adjacent sectionsshall be installed for protection against
the effects of arcs.
N.S.I NOTE- The practical performance requires for every generator its own section, containing only the generator circuit breaker with connections and associated equipment.
The generator sections must be closed, and as showed from electrical arc tests, the sealing of the
busbar transits to adjacent sections satisfies with IP 5X.* Main busbar sub-divisionSee elucidation to regulation
Regulation 45.3.3Special precautions to the satisfaction of this Adrninistration:
(these comply with IACS interpretation SC8)
The connections with the ships hull must be accomplished in easy accessible Iocations to permit their ready
examination and to enable their disconnection for testing of insulation. The Head of Netherlands Shipping
Inspectorate may issue additional requirements for hull return systems.
Regulation 45.5.3This Administration does not allow cables, even not cables of a fire resisting type, connecting fire pumps to the
ernergency switchboard to pass machinery spaces of category A or spaces containing the main source of electrical
power and associated equipment. See also regulation 45a.1.2.
Regulation 45.9
To meet the requirements of 'suitably housed', 'property constructed' and 'efficiently ventilated', the clauses of IEC
92-401, Section Six shall be applied, which expressed in terms for practical application with 24 V lead-acid
batteries, in brief contain of:
General:well-secured and protected from falling objects and excessive temperatures;
collection of leaking liquid into provisions, protected from chemical deteriorating effects;
batteries not to be placed in sleepingquarters;
sufficient space for examination and maintenance;
no lead-acid batteries and alkalinebatteries in the same compartment;and
danger notice permanently secured to covers or entrance doors.
Location:capacity up to 60 Ah: free (but protected) Iocation in any suitableplace;
capacity from 60 Ah up to 555 Ah: well-ventilated box or locker in some suitable space or free (but protected)
Iocation inside well-ventilated machinery space;
capacity 555 Ah and over: well-ventilated room assigned to batteries only or suitable well-ventilated locker on
Ventilation:suction from the top and supply to the bottom of battery Iocation;
no part of a duct for natural ventilation more than 45º from the vertical;
diameters of pipe-ducts for natural ventilation: - battery capacity below 275 Ah: 4"
- capacity frorn 275 up to 415 Ah: 5"
- capacity from 415 up to 555 Ah: 6"
- capacity from 555 up to 835 Ah: 7"
Regulation 45.10, legal additions after 45.04:45.10.2 inside tanks and cofferdams, as well as for temporary lighting of other hazardous spaces, only
an electric safetylamp (hand lantern) of an approved type may be used.
This electric safety-lamp must:
1 be a portable lamp;
2 have its own source of electrical power, consisting of dry elements or an accumulator
battery, with a total voltage of maximum 6 volts;
3 have a burning period of at least 3 successive hours; and
4 been constructed in such a way that it can not cause ignition of an explosive mixture
of hydrocarbons and air.
N.S.I.NOTE - As Iong as the electric safety lamp, now (=April 2000) included in List A.2 of the Maritime
Equipment Guideline 98/85/EG under no. A.2/3.10, has not been included in List A.1 of
afore mentioned Guideline, only N.S.l-type approved electric safety lamps rnay be used.
Regulation 45.41, legal additions:Two separated electric lighting supply provisions shall be installed into every main fire
section. One of these supply provisions may be the electric supply for the emergency
45.12 Heating appliances, like cooking appliances and the like, must be constructed in such a way,
that heating elements have heen surrounded by a suitable protecting provision. The
appliances must be well secured.
45.13 In respect to small vessels the aforementioned in regulation 45 is replaced by regulation 66."
N.S.I. NOTE - Performance and construction of heating and cooking appliances for all vessels must
be in compliance with IEC 92-307 and the installation of these appliances in
compliance with IEC 92-401, Section Eight.
Legal addition:Regulation 45a, electrical provisions for mechanical installations1. Emergency fire fighting pumps
.1 in case of applying an electrically powered emergency fire fighting pump according Solas regulation II-
2/4.3.3 the electric motor must be directly supplied from the emergency switchboard by the emergency
source of electrical power or by another source of electrical power which is Iocated outside the spaces
containing the propulsion installations;
.2 the electric motor and the supply cables, the starter and possible provisions for remote control including the
associated electric wiring and cabling, must be completely fitted outside the spaces where a fire in any one
compartment could put all other fire pumps out of action;
.3 in order to appoint the Iocations for the remote control of the pump, consideration shall be given to the
requirements of Solas regulation 11-2/4.3.4.
2. Deckequipment.1 electrically powered deck equipment tor cargo handling equipment of ships registered in the Netherlands or
Netherlands Antilles comply with the requirements stated by or on behalf of the
Arbeidsomstandighedenwet. Electrically powered deck equipment for cargo handling equipment of ships
registered in Aruba comply with the requirements stated by or on behalf of the Stuwadoorsverordening.
.2 electrically powered deck equipment for other purposes as aforementioned in paragraph 2.1 must be
constructed in such a way a that:
1 starting the driving electric motor isonly possible directly from the zero position of the control handles;
2 upon failure of the electric power supply or interruption of the supply current to the driving electric
motor the brake must automatically come into action and keep the Ioad. This regulation is not
applicable for deckequipment where the brake has to be manually operated in order to lower the load;
3 in case of application of control current, the occurrence of an earth short in the control current circuit
shall not cause the starting or remaining of running of the driving electric motor, nor the brake of the
winch remaining in the releasedposition;
4 that the position of the control handle for hoisting and lowering of electrically powered deckequipment
is indicated in a clear and durable way close to that handle; and
5 a switch or auxiliairy switch is fitted at the deck equipment's control station, enabling to switch off the
electric power supply to the deckequipment concerned regardless of the position of the control handle.
3 Positioning of switches1 for normal operation and appropdate and safe performance of control, repair and maintenance activities,
every electrical installation must be provided with the necessary switches;
2 electric motors and associated starters shall be provided with switches, enabling the complete disconnection
from the electric power distribution system. Such a switch shall be situated at or close to the motor starter, if
present. If the electric motor is not Iocated close to the starter or if there is no starter box at all, an isolating
switch or equivalent device must be fitted near the motor, unless the main isolating switch at or near the
electric starting equipment can be efficiently Iocked in the off position or a device as such is provided for
another switch, which is suitable for this purpose;
3 the isolating switch or equivalent device aforementioned in paragraph 2 may be comitted if to the
satisfaction of the Head of Shipping Inspectorate there is no danger of personal injury by moving parts
during repair and maintenance activities;
N.S.I.NOTE - The requirements of aforementioned paragraph 3.2 comply with IEC92-201 Clause18,
whereby the use of removable fuses as alternative for the isolating switch may only be
considered in case of paragraph 3.3.
4 if automatic switchgear with remote control is applied for the control of electric motors, measures must
have been taken to prevent the motors from unexpected starting or unexpected remaining of running
caused by an earth-short in the control current circuit;
5 switches for current-consuming units, except for lamps, must isolate the concerning unit completely from
the electric distribution system in the off position of the switch;
6 system earthing connections may not be interrupted by switches, unless switching off is effected together
with the associated conductors by one operation;
7 in case a diesel engine can be started from a remote position, a switch shall be installed enabling preventing
the electric starting. Such a switch must be fitted at or close near the concerning diesel engine.
4. In respect to srnall vessels the aforementioned in regulation 45 is replaced by regulation 67."
Legal addition:Regulation 45b, installations for navigation Lights1.1 The electric installation for the navigation lights as required by Dutch Shipping Order 1965, article 100 and
according Colreg 1972 as amended, shall meet the following requirernents:
1 the rnasthead, side and stern lights shall be connected to a distribution board which is reserved for this
purpose only and which is placed inside the wheelhouse or chartroom.
This distribution board shall be connected directly or through transforrners to the rnain switchboard.
Instead the electric supply for this navigation lights distribution board rnay be obtained from another
distribution board, provided that distribution board is connected directly or through transforrners to the
rnain switchboardand is placed inside the wheelhouse or chartroom;
2 the reserve masthead, side and stern lights shall be connected to a distribution board which is reserved for
this purpose only and which is placed inside the wheelhouse or chartroom.
This distribution board shall be connected directly or through transformers to the emergency switchboard.
Instead the electric supply for this reserve navigation lights distribution board may be obtained from
another distribution board, provided that distribution board is connected directly or through transformers
to the emergency switchboard and is placed inside the wheelhouse or chartroorn;
3 the aforernentioned navigation and reserve navigation lights in paragraphs 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 may be
connected to one combined distribution board which is reserved for this purpose only. This combined
distribution boardshall be equipped to be connected to the rnain switchboard as well as to the emergency
switchboard having regard to the requirements with respect to the electric supplies as stated in
paragraphs 1.1.1 and 1.1.2.
1.2 In case of according the Netherlands Shipping Order, article 100 the reserve navigation lights are not
required, the installation for rnasthead, side and stem lights shall comply with the requirements of paragraph
1.1.1, on the understanding that the distribution board shall be equipped to be connected to the emergency
switchboard as well.The emergency supply may be obtained from another distribution board, provided that
distribution board is connected directly or through transforrners to the emergency switch board and is placed
inside the wheelhouse or chartroorn.
2. The masthead, side and stern lights, and if required the reserve masthead, side and stern lights shall be
separately connected to the distribution board(s) as aforernentioned in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2. Each such
navigation light shall be protected by a fuse in each insulated pole and provided with a double-pole switch
fitted on the distribution board(s) referred to above.
Alternatively to fuses and switches double-pole circuit-breakers with short circuit and overload protection may
be applied.
3. Each such navigation light and if required such reserve navigation light shall be provided with an ef'ficient
automatic indicator which gives audible and/or visual warning in the event of extinction of the light. If a visual
signal is used which is connected in series with the navigation light, means shall be provided to prevent the
extinction of the navigation light due to failure of the visual signal. The meant warning indicator devices are not
required on a vessel of less than 500 gt.
4. AII other in Colreg 1972 as amended mentioned navigation lights must been supplied from the emergency
source of electrical power. It is allowed to connect this navigation lights to the distribution board(s) for
rnasthead, side and stern lights as rnentioned in paragraph 1, provided each such other navigation light is
protected by a fuse in each insulated pole and provided with a double-pole switch fitted on the distribution
board(s) referred to above. Alternatively to fuses and switches double-pole circuit-breakers with short circuit
and overload protection rnay be applied.
5, In respect to small vessels the aforementioned in regulation 45b is replaced by regulation 68.*
N.S.I.NOTE - The requirements of aforementioned regulation 45b comply with IEC92-201, Clause15,
Legal addition:Regulation45c, Lighting circuits
In rnachinery spaces, boiler rooms, and in general in alleyways and near stairways, as well as in those spaces as
considered by the Head of Shipping Inspectorate, there shall be more than one final sub-circuit for lighting, in case
of two or more tighting fixtures have been installed.
N.S.I NOTE- The requirements of this regulation 45e comply with IEC 92-201, Clause 13. Some spaces as
considered by the Head of Shipping Inspectorate can also be found in IEC-92-201, Clause 13, like
rnachinery spaces, large galleys, corridors, stairways leading to boat-decks and public spaces,
Legaladdition:Regulation 45d, Effects to instruments and measures against interference to or caused by electronic navigation and communication equipment.1.1 The arrangement and formation of electrical machinery, electronic equipment, transformers and accumulator batteries, as well as the choice and the system of installation of wires and cables shall be such that the good
mutual working order of magnet]c compasses, chronometers and electric and electronic instruments is
1.2 To prevent interference in electronic navigation and communication equipment caused by the ships electric
installation and connected electric equipment, all possible measures shall have been taken to suppress or to
eliminate this interference. For this purpose the application and installation of screened cables and the
earthing of the screening shall be specially considered in the vicinity of the equipment which may possible
cause or meet with interference.
1.3 To prevent interference in the electric and electronic equipment of the ship caused by magnetic fields
generated by the radio-transmitter equipment on board, the ships electric and electronic installations shall be
constructed and arranged in such a way, that their good working order is not impaired by the high-frequency
voltages induced in the conductors.
2. In order to fulfil the requirements of paragraph 1 the necessary provisions to prevent mutual interference in
navigation and communication equipment and the ships electrical installation shall be specially considered in
the design of the ship,
3. The Head of Shipping Inspectorate may issue additional regulations regarding measures to prevent
interferences as aforementioned in this regulation.
N.S.I.NOTE - According the aforementioned paragraph 3 the Head of Shipping Inspectorate has issued the
Notice to the Shipping No. 223/1998 of which the requirement is that all equipment, and
instruments, whether portable of not, being able to generate electromagnetic fields or containing
magnetic parts shall always keep a distance of at least 3500 mm from a magnetic compass, unless
the concerning instrument or equipment is provided with a permanent secured notice: 'safe
distance to a magnetic compass....... rnillimetre', in which case the indicated distance has to be
Furthermore reference is rnade to the following standards being in force:
IMO Resolution A,694(17):General requirements for shipborne radio equipment forming part of the GMDSS and
for electronic navigagion aids;
IEC Publication 533: Electromagnetic compatibility of etectrical and electronic installations in ships;
IECPublication 945: Maritime navigation and radio-communication equipment and systems, and
The EMC GUIDELINE of the Counsel of the EuropeanCommunities.
Legal addition:Regulation 45e: Vocal communication systems1.1 The means of communication as mentioned in regulations 29 and 37 (Part C) of which the N.S.I.
interpretation is 'efficient direct vocal communication' shall be independent from the ships main electdcal
distribution system.
1.2 If a centralised telephone exchange system or equivalent vocal communication system is applied, the
extensions in wheelhouse, engine room and accommodations of captain and chief engineer shall be provided
with priority provision, enabling a direct mutual connection.
2. The aforementioned in paragraph 1.2 is not required for smalI veassels.
Legal addition:Regulation 45f, Lock-in alarm for refrigeration and freezer spacesWhere the doors can not be opened from the inside under all conditions, an alarm system shall be installed,
enabling to activate an audible alarm in a suitable location from the inside of the concerned refrigeratio or freezer
* see N.S.I. edition of "Regulations Small Vessels".
V N.S.I. interpretations of Solas 1974, chapter II-2, fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction, with N.S.I notes
Part A, General Regulation4.3.4.3, Fire pumps
Taking into account Regulation2.1 of this Chapter, where "the purpose is to require the fullest practicable degree
of life protection, detection and extinction" and IEC92-504 regarding the safeguarding of electric control circuits
"that a failure in the control equipment will lead to the least dangerous condition and shall not render inoperative
any reserve automatic or manual control", for fire fighting pumps with rernote control it is required to provide the
Iocal control position with a change-over switch 'local' - 'remote' which interrupts all remote wires in the Iocal
Part A, General,Regulation 5.1.6, Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems: audible warning
According to Notice to the Shipping No. 278/1992, Regulation 6.2 the automatic audible alarm shall be generated
by an electrical driven device. In order to obtain good audibitity in a|l spaces concerned (without visible signals)
under full operational conditions, klaxons or sirens shall be used producing an alarm sound with vadable pitch.
Part A, General, Regulation 11.8, Special arrangements in machinery spaces, fixed fire detection
and alarm system complying with the provisions of regulation 14
< BR>In consequence of misunderstandings about the spaces in which a continuous rnanning should be maintained or not, and taking into account other spaces where according to Regulation 11.1 the Administration considers it
desirable,by this Administrations' decision5/VCU/20,397 automaUcfire detection shall be instaUed:
NS/Ci_,34, ApdI2000
a) in machineryspacesof categoryA;
b) in spaceswhere intemalcombustionengineshave beenmounted;
c) in spaceswhere incinerators,oil firedboilersor heatershave been mounted; and
d) in spaceswhere a fuel oil or lub_cat/ng oil treatment installat/onhas heenrnount_.
PortA. General,Regulation 13.1.4, Visual and audible fire siBnal
Reference is made to the last NOTE, following Regulation 6.4.2 of Chapter Iii, Ufe-saving appliances and
Pa_ A, General,Regulation 13.2.6, Fixedrite detection and rite alarm systems: Installatlon requirements
Attention is drawn to IEC92-201, Cfause30, Cables for rite a/arm,lire dettectionandemergencyfire extinguishing
services,where under 30.1 isstated:
• In circuits used for rite alarm and detection, emergency rite extinguishing service, rite telecommunication,
rernote stopping and similorcontrolcircuitsfor safety purposes,considerationshall be given to the use of fireresistingcablesunless:
-- the systemsareof self-monitodng type or failing to safety,
or --the systemsareduplicated.
PartA, General,RegulaUon16.10, Ventilation: emergency stoppIng provlslons
Attentlon shall be paid to the fact that not only e[ectrie emergencystop circuits for ventllaUon of machinery spaces
shall be separatedfrorn the meansfor stopping ventilation of other spaces,but
according IEC92-504, Clause7. remotestop circuits for ventilation fan motors for cargo spaces,machinery
spaces,and accommodation spacesshall besubdivided and not connectedto the sameremote st.op circuit.
Also, according lEG92-504, Clause7. remotestopcircuit_for rnachineryfor essential servicesand for their
stand-by units shall be electric_ly separated.
Port A, General, Regulation, Fireman'soutfit: electric safety lamp
SeeN.S.LNOTEafter legaladditionRegulation11-1/45.10.2 regardingthe type approval of the prescribedelectdc
safety lamp.
Port C,FiresafetymeasuresforcargosMps
Regulation 53, Fire protectlon arrangements in cargo spaces
53.2.4 Precautionsagainst Ignltion of flammable vapours
Electricalequipment for usein explosivepetroland air rnixtures shal)meer tthesafetyc)assificationof at least IIA T3.
Regulation 54, Specialrequlrements for shlps carrying dangerous goods
54.2.2 $ourcesof Ignltlon
Having consideredthe different dangerous cargoesbeing allowed of carrying inside cargo ho/ds in view of the
danger of ignition of fiammable gassesproduced by those cargoes, this AdministraUon aan be satisfied by applying