Geïnteresseerd in cyber en internationaal recht?
Kom dan woensdag 20 juni naar de cyberconferentie ‘Diplomacy and Defence in Cyber Space’.
Minister Blok opent het programma en minister Bijleveld sluit af.
Aanmelden kan via een email te sturen naar
Locatie: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Rijnstraat 8 Den Haag (naast Den Haag CS)
Cyber Seminar
‘Diplomacy and Defense in Cyber Space’
‘1 Year Anniversary of the Tallinn Manual 2.0 on
the International Law applicable to Cyber Operations’
Supported by
The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence
The Netherlands’ Military Law Association
The Netherlands’ Military Law Review
Date: June 20, 2018
Location: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rijnstraat 8, 2515 XP The Hague
- 9.00-9.30 Reception / Coffee / Birthday Cake
- 9.30-9.35 Opening by Professor Dr. Michael Schmitt, Moderator
- 9.35-09.50 Keynote by HE Mr. Stef Blok MA, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- 9.50 –10.00 Introduction of the Program by Professor Dr. Michael Schmitt, Moderator
- 10.00-10.20 Introduction by Ms. Liisa Past MA, Chief Research Officer at the Cyber Security Branch of Estonia’s State Information Agency
- 10.20-10.50 Coffee break
- 10.50-12.10 Panel 1 – International diplomacy and international cooperation in cyberspace
- Ms. Carmen Gonsalves MA– Min FA / Head of Task Force International Cyber Policies - Dutch efforts on International Law and Cyber-Diplomacy
- Ms. Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar MA - Head of Cyber Policy Coordination / European
- External Action Service - The key role of the existing international law in cyber context
- Ms. Wieteke Theeuwen LLM – Min FA / Direcorate of Legal Affairs – Attribution for the purpose of State Responsibility
- Ms. Liis Vihul LLM - Chief Executive Officer of Cyber Law International -Tallinn Manual’s Impact on Cyber Diplomacy
- 12.10-12.30 Q&A by the Moderator
- 12.30-13.30 Lunch - buffet
During the lunch-break two PhD-studies will be presented in the Auditorium (15 minutes each)
- 13.30-14.55 Panel 2 – Defence in cyberspace and the law applicable to cyber operations
- Brigadier General Hans Folmer - Commander NLD MoD Cyber Command
- Professor Terry Gill & Professor Brigadier General Paul Ducheine – Univ of Amsterdam / NLD Defence Academy – Applicability of IHL
- Ms. Heather Harrison Dinniss PhD – Swedish Defence Academy – Targeting of data
- Mr. Joost Bunk LLM – Min FA / Task Force International Cyber Policies Targeting of data in an Intellectual Property perspective
- 14.55-15.30 Q&A and Closing Observations by the Moderator
- 15.30-15.45 Keynote HE Ms. Ank Bijleveld MA, Minister of Defence
- 15.45-15.50 Closing
- 15.50–17.00 Reception