Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

657(16) Instructions for action in survival craft
Geldigheid:19-10-1989 t/m Status: Geldig vandaag

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.


RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,

NOTING regulations III/ and III/ of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, concerning instructions on how to survive and instructions for immediate action in liferafts, regulation III/41.8.4 concerning carriage of a survival manual in lifeboats and regulation III/51.15 concerning the requirement to explain, in the training manual, the best use of survival craft facilities in order to survive,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-seventh session,

1. ADOPTS the Liferaft Survival Instructions set out in Annex 1 to the present resolution;

2. ADOPTS ALSO the list of contents for the lifeboat survival instructions or manual set out in Annex 2 to the present resolution;

3. INVITES Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, to include in the normal equipment of every liferaft and in the training manual the Liferaft Survival Instructions set out in Annex 1 to the present resolution, and to include in every lifeboat and in the training manual, lifeboat survival instructions based on the list of contents set out in Annex 2 to the present resolution;

4. REVOKES resolutions A.181(VI) and A.216(VII).

Annex 1 Liferafts survival instructions

Part A Instructions for immediate action in a liferaft

The instructions concerning immediate action upon entering the liferaft should be written in easily legible type on waterproof material, and displayed so as to be easily seen by a person entering the liferaft. The instructions should be written in one of the official languages of the Organization in addition to the official language of the country.

1 Cut painter and get clear of ship.

2 Look for and pick up other survivors.

3 Ensure sea-anchor streamed when clear of ship.

4 Close up entrances.

5 Read survival instructions.

Part B Instructions on how to survive a liferaft

1 Identify person in charge of liferaft.

2 Post a look-out.

3 Open equipment pack.

4 Issue anti-seasickness medicine and seasickness bags.

5 Dry liferaft floor and inflate, if appropriate.

6 Administer first aid, if appropriate.

7 Manoeuvre towards other liferafts, secure liferafts together and distribute survivors and equipment between survival craft.

8 Arrange watches and duties.

9 Check liferaft for correct operation and any damage and repair as appropriate (ventilate if CO2 leaking into liferaft).

10 Check functioning of canopy light and if possible conserve power during daylight.

11 Adjust canopy openings to give protection from weather or to ventilate the liferaft as appropriate.

12 Prepare and use detection equipment including radio equipment.

13 Gather up any useful floating objects.

14 Protect against heat, cold and wet conditions.

15 Decide on food and water rations.

16 Take measures to maintain morale.

17 Make sanitary arrangements to keep liferaft habitable.

18 Maintain liferaft including topping up of buoyancy tubes and canopy supports.

19 Make proper use of available survival equipment.

20 Prepare action for:
  1. arrival of rescue units ;
  2. being taken in tow ;
  3. rescue by helicopter ; and
  4. landing and beaching.
Notes: 1
The order in which the above instructions are followed will depend on the particular circumstances.
The above instructions can stand alone or can be amplified as appropriate to the satisfaction of the Administration.

Annex 2 List of contents for the lifeboat survival instructions or manual


1 The person in charge of the lifeboat shall immediately, after clearing the ship, organize the following:
  1. look for and pick up other survivors from the water;
  2. marshal liferafts;
  3. secure survival craft together, distribute survivors and equipment between survival craft;
  4. stream sea-anchor; and
  5. if appropriate, rig exposure cover or foldable canopy.
2 Post a look-out.

3 Issue anti-seasickness medicine and seasickness bags.

4 Administer first aid, if appropriate.

5 Arrange watches and duties.

6 Prepare and use detection equipment including radio equipment.

7 Gather up any useful floating objects.

8 Protect against heat, cold and wet conditions.

9 Decide on food and water rations.

10 Take measures to maintain morale.

11 Make sanitary arrangements to keep lifeboat habitable.

12 Prepare for onset of adverse weather.

13 Make proper use of survival equipment.

14 Prepare action for:
  1. arrival of rescue units;
  2. being taken in tow;
  3. rescue by helicopter; and
  4. landing and beaching.
Note: The above list of contents should be used to compile a lifeboat survival manual to the satisfaction of the Administration.
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