Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

NtS 035/1965 Acetylene welding and cutting installations
Geldigheid:03-09-1965 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

The Inspector-General for Shipping,
that many ships are equipped with an acetylene welding and cutting installation for onboard repair work;
that it has appeared that the arrangement of the necessary acetylene and oxygen bottles and the installation of the oxygen and acetylene lines etc. not always comply with the requirements which have been made in view of the safety;
that it is therefore necessary to lay down regulations;
Noting: the provisions in the Articles 56, seventh clause, and 174 of the Ships Decree 1965:


that an acetylene welding and cutting installation may not be placed on board of a ship before the intended arrangement and its implementation have been approved by him or on behalf of him:

that the necessary drawings and plans clearly showing the place and the method of arrangement and connection of acetylene and oxygen bottles, appendages, lines etc., have to be submitted with the Shipping Inspectorate in time; 1965
that the following has to be observed at the arrangement and design of an acetylene welding and cutting installation:
1. the use of acetylene gas developers is prohibited;
2. acetylene and oxygen bottles must be placed vertically on the open deck or in enclosed spaces, not being working spaces, which are directly connected with the open deck through a door;
3. acetylene and oxygen bottles may not be stored together in the same enclosed space;
4. the bottles must be protected well and they must be positioned ready to depart and they may not be exposed to direct radiation of the sun or to radiating warmth of shafts of enginerooms or kettles, galleys and such;
5. acetylene or oxygen bottles may not be placed in or under accommodation spaces for passengers and crew;
6. an enclosed space as referred to under 2 must be surrounded by gastight steel bulkheads and must be able to be closed by an outward revolving steel door with sparkless closure; this space may not be connected in any way with other enclosed spaces and must be ventilated well by air supply in the upper part and dischargae to open air at floor height;
7. on the door of a space, in which acetylene bottles have been positioned, the inner as well as the outer side must be indicated clearly legible:


8. enclosed spaces in which acetylene bottles have been stored may not be used for positioning or storage of tools, appliances or materials which may lead to generation of sparks; the bottles must at all times be able to be removed quickly from these spaces;
9. enclosed spaces in which oxygen bottles have been stored must be kept completely free from fat and oil and they may not be used for storage of materials which can easily be ignited in case of an excess of oxygen: the bottles must at all times be able to be removed quickly from these spaces;
10. the lighting of spaces in which acetylene bottles have been stored must comply with the requirements included in the first and sixth clauses of Article 13 of Annex VlI of the Ships Decree 1965:
11. close to the place or space where acetylene bottles either permanently or temporarily have been positioned, an approved carbon dioxide foam fire-extinguisher or dry powder fire-extinguisher must be available; nearby there also must be a fire-extinguisher valve with a fire hose, couplings and a nozzle, or a remote waterspray installation must be fitted above the bottles;
12. a key must always be fitted to the valve of each acetylene or oxygen bottle which is in use, so the valve can be closed immediately and quickly in emergencies;
13. the system of lines for acetylene as well as for oxygen must consist of a fixed high-pressure collecting line, to which the bottle or the bottles is or are connected through a flexible high-pressure line with a valve; these collecting lines must be as short as possible (see Publication P. no. 14 of the Labour Inspectorate under item 1.4.5);
14. the gas must be led with reduced pressure to the working space through a fixed low-pressure distribution line: this reduced pressure may be not more than 1 kg/cm2 for acetylene and not more than 20 kg/cm2 for oxygen;
15. every distribution line must be connected to the high-pressure collecting line with a valve; the reducing device, which reduces the gas pressures till the pressures indicated under 14, must be fitted to this valve;
16. subsequently a valve and a reducing device, which reduces the pressure in the hoses to the welding or cutting burner till the pressure with which the burner must be used, again must be fitted at the end of a distribution line;
17. in front of and behind the reducing device mentioned in item 15 and behind the device mentioned in item 16 a clearly visible manometer must be fitted; the pressure of a reducing device must be easily adaptable; the Bourdon spring of the manometers in acetylene lines must be made of stainless steel or nickel; the dial of these manometers must be provided with the indication `Fit for acetylene`.
18. acetylene and oxygen lines may not run through cabins, other accommodations and galleys; they must be painted in such a way that they are easily known and they may not be installed in spaces in which they are hided from view;
19. acetylene lines must be made of seamless drawn steel; in the line system or the valves and appendages which are found there the acetylene gas may not get in touch with copper or copper alloys with a copper content of more than 63%;
20. high-pressure oxygen lines must be made of seamless drawn copper; distribution lines may be made of seamless drawn steel;
21. after assembly, high-pressure acetylene and oxygen lines must be pressed at a pressure of respectively at least 180 kg/cm2 and 300 kg/cm2; fixed low-pressure acetylene and oxygen lines at a pressure of 30 kg/cm2;
22. only high-pressure couplings may be used for the connection of fixed acetylene and oxygen lines; properly welded connections are also permitted;
23. prior to the first operation, the oxygen lines must be thoroughly degreased and must be blown through with oxygen; acetylene lines must be blown through with an inert gas (nitrogen or carbon dioxide);
24. acetylene and oxygen hoses for welding or cutting burners must be of good oil resisting quality and must be fastened with sound clips on the connecting nozzles;
25. near every burner a reliable flame arrester must be placed in the acetylene hose;
26. for a singular welding installation, in which always only one acetylene bottle and one oxygen bottle are in use at the same time and the welding or cutting activities are performed near the place of the bottles, the requirements pursuant to the items 13, 14, 15 and 16 do not have to be complied with; then the acetylene and oxygen hoses may be connected directly to the reducing devices of the bottles;

furthermore, that the directions for the construction, the arrangement and the use of acetylene and oxygen bottles, and those for the use and the maintenance of acetylene welding and cutting tools, included in the latest Publications of the Labour Inspectorate P. no. 7, 14 and 17 have to be observed as much as possible; special attention is drawn to item 2.10 of Publication P. no. 7;

that the above-mentioned publications must be available on board of every ship, provided with an acetylene welding and cutting installation and that they must be handed over for the information of persons entrusted with operations with this installation;

that only persons who are familiar enough with autogenous welding and cutting activities may be entrusted herewith:

moreover, that on the site where the welding and cutting activities usually are performed, a notice must be provided on which clearly legible the summary of the major instructions and safety measures, as included under 11*) of the Publication P. no. 17 of the Labour Inspectorate, are indicated.
The Hague, 3 September 1965
The afore-mentioned lnspector-General,
C. Moolenburgh
Naar boven