Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

NtS 234/1988 Watch alarm system for ships, not being fishing vessels
Geldigheid:24-01-1998 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate,
Noting Article 174, first clause, of the Ships Decree 1965;


Article I
Notice to Shipping no. 234/1988 will read:

Article 1
The watch alarm system must be of an approved type and must comply with the following requirements:
1.1 the watch alarm system must be able to be switched on and off by means of a switch operated by a key;
1.2 a dimmable pilot lamp must indicate that the watch alarm installation is in operation;
1.3 after switching on the watch alarm system, a timekeeping system must start with a duration, to be set by the master, of maximally 15 minutes;
1.4 at any desirable moment this timekeeping system must be able to be reset to zero by means of a reset pushbutton, after which the timekeeping must start again;
1.5 at the end of the duration, a visible and audible warning signal must be activated on the bridge;
1.6 if the timekeeping system cannot be reset within 60 seconds after activation of this warning signal by means of the reset pushbutton, an audible alarm must be given in the cabins of the officers which qualify for that; and
1.7 the reset pushbutton may not be able to be operated from the regular navigation position.

Article 2
A watch alarm system must also comply with the provisions of IMO resolution A.574(14), paragraph 5, which has been added to this Notice as an Annex.

Article 3
While setting the duration of the timekeeping system, the master must take the present conditions and circumstances into account and he must see to it that the watch alarm system is in operation when only the chief of the watch is on duty on the bridge.

Article 4
Watch alarm systems installed before 1 August 1988 may continue to be used on board.

Article 5
The technical standards or technical requirements determined in this Notice are equated with equivalent technical standards or technical requirements, determined by another Member State of the European Union or a state which is party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

Article II
This Notice enters into force as of the second day after the dateline of the Government Gazette in which it is published.

This Notice, together with its explanatory notes, will be published in the Government Gazette, in the Official Gazette of the Netherlands Antilles and in the Country Gazette of Aruba, except for the Annex to this Notice, which is available in the Netherlands with the Directorate-General Transport of Goods, Willem Witsenplein 6 in The Hague and with the Shipping Inspectorate, 's-Gravenweg 665 in Rotterdam.
The availability of the Annex in the Netherlands Antilles and in Aruba will be announced in the Official Gazette of the Netherlands Antilles and in the Country Gazette of Aruba.

The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate,
H.G.H. ten Hoopen.

Explanatory notes
This Notice to Shipping serves to amend the Notice to Shipping no. 234/1988 (Stcrt. 1988, 142). The draft of that Notice was not notified in accordance with Article 8, first clause, of guideline no. 83/189/EEG of the Council of the European Communities of 28 March 1983 regarding an information procedure in the field of standards and technical regulations (PbEG L 109)1. In order to still comply with the obligation to notification, this Notice has been notified in draft to the Commission of the European Communities (see also Parliamentary proceedings II 1996/1997, 25 389).
The text of this Notice is identical to the text of the original Notice, except for the following. In Article 5 a provision has been included regarding mutual recognition of technical standards and technical requirements.
The draft Notice has been reported to the Commission of the European Communities (notification no. 97/0567/NL) on 14 August 1997, in compliance with Article 8, first paragraph, of the above-mentioned guideline no. 83/189/EC. The draft Notice has been reported to the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (notification no. G/TBT/Notif.97.576) on 1 October 1997, in compliance with Article 2, paragraph nine , of the Agreement on technical trade barriers (Trb. 1994, 235) established on 15 April 1994 in Marrakech. An announcement of the draft Notice is published in Stcrt. 1997, 197.
These notifications are necessary because the Notice contains technical provisions within the meaning of guideline no. 83/189/EEG, as amended, and as referred to in the afore-mentioned agreement. The Articles 1 and 2 can be indicated as technical provisions.
These provisions, which are applicable without distinction to Dutch and imported watch alarm systems on board of seagoing-vessels, not being fishing vessels, are necessary by virtue of an efficient protection of the public safety and the health and the life of persons. They are also proportionate to the purpose intended with these provisions. As far as this Notice contains quantitative import restrictions or measurements with the same effect within the meaning of Article 30 of the EC-Treaty, they are therefore justified for the protection of the above-mentioned interests. Within the scope of the notification pursuant to the guideline, the afore-mentioned provision with regard to mutual recognition is included in Article 5 in view of the harmonized application of technical provisions. The WTO notification procedure has not led to amendment of the draft Notice.

The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate,
H.G.H. ten Hoopen.

1 Most recently amended by guideline no. 94/10/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 23 March 1994 (PbEG L 100). An updated integral text of the guideline is published in PbEG 1997, C 78.
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