Notice to Shipping No 35/1965
Oxygen-Acetylene welding and cutting installationThe Inspecteur General of Shipping,
that many ships are equipped with oxygen-acetylene welding and cutting eguipment for carrying out repairs on board;
that it has come to light that the arrangement of the acetylene and oxygen cylinders required for this work and the lay-out of oxygen and acetylene piping etc, do not always satisfy the requirements which are necessary with a view to safety;
that it is, therefore, necessary issue Regulations with regard to this;
taking into account:
the Requirements of Regulation 174, and Reg. 26.1 of Appendix || of the Shipping Order 1965;
Hereby gives notices of the following.
An acetylene welding and cutting installation shall not be fitted on board a ship before the proposed arrangement and method of operation have been approved by him or on his behalf.
For this purpose, the necessary drawings and diagrams from which the position and the arrangement of acetylene and oxygen cylinders, fittings, piping etc. can clearly be seen, shall be subjected for approval to the Shipping Inspectorate in good time.
When installing and fitting a welding and cutting oxygen-acetylene installation the following shall be raken into account.
1.. The use of acetelyne gas generators is forbidden.
2.. Acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall be set up vertically on the open deck or in enclosed spaces, which are not working spaces and which are connected directly with
the open deck by means of a door.
3. Acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be placed together within the same enclosed space.
4. The cylinders shall be set up well protected, properly secured and shall not be exposed to the direct sunlight or to heat emanating from tbc engine room or boiler trunks, galleys and such.
5. Acetylene and oxygen cylinders shall not be placed in or below accornmodation spaces for passengers and crew.
6. An enclosed space as stated in 2 shall be surrounded by gasproof steel partitions and be able to be shut off by means of a steel door opening outwards, with spark-proof
locks and hinges; this space shall hot be connected to other enclosed spaces and shall be well ventilated, with an air inlet in the upper part, and an outlet to the open air at floor level.
7. A notice shall be fixed both on the inside and the outside of the door of the space where the cylinders are set up stating in elearly readable words:
ACETYLENE - EXPLOSION DANGER NO SMOK/NG - DO NOT APPROACH WITH NAKED FLAME 8. Enclosed spaces in which acetylene cylinders are stored shall not be used for assemblying or storing machinery, equipment or materials which can give rise to spark formation. The cylinders shall, at all times, be able tobe removed quickly from these spaces.
9. Enclosed spaces in which oxygen cylinders are stored shall be kept completely free of grease and oil and shall not be used for storing materials which can easily ignite if there should be an excess of oxygen. The cylinders shall, at all times, be able to be removed quickly from these, spaces.
10. The lighting in spaces in which cylinders of acetylene are stored shall comply with the Regulations of SOLAS Ch. II-I Reg. 45.10.
11. Near the place or space where acetylene cylinders are permanently or temporarily stored, an approved CO2 or a dry powder extinguisher shall be avaible. Furtherrnore, there shall be a fire extinguishing stop valve with hose, coupling and nozzle in the viciraty, or remote controlled water spraying equipment shall be installed above the cylinders.
12. There shall always be a key on the stop valve of every acetylene or oxygen cylinder in use so that in emergencies these can be irnmediately and rapidly closed.
13. The piping system for acetylene and for oxygen shall consist of a fixed high pressure collecting pipe to which the cylinder or cylinders are connected by means of a flexible high pressure pipe with a stop valve. The collecting pipes shall be as short as possible (see Labour Inspectorate publication P NO. 14 under point 1.4.5).
14. The gas shall be led at a reduced pressure to the workplace(s) by means of a fixed Iow pressure distribution pipe. This reduced pressure shall amount to no more than 1 bar for acetylene and no more than 20 bar for oxygen.
15. Each distribution pipe shall be connected to the high pressure collecting pipe by means of a stop valve. The pressure reducing apparatus which reduces the gas pressure to pressure lower than those mentioned under 14 shall be fitted to this stop valve.
16. At the end of a distribution pipe a stop valve and a pressure reducing apparattus shall also be fitted, in this order, which reduces the pressure in the hoses to the welding and cutting bumer to the pressure at which the bumer shall be used.
17. Clearly visible manometers shall be fitted in front of and behind the reducing apparatus stated in point 15 and behind the reducing apparatus stated in 16. The pressure of the reduding apparatus shall be easy to adjust. The Bourdon spring of the manometer in acetylene pipes shall be made of stainless steel or nickel. The dial indicator scale of these manometers shall be beat the inscription "Suitable for acetyIene".
18. Acetylene and oxygen piping shall not pass through accommodation and galleys. They shall be painted in such a way that they are easily recognizable and shall not pass
through areas where they are not visible.
19. Acetylene piping shall be made of searnless drawn steel. The acetylene gas in the piping or the stop valves and accossories shall hot come into contact with copper or copper alloys with a copper content of more than 63%.
20. High pressure oxygen piping shall be made of seamless drawn copper. Distribution pipes shall be made of seamless drawn steel.
21. High pressure acetylene and oxygen piping shall be pressure tested, after fitting, at a pressure of respectively at least 180 bar anti 300 bar. Fixed low pressure acetylene and oxygen pipes at a pressure of 30 bar.
22. For the connection of fixed acetylene and oxygen piping only high pressure couplings shall be used. Propely welded connections are also permitted.
23. The oxygen piping shall be thoroughly de-greased and blown through with oxygen before raken the first time of use. Acetylene piping shall be blown through with an inert gas (nitrogen or carbon dioxide).
24. Acetylene and oxygen hoses for welding and cutting equipment shall be of a good oil resistant quality and fixed to the connecting pieces with appropriate clamps.
A proper flame arrester shall be fitted in the acetylene hose near each bumer.
26. For a single welding installation the conditions given in paragraph 13, 14, 15 and 16 need not be observed, provided the only one acetylene and one oxygen cylinder are in use at the same time, and the welding or cutting work is being done in the vicinity of the cylinders. In this case the acetylene and oxygen hoses shall be fixed directly to the reducing apparatus of the cylinders.
The instructions for the arrangement, fitting and use of acetylene and oxygen cylinders and those for use and maintenance of oxygen-acetylene welding and cutting tools included in the latest Publication of the Labour Inspectorate, P. No. 7, 14 and 17 sha[l be raken in account as far as that is possible. Your partioular attention is requked for point 2.10 of Publication PNo, 7.
The said publications shall be provided on board every ship carrying an oxygen-acetylene welding and cutting installation, and shall be forwarded as information to all persons who have to carry out work with this installation.
Oxygen-acetylene welding and cutting work shall only be entrusted to persons who are sufficiently competent therein.
Further, a notice-board shalI be fixed at the place where welding and cutting work is generally carried out, wich bears a clearly legiblc summary of the most important instruction
and safety measures as laid down in 11") of the Publication P. NO. 17 of the Labour Inspectorate.
's-Gravenhage, 3rd September 1965.
The Inspcctor General aforementioned,
C. Moolenburgh.* read: 11 fourth edition, 1963 respectively 12 fifth edition, 1970.
Versie informatie document
Publicatie op Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF) – Maritime:
Huidige versie: 1
Datum beschikbaarheid huidige versie: 17-05-2006 (vanaf dit moment beschikbaar op Netherlands Regulatory Framework (NeRF) – Maritime)
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