Onderwerp: Bezoek-historie

Ships Decree 1965 (English, uncontrolled version)
Geldigheid:26-05-1965 t/m 01-07-2015Status: Was geldig

Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken.

Decree of 5 August 1965, in implementation of the Articles 3, 4bis, 5, 9, 17, 66 and 73 of the Ships Act

We JULIANA, by the grace of God, Queen of the Netherlands, Princess van Oranje-Nassau, etc., etc., etc.

On the recommendation of Our Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of 17 May 1965, no. 30.505 J, Directorate-General Shipping;
Noting the Articles 3, 4 bis , 5, 9, 17, 66 and 73 of the Ships Act;
Considering the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 having been signed by Us on 17 June 1960 in London;
Having heard the Council of State of the Kingdom (advice of 9 June 1965, no. 28);
Considering the more detailed report of Our Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of 29 July 1965, no. 31.032 J, Directorate-General Shipping;
The provisions of the Charter for the Kingdom having been observed;

Have approved and understood:

Chapter 01 Initiatory provisions

Article 1 Definitions

1. Without prejudice to the provisions in the third paragraph of this Article and the provisions in Article 107 of this Decree, for the purpose of this Decree the following terms have the following meanings:

Act: the Ships Act;

Our Minister: Our Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management;

master: any commander of a ship or the person who replaces him;

members of the crew: all who are on board as officers or ratings or who have contracted as such; officers are the members of the crew whom have been assigned the rank of officer by the ship's articles, ratings are all other members of the crew;

qualified persons: persons who have a diploma as referrred to in the Merchant Marine Qualifications Act (Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees 1935, 456);

Radio Regulations: the Radio Regulations (Treaties Journal 1981, 78), belonging to the International Convention on Telecommunications established on 6 November 1982 in Nairobi (Treaties Journal 1983, 164);

ISM Code: the International Management Code for Ship Safety and to Prevent Pollution (International Safety Management Code), laid down by resolution A.741(18) of 4 November 1993 by the General Assembly of the International Maritime Organisation;

passengers: all persons on board, with the exception of:
    1st. the master and the members of the crew;
    2nd. other persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship on the business of that ship;
    3rd. children under one year of age on the day of embarkation; passenger registration official: the responsible person ashore who has been appointed by the owner of a passenger ship to comply with the obligations of the ISM Code or a person ashore who has been made responsible by the owner for keeping the data of persons who have embarked a passenger ship;

    designated body: the competent body of a state which is responsible for search and rescue operations or for the settlement of the consequences of an accident.

    steam ship or motor ship: a ship, not being a sailing ship, with mechanical means of propulsion of a sufficient capacity, to be assessed according to standards as regards the shape and the dimensions of the ship, which are determined by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;

    sailing ship: a ship, whether or not provided with mechanical means of propulsion, carrying sufficient sails to be capable of sailing with sails solely, to be assessed according to standards as regards the shape and the dimensions of the ship, which are determined by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;

    passenger ship: any ship intended by its owner to carry more than twelve passengers, or a ship that carries more than twelve passengers;

    cargo ship: any ship not being a passenger ship or a fishing vessel;

    tanker: a cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature;

    chemical tanker: a cargo ship which has been built or adapted and is used for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargo as mentioned in the list of minimum requirements per substance, belonging to the additional requirements, as referred to in Article 130g, drawn up by Our Minister for such a ship;

    gas tanker: a cargo ship which has been built or adapted and is used for the carriage in bulk of cargo consisting of liquefied gas or other substances as mentioned in the list of minimum requirements, belonging to the additional requirements, as referred to in Article 130g, drawn up by Our Minister for such a ship;

    combination carrier: a ship designed to carry both oil and solid cargoes in bulk;

    oil tanker: a ship which has been built for or adapted to primarily the carriage of oil in bulk in its cargo spaces, including combination carriers and any chemical tanker if this ship carries a complete or partial cargo of oil in bulk;

    bulk carrier: a ship which in general has been built with a single deck, top side tanks and hopper side tanks in the cargo spaces and which is intended for the carriage of solid bulk cargoes, including ore carriers and combination carriers;

    high-speed craft: a vessel which can develop a maximum speed in metres per second which is equal to or greater than 3.7 Δ 0.1667, where Δ = displacement measured on the design waterline (m3);

    small vessel: any ship, which
      a. measures less than 500 ton;
      b. has a length, as referred to in Article 2, first paragraph, of Annex I to this Decree, of less than 24 metres;
      c. is used or intended for usage in a limited sailing area of not more than 30 nautical miles from the coast;
      d. is not a passenger schip engaged on international voyages; and
      e. is not a passenger ship designed to make voyages for several days; fishing vessel: any vessel used for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea;

      dredging material: any ship which because of its construction and design has solely been intended for performance of or for the use for the benefit of contractor works of a hydraulic sort;

      international voyage: a voyage between two different countries, where a territory for whose international relations a government outside that territory is responsible or for which the United Nations is the administrative authority, is also regarded as a separate country;

      short international voyage: an international voyage in the course of which a ship is not more than 200 miles from a port or place in which the passengers and crew could be placed in safety. Neither the distance between the last port of call in the country in which the voyage begins and the final port of destination nor the return voyage shall exceed 600 miles. The final port of destination is the last port of call in the scheduled voyage at which the ship commences its return voyage to the country in which the voyage began;

      ton: register ton of 1/0.353 cubic metre;

      where in this Decree the size of a ship is expressed in this unit, this means the gross volume of the ship as determined according to the provisions pursuant to the Certificates of Tonnage Act 1948;

      when the size of a ship is determined according to the provisions pursuant to the Certificates of Tonnage Act 1981 and therefore has been indicated as gross tonnage, this term has the same meaning as the term gross volume expressed in register ton;

      load line: the waterline at the largest allowed immersion in sea water;

      freeboard: the distance measured vertically downwards amidships from the upper edge of the deck line, as indicated in Article 3 of Annex I to this Decree, to the upper edge of the related load line, as indicated in Article 5 of the above Annex ;

      immersion limit line: a line drawn at least 76 mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead deck at side;

      propulsion power:
        a. the maximum power, expressed in kiloWatt (kW), which can be supplied by the propulsion machine(ry) without overload during an unlimited period, as this power, on the basis of data provided by the manufacturer, can be determined by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, or
        b. a lower power determined by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, if it is shown to his satisfaction that only this lower power can be used for the benefit of the propulsion; this power may not be determined at a value lower than 75 percent of the maximum power; flashpoint: the lowest temperature of a liquid where it exudes sufficient vapour to the air to form an explosive mixture of vapour and air. The flashpoint shall be determined according to the closed-cup method of Abel, Abel-Pensky or Pensky-Martens and shall be corrected for a barometric pressure of 760 millimetres mercury column;

        approved: approved by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;

        age of a ship: the time lapsed since the year of construction as indicated on the Ship Safety Certificate of the ship involved;

        classification society: a natural person or legal person, assigned under Article 6, second paragraph, of the Act and under Article 6 of this Decree;

        anniversary date: the date of issue of the first certificates for a certain ship, in any calendar year, following the year in which the first certificates have been issued;

        a ship constructed: a ship of which:
          a. the keel is laid, or
          1°. the construction identifiable with a specific ship begins, and
          2°. assembly of that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 000 kg or one percent of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is less; important conversion: the conversion of a ship:
            a. as a result of which the measurements, the loading capacity or the passenger capacity of the ship is changed considerably;
            b. as a result of which the ship type is changed; or
            c. which in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate is mainly focused on the extension of the operating life of the ship.
            2. For the purpose of this Decree "ship" means a vessel, a tug, a dock and any other similar floating object which is towed to its destination over sea.

            3. For the purpose of this Decree persons, who have been taken on board as a result of shipwreck or other special unexpected circumstances, are not regarded as passengers.

            4. For the purpose of this Decree, also as regards the penalty clauses, "owner" means the person, who has supervision over the ship, either he is the owner, shipowner of bookkeeper of the shipping company of the ship, or he may use the ship.

            Article 1a Applicability to fishing vessels

            The provisions of this Decree are not applicable to fishing vessels.

            Article 1b and 2 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 02 Certificates

            Article 3 General certificates

            1. A certificate as referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, of the Act is only issued if:
            a. the owner of a passenger ship or a ship of 500 ton or more has a valid document of compliance as referred to in the ISM Code for the management of the organisation;
            b. a passenger ship or a ship of 500 ton or more has a Safety Management Certificate as referred to in the ISM Code on board.

            2. The certificates, as referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, of the Act are:
            a. for any ship of 150 ton or more, built before 21 July 1968, and for any ship built on or after 21 July 1968 and having a length of 24 metres or more: an International Load Line Certificate;
            b. for other ships than those, as referred to under a: a National Load line Certificate;
            c. for all ships: a National Ship Safety Certificate.

            Article 4 and 5 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 03 Surveys and requirements

            Article 06 Assignment of classification societies

            Our Minister assigns the natural persons or the legal persons, called classification societies, whose rules may apply as requirements as referred to in Article 3a, first paragraph, of the Act.

            Article 07 Classification society as desired

            1. Prior to the first survey for the issue of certificates, others than those mentioned in Article 3, first paragraph, the owner or the builder of a ship opts for the rules of a certain classification society. At subsequent surveys, the rules of that classification society are applied. As regards the hull, the machinery and electrical installations and the equipment, a ship complies with the rules, given by that classification society, as far as these rules do not contravene the provisions of or pursuant to this Decree.

            2. For the surveys regarding the certificates, mentioned in Article 3, first paragraph, the owner of a ship chooses a classification society, which can be another classification society than the classification society chosen pursuant to the first paragraph.

            Article 08 Surveys

            1.The management of the owner of a passenger ship or of a ship of 500 ton or above, in connection with the document, as referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, under a, shall be subject to the following surveys:
            a. an initial survey for the issue of the document,
            b. a renewal survey for renewal of the document,
            c. annual surveys in the period of three months before till three months after the date of issue of the document.

            2. In connection with the certificate, as referred to in Article 3, first paragraph, under b, a ship shall be subject to the following surveys:
            a. an initial survey before the ship is put into service,
            b. a renewal survey for renewal of the certificate,
            c. an intermediate survey in the period between 24 and 36 months after the date of issue of the certificate,
            d. surveys for special reasons.

            3. In connection with the certificates, as referred to in Article 3, second paragraph, and the Articles 4 and 5, a ship shall be subject to the following surveys:
            a. an initial survey before the ship is put into service,
            b. a renewal survey in the period of three months prior to expiry of the period of validity of the certificate, for the renewal thereof,
            c. annual surveys in the period of three months before till three months after the anniversary date,
            d. intermediate or periodical surveys in the period of three months before till three months after either the second or the third anniversary date,
            e. surveys for special reasons after repairs and renovations to the ship.

            4. A ship shall also be subject to a survey of the hull, the machinery and electrical installations and the equipment according to the rules of the chosen classification society.

            5. By Ministerial Regulation the additional extensive inspection programme is determined to which the ships as referred to in Article 5, second paragraph, have been subjected.

            Article 09 - 19 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 20 Refusal to issue certificates

            If an application for a certificate, which has been submitted in the Netherlands Antilles or in Aruba, is refused, the refusal is given in writing and well-reasoned by sending or handing over to the person involved.

            Article 21 Period of validity of certificates

            1. A Passenger Ship Certificate of Fitness and a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate have a period of validity of one year. All other certificates have a period of validity of five years.

            2. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may issue certificates with a period of validity shorter than determined in the first paragraph, if not all surveys have been completed to this satisfaction or if he does not yet have all data of the ship he has asked for.

            Article 22 Renewal of certificates

            Upon completion of a renewal survey the new certificate, contrary to Article 21, first paragraph, is valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey till:
            a. in case of a passenger ship safety certificate: a date not later than twelve months after the date of expiry of the existing certificate;
            b. for all other certificates with the exception of the document of compliance and the safety management certificate: a date not later than five years after the date of expiry of the existing certificate.

            Article 23 - 29 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 30 Expiry of certificates

            A ship safety certificate looses its validity when the ship is withdrawn from the use it had at the time of the issue of that certificate.

            Article 31 - 34 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 04 Condition of the hull, the machinery and the design

            Article 35 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 36 - 37 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 38 - 52 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 53 - 54 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 54a Cancelled as of 01-11-1989

            Article 55 - 56 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 57 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 58 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 59 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 60 - 61 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 62 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 63 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 63a Protection from sound pollution

            On board of a ship measures shall be taken to minimize sound pollution. In machinery spaces the provisions in Article 36 of Annex II to this Decree shall be complied with. In other rooms the more specific rules laid down by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate shall be complied with.

            Article 64 - 65 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 05 Freeboard, draught and stability

            Article 66 - 67 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 67a Stability

            1. Together with the results of the inclining test as referred to in Article 12 of this Decree, sufficient data regarding the stability for various angles of heel of the ship have to be submitted with the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. The stability of the ship in all occurring operational conditions at least has to comply with the criteria to be determined by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

            Chapter 06 Equipment

            § 1 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 67b Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 68 - 82 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            § 2 Safety appliances

            Article 83 - 86 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 87 - 89a Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 90 - 92 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 92a Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 93 Medical equipment on board

            1. On board of a ship the medical equipment required by Ministerial Regulation, consisting of drugs, nursery articles and antidota, with the corresponding check-lists and manuals, is present in accordance with the requirements, included in Annex XVI.

            2. The master is obliged to ensure that the medical equipment is in good condition, is completed and, if necessary, is renewed, as soon as this is possible, in any case preferentially during the regular supply procedures. He may hand over the use and the management of the medical equipment on board, without prejudice to his own responsibility, to one or more members of the crew who comply with the requirements, as referred to in Article 117a.

            Article 93a Watch alarm installation

            On board of a ship, not being a small vessel, provided with an automatic pilot, a watch alarm installation of an approved type shall be fitted on the navigation bridge.

            § 3 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 94 - 99 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            § 4 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 100 - 100a Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            § 5 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Aticle 101 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Aticle 102 - 104 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            § 6 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 105 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 106 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Chapter 07 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 107 - 120b Cancelled as of 01-02-2002

            Chapter 07A Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 120c - 120f Cancelled as of 01-11-1989

            Chapter 08 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 121 - 124 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 125 - 126 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Chapter 09 Cargo transport

            Article 127 - 129 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 130 Dangerous goods

            Dangerous goods are subdivided in the following classes:
            Class 1. explosive substances;
            Class 2. compressed, liquefied or under pressure dissolved gasses;
            Class 3. flammable liquids;
            Class 4.1. easily ignitible solids;
            Class 4.2. self-heating or spontaneously combustible substances;
            Class 4.3. substances emitting flammable gasses in contact with water or moist air;
            Class 5.1. oxidizing substances (oxygen carriers);
            Class 5.2. organic peroxides;
            Class 6.1. toxic substances;
            Class 6.2. contagious substances;
            Class 7. radioactive materials;
            Class 8. corrosive substances;
            Class 9. other substances which can be dangerous.

            Article 130a - 133 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 10 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 133a - 135a Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 136 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 136a - 136b Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 137 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 137a - 138 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 139 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 139a - 150a Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 151 - 153 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 154 - 160 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 161 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Article 162 - 163 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 11 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 164 - 166b Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 12 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 167 - 171 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 13 Additional requirements

            Article 172 - 173 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 174 Additional requirements

            1. For the sake of a just implementation of this Decree, more specific rules can be given by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

            Chapter 13A Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 174a - 174b Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 14 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 175 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 176 - 182 Cancelled as of 01-05-1998

            Chapter 15 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 182a Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter 16 Final provisions

            Article 183 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 184

            This Decree can be quoted as "Ships Decree 1965". It is retroactive to 26 May 1965.

            Our Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management has been entrusted with the implementation of this Decree, which together with its Explanatory Notes will be published in the Bulletin of Acts, Orders and Decrees and the Official Bulletin of the Netherlands Antilles and a copy of which will be sent to the Council of State of the Kingdom.

            Porto Ercole, 5 August 1965

            The acting Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,
            J. CALS.

            Issued the one-and-thirtiest August 1965.

            The Minister of Justice,

            Annex I Determination of load lines

            Chapter I - V Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Chapter VI Provisions for small vessels

            Article 71 Scope

            The Articles 72 through 86 are only applicable to small vessels.

            Article 72 Doors and (access) hatches on small vessels

            1. Doors, which give access to the machinery space or to the first or second tier of a superstructure or watertight deckhouse, shall comply with NEN-ISO standard 6042, provided that the installation of four clasps suffices. Hatches in position 1 or 2, giving access to the first or second tier of a superstructure, watertight deckhouse or machinery space, shall comply with the ISO standard 5778. Post-adjustable hinges of sufficient strength may be substituted by clasps.

            2. The doors as referred to in the first paragraph shall be attached permanently and solidly to the bulkhead and shall be framed such that the complete composition, when the opening has been closed as a consequence of this, has the same strength as if there is no opening in the bulkhead.
            The doors and access hatches shall be capable of weathertight closure. The closing devices of the doors and hatches shall be attached permanently to the bulkhead or to the doors or hatches themselves and they shall be designed such, that the doors and the hatches, except for escape hatches, can be opened and closed at both sides.

            3. Doors and hatches of another material than steel, may only be applied after approval by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

            Article 73 Machinery space openings on small vessels

            1. Sills of entrance doors in trunks or access door assemblies on the machinery space shall have a height above deck of at least 450 mm in position 1 and of at least 300 mm in position 2. If companion hatches to the machinery space are not located in a watertight deckhouse or enclosed superstructure, the heigth of the hatchways above deck shall be at least 450 mm in position 1 and at least 300 mm in position 2.

            2. Trunks of vents, chimneys and air ducts on machinery space on exposed positions on the freeboard deck or on a superstructure deck shall be erected as high above the deck as reasonable and practical. The vents shall be provided with sufficiently strong, fixed closing devices of steel or another equivalent material capable of weathertight closure of the openings.

            Article 74 Miscellaneous openings in freeboard and superstructure decks or deckhouses on small vessels

            1. Manholes and flush scuttles in position 1 and 2 or within superstructures other than enclosed superstructures shall be closed by substantial covers capable of being made watertight.
            Unless secured by closely spaced bolts, the covers shall be permanently attached.

            2. Openings in freeboard decks other than hatchways, machinery space openings, manholes or flush scuttles, shall be protected by an enclosed superstructure or by a deckhouse or companionway of equivalent strength and weathertightness. Similarly, any such opening in an exposed superstructure deck, in the top of a deckhouse on the freeboard deck which gives access to a space below the freeboard deck or a space within an enclosed superstructure, shall be protected by an efficient deckhouse or companionway.
            Doorways in such deckhouses, superstructures or companionways shall have a sill height of at least 300 mm and shall comply with the provisions in Article 72.

            3. When such an opening has not been provided with the protection described in the second paragraph, a hatch shall be fitted on that opening which complies with the provisions in Article 72. The sill heigth or hatchway height above deck shall be at least 450 mm in position 1 and at least 300 mm in position 2. When an opening is only protected by a non-watertight deckhouse, an entrance door or hatch located within that deckhouse shall have a sill height respectively hatchway height of at least the height of the sill of the entrance door of that deckhouse, increased by 150 mm. This difference in height shall be measured parallel to the design load line. The sill height of the outside door of such a non-watertight deckhouse shall not exceed 150 mm.

            4. For accesses to the forepeak or afterpeak, which need not be entered at sea for the ordinary activities, and for escape hatches no hatchways are required.

            Article 75 Air ducts on small vessels

            1. Air ducts in position 1 and 2 shall be provided with strongly constructed trunks of steel or another equivalent material, which are efficiently connected to the deck.
            Where the coaming of any air duct exceeds 900 mm in height it shall be specially supported.

            2. The coamings of air ducts passing through a non-watertight deckhouse, shall have substantially constructed coamings of steel or other equivalent material at the freeboard deck.

            3. Coamings of air ducts in position 1 shall have a height of 900 mm and in position 2 a height of 760 mm above deck.

            4. Air ducts shall be capable of watertight closure. A design with prevents the impact of water can, depending on the place and the protected position of the air duct, be accepted. Air ducts on the machinery space shall at all times be provided with fire dampers which can be operated from the open deck. An approved, watertight closing device can be considered to be a fire damper in this respect.

            5. Coamings of air ducts, which are fitted to deckhouses on raised decks having a breadth of less than 0.92 B, need not be higher than 150 mm, but may never be lower than 900 mm, measured from the deck on which the deckhouse or the raised deck has been fitted.

            Article 76 Air pipes on small vessels

            Air pipes of tanks, which extend above the upper continuous, exposed deck, shall be capable of watertight closure. The exposed part of those pipes shall be of sufficient strenght.
            The openings of these air pipes shall be situated at a distance of:
            1. 750 mm above the exposed freeboard deck;
            2. 150 mm above an exposed raised deck or deckhouse, but never lower than 750 mm measured from the exposed freeboard deck;
            Nevertheless, when the air pipes have been provided with automatic means of closure, no minimum heigth is required.

            Article 77 Scuppers, inlets and discharges on small vessels

            1. Discharge pipes of spaces under the freeboard deck or of spaces in an enclosed superstructure or of watertight deckhouses on the freeboard deck which lead through the shell, shall be fitted with efficient means for preventing water from passing inboard. These means of closure shall be accessible and be provided with a:
            1. valve with a separate cover; or
            2. non-return valve, which can be secured in closed position; or
            3. valve with a non-return valve placed at the back of it.
            Where the inboard end of a discharge pipe is located at 240 mm or less above the summer load line, the above means of closure shall be capable of operation from the freeboard deck. The position where a valve to be secured directly is operated, shall be readily accessible and an installation shall be fitted there which indicates whether the valve is open or closed.

            2. Outboard inlets and discharges of pipe lines, included in the mechanical arrangement, shall be provided with valves or cocks, which by means of a flange connection have been fitted to the shell or to a steel casing built on the shell. For outlets instead of a valve or a cock a non-return valve may be used, provided that this can be secured in closed position. The means of closure as referred to shall be readily accessible, either from a position above the freeboard deck which is at all times accessible, or on the spot, in which latter case the control at all times shall be readily accessible under normal conditions and shall be located above the floor plates.
            Valves, cocks and non-return valves shall be provided with a position indicator at the location where they can be operated.

            3. Scuppers and discharge pipes of open decks, from non-watertight spaces above the freeboard deck and from a tub in the freeboard deck, which are led through the shell at a distance of more than 450 mm under the freeboard deck or less than 600 mm above the summer load line, shall be provided with a non-return valve placed against the shell. The non-return valve, however, need not be placed when the wall thickness of the pipe is at least in accordance with column III of the table in the sixth paragraph of this Article.
            When, in connection with the position of the hull connector, no non-return valve is required, the wall thickness of the pipe shall be at least in accordance with column II.
            When a non-return valve has been placed, the wall thickness need not be greater than indicated in column I.

            4. A non-watertight deckhouse, the floor of which is not lower than the freeboard deck, need not be provided with scuppers, if a restriction on wind-force of Bf 5 has been imposed to the ship and it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate that no dangerous situation arises, if this deckhouse is filled with water to the upper side of the sill of the outside door.

            5. All non-return valves, cocks, valves and shell appendages required under this Article shall be constructed of steel, bronze or another material approved by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate; regular cast iron or other similar material are not acceptable. They shall be provided with a cover which has been sufficiently protected from soaking off. All pipe lines shall be made of steel or of another approved material.

            6. The design and the positioning of the arrangements as regards scuppers, inlets and discharges shall comply with the following requirements:
            1. the wall thickness of scuppers and discharge pipes shall comply with the requirements of one of the private examination offices recognized by Royal Decree, where, however, the wall thicknesses given in the table below are the smallest allowable ones.

              Drain of the scupper or
              discharge pipe in mm
              Wall thickness in mm

              502.75 4.57
              653.00 4.57
              753.25 4.58
              1003.75 4.58
              125 4.25 4.58.8
              1505.00 5.08.8

            2. the shell appendages shall be attached to the shell by means of an appropriate flange connection or by an equivalent construction.

            7. A water closet with outboard connections may be placed on the freeboard deck, provided that:
            1. the inboard opening of the discharge pipe is more than 240 mm above the summer load line;
            2. the means of closure of the outboard opening of the discharge pipe complies with the provisions in the first paragraph of this Article;
            3. the outboard inlet has been provided with a valve;
            4. in the inlet pipe between the water closet and the valve a spring return self-closing shutter has been fitted above the floor; and
            5. the wall thickness of the inlet between the valve and this spring return self-closing shutter is in accordance with column III of the table in the sixth paragraph.

            Article 78 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

            Article 79 Freeing ports on small vessels

            1. Where bulkwarks have been fitted on the weather portions of freeboard or superstructure decks, there shall be sufficient drainage of water. The total area of the freeing ports in the bulkwark on the freeboard deck shall at both sides be at least equal to the area obtained from the following formula:
            Area in m² = 0.07 * l
            where l is the length of the bulwark at one side in metres, which need not be taken greater than 0.7 L.
            The total area of the freeing ports in the bulwark on a superstructure deck shall at any side be at least equal to half the area obtained from the above formula.
            The area obtained from the formula applies to a heigth of the bulwark of 900 mm. If the average heigth of the bulkwark is smaller than 900 mm, the required area of the freeing ports may be decreased with 0.004 m² per metre length of the bulwark (l) for each 100 mm difference in heigth.
            When the average height of the bulwark is greater than 900 mm, the area of the freeing ports shall be increased analogously.

            2. On vessels with no sheer the area of the freeing ports, determined in accordance with the first paragraph of this Article, shall be increased by 50 percent.
            Where the sheer is less than the standard, the required area of the freeing ports shall be obtained by linear interpolation.

            3. In vessels having superstructures which are open at either or both ends, the necessary arrangements shall be made for drainage of water in these superstructures.

            4. The lower edge of the freeing ports shall be as near the deck as possible.
            The freeing ports shall be divided such over the ship's length that an efficient drainage of water is guaranteed.

            5. Freeing ports and similar openings in the bulwark shall be protected by rails or bars spaced approximately 230 mm apart.
            When shutters have been fitted, ample clearance shall be provided to prevent jamming. Hinges shall have pins of non-corrodible material.
            When devices have been fitted for fastening these shutters, these shall be approved by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

            Article 80 Protection of crew and passengers on small vessels

            1. Deckhouses used for accommodation of the crew and passengers shall be constructed to a level of strength to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

            2. On working decks a bulwark or guard rails shall be fitted, consisting of stanchions and rods, having a heigth of at least 900 mm.
            When the operating conditions necessitate so, the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate can allow a lesser height or he can allow that completely or partly removable guard rails, consisting of stanchions, steel wire and turnbuckles or such, suffice.
            On other places, which are not or hardly entered during normal operations, handles along a superstructure and a foot rail may suffice.

            3. The height of the opening under the lower rod of rails may not exceed 230 mm.
            The distance between other rods may not exceed 380 mm. On ships where the transition of the shell plating to the deck plating has been designed as a rounded gunwhale, the stanchions of the rails shall be placed on the flat part of the deck.

            4. To protect the crew while entering or leaving their accommodation, machinery spaces and all other parts which are necessary for the service of the ship, rails, handles or other adequate means shall be fitted.

            5. On any ship deck cargo near openings giving access to the accommodation, machinery spaces and other spaces which have to be used for duties on board, shall be stowed such that these openings adequately can be reached, opened and closed against water ingress.
            When no safe movement is possible on or under the deck, rails or steel wires have to be fitted to the deck cargo for an adequate protection of the crew.

            6. All decks which are open for passengers should, where necessary, be provided with a bulwark or rails of at least 900 mm high. In case of rails the design shall be such that there is no risk of adult persons or children falling in the water through the openings. In a bulwark similar arrangements shall be made with respect to freeing ports.

            Article 81 Types of small vessels

            1. Small vessels are distinguished in two types, namely type A ships and type B ships.

            Type A ships

            2. A type A ship is a ship that:
            1. has solely been designed for the carriage of unpackaged liquid cargoes;
            2. has a very large extent of watertightness of the exposed deck with only small access openings to the cargo compartments which can be closed by watertight, gasketed covers of steel or of another approved material; and
            3. has a low permeability of the cargo compartments which are filled with cargo.

            Type B ships

            3. Any ship that does not comply with the provisions in the second paragraph of this Article is regarded as a type B ship.

            4. The minimum freeboard of a type A ship or a type B ship may not be smaller than required by Article 82 of this Annex. Ships without their own propulsion

            5. For lighters, tugs and other ships without their own propulsion, the freeboard is determined in accordance with the provisions of this Annex, where the following applies:
            1. The stability of tugs with cargo on the exposed deck shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. Deck cargo may only be carried on tugs to which the regular freeboard of the type B has been assigned.
            2. For unmanned tugs, however, the provisions in Article 80, the second and third paragraphs of Article 26 and Article 85 of this Annex are not applicable.
            3. With the exception of tugs of type A, to unmanned tugs, which on the freeboard deck have only been provided with small entrance openings, closed by watertight, gasketed covers of steel or of another approved material, a freeboard may be assigned which is 25 percent smaller than the freeboard calculated in accordance with the provisions of this Annex.

            Article 82 Basis for the summer freeboard to be assigned to small vessels

            The basis for the summer freeboard to be assigned is a tabular freeboard of 200 mm.

            Article 83 Allowance for the tabular freeboard for small vessels

            For a ship of the type B, of which the length of the superstructure to be included is smaller than 35 percent of the ship's length, the tabular freeboard shall be increased under Article 82 of this Annex by:
              570 ( 0.35 - E/L ) mm, where
              L: the ship's length in metres and
              E: the length of the superstructure in metres to be included in accordance with the provisions in Article 35 of this Annex.

              Article 84 Correction for the block coefficient of small vessels

              Where the blockcoefficient Cb exceeds 0.68, the tabular freeboard shall by multiplied under Article 82 of this Annex, after the necessary amendments pursuant to the provisions in Article 83 of this Annex, by the factor: (Cb + 0.68): 1.36.

              Article 85 Smallest allowable bow height on a small vessel at the fore load line

              1. The bow height, defined as the vertical distance at the forward perpendicular between the waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the designed trim and the top of the exposed deck, shall not be less than:
                10 * Bf * L mm where
                Bf = the restriction on the wind-force which applies to the ship according to the scale of Beaufort with a maximum of 10, and
                L = the length in metres, but with a minimum of 10 m and a maximum of 20 m.

                2. When the bow height is obtained in accordance with the provisions in the first paragraph of this Article by application of sheer, this sheer shall extend from the fore load line over at least 15 percent of the ship's length.
                When the bow height is obtained by fitting a superstructure, the length of the superstructure from the fore load line shall be at least 0.07L.

                3. For ships, for which the provisions in the first and second paragraphs of this Article with respect to special conditions for the completion of their task are unreasonable or impractical, the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may allow deviations.

                Article 86 Minimum freeboard of a small vessel

                1.Summer freeboard
                The minimum freeboard in the summer sailing area shall be the freeboard under Article 82 of this Annex, however, after amendment under:
                1. Article 81 as applicable;
                2. the Articles 31, 32, 37, 38, 83 and 84; and
                3. if applicable, Article 85 of this Annex.

                2. The freeboard, calculated in accordance with the provsions in the first paragraph of this Article, without the correction, however, for the position of the deck line as determined in Article 32 of this Annex, shall not be less than 50 mm in salt water. For a ship of which the hatchways in position 1 have been provided with covers which do not comply with the provisions in the Articles 16 or 26 of this Annex, this freeboard shall be not less than 150 mm in salt water.

                3.Tropical freeboard
                The minimum freeboard in the tropical sailing area shall be the freeboard obtained by a deduction from the summer freeboard of 1/48 of the summer draught, measured from the top of the keel to the centre of the ring of the load line mark.

                4. The tropical freeboard calculated in accordance with the provisions in the third paragraph of this Article, but without correction, however, for the position of the deck line as provided by Article 32 of this Annex, shall not be less than 50 mm in salt water.
                For a ship of which the hatchways in position 1 have been provided with covers which do not comply with the provisions in the Articles 16 or 26 of this Annex, this freeboard shall be not less than 150 mm in salt water.

                5.Winter freeboard
                The minimum freeboard in the winter sailing area shall be the freeboard obtained by an addition to the summer freeboard of 1/48 of the summer draught, measured from the top of the keel to the centre of the ring of the load line mark.

                6.Winter North Atlantic freeboard
                The minimum freeboard for a small vessel, which during the periodical winter season enters any part of the sailing area in the North Atlantic Ocean, as referred to in Article 70 of this Annex, shall be equal to the assigned winter freeboard plus 50 mm.

                7.Fresh water freeboard
                The minimum freeboard in fresh water of unit density shall be the freeboard, obtained by deducting 0/40t centimetres from the assigned freeboard in salt water, where:
                0 = the displacement in salt water in tonnes at the summer load line and
                t = the tonnes per centrimetre immersion in salt water at the summer load line.

                8. Where the displacement at the summer load line cannot be certified, the deduction shall be 1/48 of the summer draught, measured from the top of the keel to the centre of the ring of the load line mark.

                Annex II Construction - watertight subdivision and stability, design of the machinery space and electrical installations

                Chapter A - C Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                Chapter D Electrical installations

                Unless explicitly determined otherwise, this Chapter is applicable to passenger ships and to cargo ships

                Article 43a Emergency source of electrical power on board of cargo ships of less than 500 ton

                1.1. On board of a cargo ship of less than 500 ton an emergency source of electrical power shall be provided which is independent of the propulsion machinery and of the main electrical installation.

                1.2. The emergency source of electrical power, including transformers, if any, the emergency switchboard and the emergency lighting switchboard shall be positioned outside the boundary of machinery spaces of category A and outside the spaces in which the main source of electrical power including transformers, if any, or the main switchboard is located. The supply, the control and the distribution of the emergency source of electrical power may not be interfered by fire or another accident in the spaces mentioned.

                2. The emergency source of electrical power may be either a generator or an accumulator battery, which shall comply with the following:
                2.1. where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall be driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent supply of fuel having a flashpoint of not less than 43° C;
                2.2. where the emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery, it shall be capable of:
                  2.2.1. carrying the emergency electrical load without recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery throughout the discharge period within 12% above or below its nominal voltage;
                  2.2.2. automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the main source of electrical power; and
                  2.2.3. immediately supplying at least those services specified in paragraph 3.
                  3. The available electrical power of the emergency source of electrical power shall be sufficient to supply the power to all those services which in an emergency can be important for the safety, taking into account those services which shall be in operation at the same time:
                  3.1. during 3 hours: the emergency lighting at each muster station and, as well on deck as outboard, at each embarkation station where the survival craft have been placed, as required by the provisions in Article 11, paragraph 4, and Article 15, paragraph 7, of Annex XIA to this Decree;
                  3.2. during 6 hours: the emergengy lighting at the positions which qualify for this as described in paragraph 2.2 of Article 43, and the installation as described in paragraph 2.3 of Article 43 , the intermitting use of the daylight signalling lamp, the means for giving audible signals when designed electrically or to be operated electrically, the general alarm installation, as referred to in Article 6, paragraph 4.2, of Annex XIA to this Decree and the direct speech connection as referred to in the Articles 29 and 37, insofar as they do not have their own source of electrical power; and
                  3.3. the fire detection and fire alarm installation, insofar as required and insofar as their own source of power has been provided for, the alarm for the fixed gas fire-extinguishing system, as referred to in Article 5 of Annex IV to this Decree, and the pump of the fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing system in machinery spaces, as referred to in Article 10, paragraph 6, of Annex IV to this Decree, if such a spraying system has been fitted and the pump is dependent on the power supplied by the emergency generator.

                  4. The design and the installation of the emergency generator and its driving machinery or the emergency accumulator battery as well as the emergency switchboard shall comply with the requirements laid down in paragraph 5.1 through 5.5 and paragraph 6 of Article 43.

                  5. Provisions shall be made for periodically testing the complete emergency installation.

                  6. With respect to small vessels Article 64 applies instead ot the previous paragraphs.

                  Chapter E Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                  Chapter F Provisions for small vessels

                  Article 55 Scope

                  The Articles 56 through 71 are only applicable to small vessels.

                  Article 56 Damage stability of passenger ships, being a small vessel

                  1. Sufficient intact stability shall be provided in all service conditions so as to enable the ship to withstand the final stage of flooding of any one main compartment which is required to be within the floodable length.

                  2.1. To prove that the provisions in the first paragraph have been complied with, complete calculations, in accordance with the provision in the third, fourth and sixth paragraphs, shall be submitted to the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate for approval.
                  This calculation shall take into consideration the proportions and design characteristics of the ship and the arrangement and configuration of de damaged compartments. In making these calculations the ship is to be assumed in the worst anticipated service condition as regards stability.
                  2.2. Where it is proposed to fit decks, inner skins or longitudinal bulkheads of sufficient tightness to seriously restrict the flow of water, proper consideration shall be given to such restrictions in the calculations.
                  2.3. The stability required in the final condition after damage, and after equalization where provided, shall be determined as follows:
                    2.3.1. The positive residual righting lever shall have a minimum range of 7° beyond the angle of equilibrium.
                    2.3.2. Within the range as indicated in paragraph 2.3.1, a positive residual righting lever of at least 0.05 m shall be obtained.
                    3. For the purpose of making damage stability calculations the following permeabilities shall be applied:
                    1. 95 in accommodation spaces;
                    2. 85 in the machinery space;
                    3. 0 or 95 in spaces intended for liquids; and
                    4. 95 in the dry peak spaces.

                    4. Assumed extent of damage shall be as follows:
                    a length of 3.50 metres or the distance between the two boundary bulkheads of a watertight compartment if this distance is less than 3.50 metres;
                    (measured inboard from the ship's side, at right angles to the centreline at the level of the deepest subdivision load line): a distance of one fifth of the breadth of the ship, as defined in Article 2;
                    from the base line upwards without limit;
                    4.4. If any damage of lesser extent than that indicated in paragraphs 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 would result in a more severe condition regarding heel or loss of metacentric height, such damage shall be assumed in the calculations.

                    5. Unsymmetrical flooding is to be kept to a minimum consistent with efficient arrangements. Where it is necessary to correct large angles of heel, the means adopted shall be self-acting. The cross-flooding fittings, as well as the maximum angle of heel after flooding, shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. Where cross-flooding fittings are required, the time for equalization shall not exceed 15 minutes.

                    6. The final conditions of the ship after damage and, in the case of unsymmetrical flooding, after equalization measures have been taken shall be as follows:
                    6.1. in the case of symmetrical flooding there shall be a positive residual metacentric height of at least 50 mm;
                    6.2. in the case of unsymmetrical flooding, the angle of heel for flooding shall not exceed 7°.

                    Article 57 Watertight bulkheads on board of passenger ships, being a small vessel

                    1. Watertight bulkheads shall be fitted watertight to the bulkhead deck. A forepeak or collision bulkhead shall be fitted at a distance from the forward perpendicular of not less than 5 percent and not more than 10 percent of the length of the ship.

                    2. Where a long forward superstructure is fitted, the forepeak or collision bulkhead shall be extended weathertight to the next full deck above the bulkhead deck. The extension of the bulkhead need not be fitted directly above the bulkhead below, provided that it is sited within the limits specified in the first paragraph and the part of the deck which forms the stepped recess is weathertight.

                    3. An afterpeak bulkhead, and bulkheads dividing the machinery space, as defined in Article 2, from the cargo and passenger spaces forward and aft, shall also be fitted. These bulkheads shall be watertight to the bulkhead deck. The afterpeak bulkhead may, however, be stepped below the bulkhead deck, provided the degree of safety of the ship as regards subdivision is not thereby diminished.

                    4. The gland of a stern tube shall be positioned in a watertight space. The volume of this space shall be such that the margin line will not be submerged when this space would be flooded.

                    Article 58 Collision bulkheads on board of small vessels, not being passenger ships

                    1. For the purpose of this Article "freeboard deck", "length of the ship" and "forward perpendicular" have the meanings as defined in Annex I to this Decree.

                    2. A forepeak or collision bulkhead shall be fitted which shall be watertight up to the bulkhead deck. This bulkhead shall be located at a distance of the forward perpendicular of not less than 5 percent and not more than 10 percent of the length of the ship.

                    3. Bulkheads shall be fitted separating the machinery space from cargo and passenger spaces forward and aft and made watertight up to the freeboard deck.

                    Article 59 Steering gear and rudder on small vessels

                    1. Unless expressly provided otherwise, every ship shall be provided with a main steering gear and an auxiliary steering gear to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. The main steering gear and the auxiliary steering gear shall be so arranged that the failure of one of them will not render the other one inoperative.

                    2.1. All the steering gear components, the rudder and the rudder stock shall be of sound and reliable construction to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. Special consideration shall be given to the suitability and fitness of any essential component which is not duplicated. Any such essential component shall, where appropriate, utilize anti-friction bearings such as ball-bearings, roller bearings or sleeve-bearings which shall be permanently lubricated or provided with lubrication fittings.
                    2.2. The design pressure for calculations to determine the scantlings of piping and other steering gear components subjected to internal hydraulic pressure shall be at least 1.25 times the maximum working pressure to be expected under the operational conditions specified in paragraph 3.2, taking into account any pressure which may exist in the low-pressure side of the system. At the discretion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, fatigue criteria shall be applied for the design of piping and components, taking into account pulsating pressures due to dynamic loads.
                    2.3. Relief valves shall be fitted to any part of the hydraulic system which can be isolated and in which pressure can be generated from the power source or from external forces.
                    The setting of the relief valves shall not exceed the design pressure. The valves shall be of adequate size and so arranged as to avoid an undue rise in pressure above the design pressure.

                    3.1. The main steering gear, the rudder and the rudder stock shall be of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at maximum ahead service speed which shall be demonstrated.
                    3.2. The main steering gear shall be capable of putting the rudder over from 35° on one side to 35° on the other side with the ship at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at maximum ahead service speed.
                    The time needed for moving the rudder from 35° on one side to 30° on the other side under the same conditions may not exceed 28 seconds.
                    3.3. The main steering gear shall be operated by power where necessary to meet the requirements of paragraph 3.2 and in any case when the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate requires a rudder stock of over 120 mm diameter in way of the tiller, excluding strengthening for navigation in ice.
                    3.4. The main steering gear, the rudder and the rudder stock shall be so designed that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed; however, this design requirement need not be proved by trials at maximum astern speed and maximum rudder angle.

                    4.1. The auxiliary steering gear shall be of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at navigable speed and of being speedily into action in an emergency.
                    4.2. The auxiliary steering gear shall be capable of putting the rudder over from 15° on one side to 15° on the other side in not more than 60 seconds with the ship at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at one half of the maximum ahead service speed of 7 knots, whichever is the greater.
                    4.3. The auxiliary steering gear shall be operated by power where necessary to meet the requirements of paragraph 4.2.

                    5.1. Main and auxiliary steering gear power units shall be arranged to restart automatically when power is restored after a power failure.
                    5.2. The main and auxiliary steering gear power units shall be capable of being brought into operation from a position on the navigation bridge. In the event of a power failure to any one of the steering gear power units, an audible and visual alarm shall be given on the navigation bridge.

                    6.1. Where the main steering gear comprises two or more identical power units, an auxiliary steering gear need not be fitted, provided that the main steering gear is so arranged that after a single failure in its piping system or in one of the power units the defect can be isolated so that steering capability can be maintained or speedily regained.
                    6.2. Steering gears, other than of the hydraulic type, shall achieve standards equivalent to the requirements in paragraph 6.1, to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

                    7.1. The main steering gear shall be operated from the navigation bridge.
                    7.2. Where the main steering gear is arranged in accordance with paragraph 6, two independent control systems, both operable from the navigation bridge, shall be provided. This does not require duplication of the steering wheel or steering lever.
                    Where the control system consists of a hydraulic telemotor, a second independent system need not be fitted.
                    7.3. The auxiliary steering gear shall be provided with a remote control system operable from the navigation bridge.
                    This system shall be independent of the remote control system for the main steering gear.
                    If, however, the main steeringg gear can be operated manually from the navigation bridge, the auxiliary steering gear need not be provided with a remote control. In this case, the electrical remote control for the main steering gear, if any, shall be capable of putting out of action on the navigation bridge.

                    8. Any main and auxilaiary steering gear control system operable from the navigation bridge shall comply with the following:
                    8.1. if electric, it shall be served by its own separate circuit. For electrical-hydraulic steering gear this circuit shall be supplied from a steering gear power circuit;
                    8.2. it shall be possible to put the control system in operation on the navigation bridge;
                    8.3. in the event of a failure of electrical power supply to the control system, an audible and visual alarm shall be given on the navigation bridge. These alarms shall be readily observed; and
                    8.4. short circuit protection only shall be provided for steering gear control supply circuits.

                    9. The angular position of the rudder shall, if the main steering gear is power-operated, be indicated on the navigation bridge. The rudder angle indication shall be independent of the steering gear control system.

                    10.1. Adequate arrangements shall be provided to maintain the cleanliness of the hydraulic liquid for hydraulic power operated steering gear, taking into consideration the type and design of the hydraulic system.
                    10.2. Any hydraulic fluid reservoir of hydraulic power-operated steering gear shall be provided with a low-level alarm to give the earliest practicable indication of hydraulic fluid leakage.
                    This alarm shall be audible as well as visual and shall be arranged at such a location on the navigation bridge and near the space where the steering gear are operated, that they can be readily observed.

                    11.1. The steering gear compartments shall be readily accessible and, as far as practicable, separated from machinery spaces.
                    11.2. Suitable arrangements shall be provided to ensure working access to steering gear machinery and controls in the steering gear compartments.
                    These arrangements shall include handrails and gratings or other nonslip surfaces to ensure suitable working conditions in the evenent of hydraulic fluid leakage.

                    12. If an automatic steering gear has been provided, it shall comply with rules to be laid down by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

                    Article 60 Additional requirements for electric and electrohydraulic steering gear on small vessels

                    1. On board of any ship means for indicating that the motors of electric and electrohydraulic steering gear are running shall be installed on the navigation bridge.

                    2. Any motor of an electric or electrohydraulic steering gear shall be fed directly from the main switchboard, or an equivalent switchboard.

                    3. Any motor shall be provided with short circuit protection. If protection against excess current has been provided, this shall be for not less than twice the full load current of the motor so protected, and shall be arranged to permit the passage of the appropriate starting currents.

                    Article 61 Machinery controls, essential for the propulsion on small vessels

                    1. Main and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion and safety of the ship shall be provided with effective means for its operation and control.

                    2. Where remote control of propulsion machinery from the navigation bridge is provided and the machinery spaces are intended to be manned, the following shall apply:
                    2.1. the speed, direction of thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of the propeller shall be fully controllable from the navigation bridge under all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring;
                    2.2. the remote control shall be performed, for each independent propeller, by a control device so designed and constructed that its operation does not require particular attention to the operational details of the machinery;
                    2.3. the main propulsion machinery shall be provided with an emergency stopping device on the navigation bridge which shall be independent of the navigation bridge control system;
                    2.4. remote control of the propulsion machinery shall be possible only from one location at a time. At such locations interconnected control positions are permitted. With the exception of a completely mechanically performed remote control, at each location there shall be an indicator showing which location is in control of the propulsion machinery. The transfer of control between the navigation bridge and machinery spaces shall be possible only in the main machinery space or the main machinery control rooom. The transfer system required for this shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate and performed such, that the propelling thrust never alters significantly when transferring control from one location to another;
                    2.5. the propulsion machinery shall be capable of local control, even in the case of failure in any part of the remote control system;
                    2.6. the design of the remote control system, except for a completely mechanically performed remote control, shall be such that in case of its failure an alarm will be given, where the preset speed and direction of the thrust of the propellers shall be maintained until local control is in operation;
                    2.7. indicators shall be fitted on the navigation bridge for:
                      2.7.1. propeller speed and direction of rotation in the case of fixed pitch propellers;
                      2.7.2. propeller speed and pitch position in the case of controllable pitch propellers. 2.8. an alarm shall be provided on the navigation bridge and in the machinery space to indicate low starting air pressure which shall be set at a level to permit further main engine starting operations. If the remote control system of the propulsion machinery is designed for automatic starting, the number of automatic consecutive attempts which fail to produce a start shall be limited in order to safeguard sufficient starting air pressure for starting locally.

                      3. Where the main propulsion and associated machinery, including sources of main electrical supply, are provided with various degrees of automatic or remote control and are under continuous manual supervision from a control room the arrangements and controls shall be so designed, equipped and installed that the machinery operation will be as safe and effective as if it were under direct supervision, taking into account the provisions in the Articles 46 through 48 and 69, as applicable. Particular consideration shall be given to protect such spaces against fire and flooding. 4. In general, automatic starting, operational and control systems shall include provisions for manually overriding the automatic controls. Failure of any part of such systems shall not prevent the use of the manual override.

                      Article 62 Communication between navigation bridge and machinery space on small vessels

                      At least one means shall be provided for communicating orders from the navigation bridge to the position in the machinery space where in the event of failure of the remote control the propulsion machinery shall be operated. These orders shall also be responded from this position. However, a means of communication is not necesary when the remote control has completely been performed mechanically.

                      Article 63 Main source of electrical power and lighting systems on small vessels

                      1.1. A main source of electrical power of sufficient capacity to supply all those services mentioned in Article 40.1.1 shall be provided. On vessels with a propulsion power of less than 120 kW this main source of electrical power shall consist of at least one generating set. On vessels with a propulsion power of more than 120 kW this main source of electrical power shall consist of at least two generating sets.
                      1.2. Where at least two generating sets are required, the capacity of these generating sets shall be such that in the event of any one generating set being stopped it will still be possible to supply those services necessary to provide normal operational conditions of propulsion and safety. Minimum comfortable conditions of habitability shall also be ensured which include at least adequate services for cooking, heating, domestic refrigeration, mechanical ventilation, sanitary and fresh water.
                      1.3. The arrangements of the ship's main source of electrical power shall be such that the services referred to in Article 40.1.1 can be maintained regardless of the speed and direction of rotation of the propulsion machinery or shafting.
                      1.4. Where transformers constitute an essential part of the electrical supply system required by this paragraph, the system shall be so arranged as to ensure the same continuity of the supply as is stated in this paragraph.

                      Article 64 Emergency source of electrical power on board of small vessels

                      1.1. Subject to the provisions in the seventh paragraph, any ship shall be provided with an emergency source of electrical power which is independent of the propulsion machinery and of the main source of electrical power.
                      1.2. The emergency source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if any, and the emergency switchboard shall be located outside the machinery space. A fire or other casualty in the machinery space will not interfere with the supply, control and distribution of emergency electrical power.

                      2. The emergency source of electrical power either may be a generator or an accumulator battery which comply with the following:
                      2.1. where the emergency source of electrical power is a generator, it shall be driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent supply of fuel having a flashpoint of not less than 43°C;
                      2.2. where the emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery, it shall be capable of:
                        2.2.1. carrying the emergency electrical load without recharging while maintaining the voltage of the battery throughout the discharge period within 12% above or below its nominal voltage;
                        2.2.2. automatically connecting to the emergency switchboard in the event of failure of the main source of electrical power; and
                        2.2.3. immediately supplying at least those services specified in the third paragraph.
                        3. The electrical power available from the emergency source of electrical power shall be sufficient to supply for three hours all those services that are essential for safety in an emergency, due regard being paid to such services as may have to be operated simultaneously:
                        3.1. the emergency lighting:
                          3.1.1. at the liferafts;
                          3.1.2. in alleyways, stairways and exits;
                          3.1.3. in the machinery space;
                          3.1.4. at the magnetic compass;
                          3.1.5. in galleys, accommodations and other spaces for general use; 3.2. the installation, as specified in paragraph 2.3 of Article 43.
                          3.3. the intermittent use of:
                            3.3.1. the means for giving audible signals, if electrically performed or to be controlled electrically;
                            3.3.2. the general alarm system;
                            3.3.3. the alarm of the fixed gas fire-extinguishing system; and
                            3.3.4. the communication system as referred to in Article 62 of this Annex .
                            4. The emergency switchboard shall be supplied during normal operation from the main switchboard by an interconnector feeder which is to be adequately protected at the main switchboard against overload and short circuit and which is to be disconnected automatically at the emergency switchboard upon failure of the main source of electrical power.

                            5. The emergency generator and its prime mover and any emergency accumulator battery shall be so designed and arranged as to ensure that they will function at full rated power when the ship is upright and when inclined at any angle of list up to 22.5° or when inclined up to 10° either in the fore or aft direction, or is in any combination of angles within those limits.

                            6. Provisions shall be made for the periodic testing of the complete emergency system.

                            7. The provisions in the above paragraphs of this Article are not applicable to vessels of which:
                            7.1. the main source of electrical power has been provided with a buffer accumulator battery, connected in parallel to the main source of electrical power, where this buffer accumulator battery may also serve as emergency source of electrical power;
                            7.2. the available electrical capacity of the buffer accumulator battery is sufficient to be capable of supplying, besides the normal users who remain connected in an emergency, during at least 3 hours the lighting in accommodations and machinery spaces, the paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 through 3.3.4, and the services, required in Article 5, second paragraph, subparagraph d, of Annex V;
                            7.3. the VHF radio telephone installation, as required in Article 6, first and second paragraphs, of Annex V, can be supplied by the electrical installation with buffer accumulator battery, as specified in subparagraph 7.1, where it applies that when a transformer is used for supplying this VHF radio telephone installation, it may only be used to supply the VHF radio telephone installation; and
                            7.4. the emergency lighting at the liferafts has been connected to the back-up source of electrical power of the VHF radio telephone installation.

                            8. In all cases the supply of electrical power of the radio equipment, as required in Annex V, can be transferred to the back-up source of electrical power, as required in Article 15, second paragraph, of Annex V. The back-up source of electrical power complies with the requirements laid down in the Articles 15 and 17 of Annex V and is only used for the purposes mentioned in these Articles and the power supply of the emergency lighting at the liferafts, if applicable pursuant to subparagraph 7.4. The electrical capacity of the back-up source of electrical power is sufficient to supply the radio equipment, as required in Annex V, for a period of at least 6 hours. With due regard to the above in this paragraph, for the radio equipment for the sailing area A1 (the VHF radio telephone installation) the capacity of the back-up source of electrical power is not less than 50 Ah at 24 Volt. The back-up source of electrical power is positioned outside the machinery space in the upper part of the ship and may not be affected by a calamity in the machinery space. On the navigation bridge the charging current of the back-up source of electrical power can be read from an amperemeter.

                            9. Charging the back-up source of electrical power shall be as follows:
                            1. in case of an emergency switchboard with three-phase current or alternating current: by means of a fixed charging installation, positioned outside the machinery space, through which the back-up source of electrical power is charged from the emergency switchboard;
                            2. in case of an emergency switchboard with direct current: directly from the emergency switchboard, where the tension of the emergency switchboard has the same voltage as the back-up source of electrical power. To prevent recurrence to the emergency switchboard, a diode is included in the charging current circuit;
                            3. in case of a main power supply with buffer accumulator battery, connected in parallel to the main source of electrical power, where this buffer accumulator battery also may serve as emergency source of electrical power: through the direct current power supply, directly from the main distribution box in the machinery space. To prevent recurrence to the machinery space, in addition, a diode is included in the charging current circuit on a place outside the machinery space.

                            Article 65 Starting arrangements for emergency generating sets on small vessels

                            Emergency generator sets shall be capable of being readily started in their cold condition at a temperature of 0°C. If this is impractacable, or if lower temperatures are likely to be encountered, provisions shall be made for heating arrangements to ensure ready starting of the generating sets, to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

                            Article 66 Precautions against hazards of electrical origin on small vessels

                            1.1. Exposed metal parts of electrical machines or equipment which are not intended to be live but which are liable under fault conditions to become live shall be earthed unless the machines or equipment are:
                              1.1.1. supplied at a voltage not exceeding 55V direct current or 55V root-mean square between conductors; auto-transformers shall not be used for the purpose of achieving this voltage; or
                              1.1.2. supplied at a voltage not exceeding 250V by safety isolating transformers supplying only one consuming device; or
                              1.1.3. constructed in accordance with the principle of double insulation. 1.2. For portable electrical equipment being held in one's hand during usage, the following requirements shall apply:
                                1.2.1. portable electrical equipments being held in one's hand during usage, such as hand tools, hold and portable lamps and such preferably have to be constructed in accordance with the principle of double insulation. Where this is not the case, in damp spaces and on deck the supply current shall not exceed 55 volt direct current or 55 volt alternating current between the conductors; autotransformers shall not be used for obtaining the mentioned alternating current.
                                This current may be increased to not more than 250 volt, provided that this current is obtained from a safety isolating transformer to which only one consumer has been connected;
                                1.2.2. for operations in narrow spaces like boilers, tanks and such the supply current shall not exceed 55 volt direct current or 55 volt alternating current between the conductors; autotransformers shall not be used for obtaining the mentioned alternating current;
                                1.2.3. the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may require additional precautions for portable electrical equipments being used in narrow or extremely damp spaces where particular risks due to conductivity may exist. 1.3. All electrical apparatus shall be so constructed and installed as not to cause injury when handled or touched in the normal manner.

                                2.1. Main and emergency switchboards shall be so arranged as to give easy access as may be needed to apparatus and equipment, without danger to personnel.
                                The sides and the rear and, where necessary, the front of switchboards shall be suitably guarded. Exposed live parts having voltages to earth exceeding a voltage to be specified by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, shall not be installed on the front of such switchboards.
                                Where necessary nonconducting mats or gratings shall be provided at the front and rear of the switchboard.
                                The front of switchboards shall be provided with a handrail.
                                In case of a switchboard of the open type this handrail shall be isolated.
                                2.2. Where the back of main and emergency switchboard is open, a readily accessible free space shall be at that side, which at a total length of 6 m or more is readily accessible from both ends. An insulated handrail shall be fitted along the back. The entrances shall be capable of closure by means of adequately lockable, outwards turning doors or sliding doors. At the outside of the doors the nominal current and the type of current shall be stated.
                                2.3. Main and emergency switchboard shall be provided with the required notices for operational purposes.

                                3.1. The hull return system of distribution shall not be used for any purpose in a tanker.
                                3.2. The requirement of paragraph 3.1 does not preclude under conditions approved by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate the use of:
                                  3.2.1. impressed current cathodic protective systems;
                                  3.2.2. limited and locally earthed systems; or
                                  3.2.3. insulation level monitoring devices provided the circulation current does not exceed 30 mA under the most unfavourable conditions. 3.3. When the hull return system is used, all final subcircuits, i.e. all circuits fitted after the last protective device, shall be two-wire and special connections with the shell shall be accomplished on accessible places and such that they can be readily checked and released for performing insulation measurements. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may lay down additional requirements for distribution systems where the ship is used as reconductor.

                                  4.1. Earthed distribution systems shall not be used in a tanker. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may exceptionally permit in a tanker the earthing of the neutral for alternating current power networks of 3,000 V (line to line) and over, provided that any possible resulting current does not flow directly through any of the dangers parts.
                                  4.2. When a distribution system, whether primary or secondary, for power, heating or lighting, with no connection to earth is used, a device capable of continuously monitoring the insulation level to earth and of giving an audible or visual indication of abnormally low insulation values shall be provided.

                                  5.1. Except as permitted by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate in exceptional circumstances, all metal sheaths and armour of cables shall be electrically continuous and shall be earthed.
                                  5.2. All electrical cables and wiring external to equipment shall be at least of a flame-retardant type and shall be so installed as not to impair their original flame-retarding properties. Where necessary for particular applications, the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may permit the use of special types of cables such as radio-frequency cables, which do not comply with the foregoing.
                                  5.3. Where cables which are installed in hazardous areas introduce the risk of fire or explosion in the event of an electrical fault in such areas, special precautions against such risks shall be taken to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                  5.4. Electrical cables and wiring shall be installed and supported in such manner as to avoid chafing or other damage.
                                  5.5. Terminations and joints in all conductors shall be so made as to retain the original electrical, mechanical, flame-retarding and, where necessary, fire-resisting properties of the cable.

                                  6.1. Each separate circuit shall be protected against short circuit and against overload, except as permitted in the Articles 59 and 60, or where the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may exceptionally otherwise permit.
                                  6.2. The rating or appropriate setting of the overload protective device for each circuit shall be permanently indicated at the location of the protective device.

                                  7. Lighting fittings shall be so arranged as to prevent temperature rises which could damage the cables and wiring, and to prevent surrounding material from becoming excessively hot.

                                  8.1. Accumulator batteries shall be suitably housed, and compartments used primarily for their accommodation shall be properly constructed and efficiently ventilated, all this to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                  8.2. Electrical or other equipment which may constitute a source of ignition of flammable vapours shall not be permitted in these compartments except as permitted in the ninth paragraph.
                                  8.3. Accumulator batteries shall not be located in crew accommodation. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may permit deviation from this requirement when hermetically closed batteries are installed to this satisfaction.

                                  9.1. No electrical equipment shall be installed in any space where flammable mixtures are liable to collect, including those on board of tankers, in compartments assigned primarily to accumulator batteries, in paint lockers, acetylene stores or similar spaces, unless the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate is satisfied that such equipment is:
                                    9.1.1. essential for operational purposes;
                                    9.1.2. of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned;
                                    9.1.3. appropriate to the space concerned; and
                                    9.1.4. appropriately certified for safe usage in the dusts, vapours or gases likely to be encountered. 9.2. In tanks and cofferdams, as well as for temporary lighting of other hazardous spaces, only an electrical safety lamp of an approved type may be used.
                                    This electrical safety lamp shall:
                                      9.2.1. be portable;
                                      9.2.2. have its own source of electrical power, consisting of dry elements or accumulators with a total current not exceeding 6 volt;
                                      9.2.3. have a burning period of at least three successive hours;
                                      9.2.4. be constructed such that it cannot cause ignition of an explosive mixture of hydrocarbons and air.
                                      10. Heaters, like cookers and such, shall be so designed that the heating elements are surrounded by an adequately protecting casing. The devices shall be positioned ready to depart.

                                      Article 67 Electrotechnical appliances for machinery on small vessels

                                      1.Emergency bilge pumps
                                      In case of application of an electrically driven emergency bilge pump the following requirements have to be complied with:
                                      1.1. the engine of the pump shall be capable of being supplied directly from the emergency switchboard by the emergency source of electrical power;
                                      1.2. the pump with all fittings shall be capable of operating well under a water pressure of at least so many metres as the pump has been placed below the bulkhead deck;
                                      1.3. the supply cables shall be fitted with a metal sheathing or shall be of an equivalent type. They shall run continuously from above the bulkhead deck to the terminals of the engine;
                                      1.4. the engine shall be capable of being put into operation in all circumstances from above the bulkhead deck from a readily accessible position. Due to a failure in an eventual control possibility under the bulkhead deck that good operation of the control possibility above the bulkhead deck may not be affected;

                                      2.Electrical starting systems for propulsion engines
                                      On board of a motor ship provided with electrical starting arrangements for the benefit of the propulsion engine or engines, the following has to be complied with:
                                      2.1. at the presence of one propulsion engine, a starter battery of such capacity shall be fitted for this engine that the engine can be started at least six times under cold conditions. Except for vessels with a propulsion power of not more than 120 kW, this battery is capable of being charged by two charging devices which may not be dependent of the same machine. In any case a battery of at least the same capacity shall be available which can start the propulsion engine.
                                      Instead of the above-mentioned second battery an accumulator battery which serves the lighting or the emergency lighting of the ship, may be used for starting provided it can supply the energy, in addition to the lighting or the emergency lighting, for starting the engine six times under cold conditions;
                                      2.2. in case of two or more propulsion engines, the electrical starting arrangements shall comply with the provisions in paragraph 2.1, provided, however, that each propulsion engine shall be capable of being started on both batteries.

                                      3.1.Deck machinery
                                      Electrically driven deck machinery for the benefit of loading and unloading installations of the ship shall comply with the requirements laid down by or pursuant to the Stevedores Act.
                                      3.2. Electrically driven deck machinery other than as referred to in paragraph 3.1, shall be designed such that:
                                        3.2.1. switching on the drive engine can only take place when the control devices are at ease;
                                        3.2.2. in the event of the main voltage being cut off or interruption of the power supply to the drive engine, the brake is automatically put into action and the load is maintained. This provision shall not apply to deck machinery where the brake shall be lifted manually for rendering the load;
                                        3.2.3. when auxiliary power is applied, the origin of earth short in the auxiliary circuit cannot lead to starting or continuing of the drive engine, or the lifting or continued lifting of the brake of the winches;
                                        3.2.4. near the control handle of electrically driven deck machinery the position of the handle during heaving and rendering is indicated clearly and permanently;
                                        3.2.5. near the position where the deck machinery is controlled, a switch or auxiliary switch has been fitted, by which the power supply to the drive engine or to the engine of the supply aggregate can be switched off independently of the position of the control device of the engine.
                                        4.1.Location of switches
                                        In each electrical installation there shall be switches which are necessary for the operation and for adequately and safely performing control, repair and maintenance activities.
                                        4.2. Engines and associated starting devices shall be capable of being completely isolated from the circuit by means of switches. Such a switch shall be on or near the starting device, if available. When the engine has not been positioned near the starting device or when there is no starting device, near the engine a similar isolating switch or equivalent device shall be placed, unless the switch on or near the starting device can be locked when switched off in an adequate and efficient way or such a provision has been made for another switch which is suitable for this purpose.
                                        4.3. The isolating switch or equivalent device mentioned in paragraph 4.2 need not be fitted when, in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, there is no danger for injuries to persons due to moving parts during the performance of repair and maintenance activities.
                                        4.4. When automatic remote control switches are used for the control of engines, measures shall be taken, if necessary, to prevent that the engines can start unexpectedly or can continue unintentionally due to earth short in the auxiliary power circuit.
                                        4.5. Switches for power consuming devices, with the exception of lamps, shall isolate the device involved completely from the circuit when switched off.
                                        4.6. Switches shall not be fitted in lines which on account of the operation are connected with the earth, unless these by means of one act can be switched off at the same time as the other associated lines.
                                        4.7. When a diesel engine can be started electrically at at distance, a switch shall be provided which can prevent an electrical start. Such a switch shall be placed on or near the diesel engine.

                                        Article 68 Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                                        Article 69 Remote control of propulsion machinery from the navigation bridge on small vessels

                                        1. Under all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring, the speed, direction of thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of the propeller shall be fully controllable from the navigation bridge.
                                        1.1. Such remote control shall be performed by a single control device for each independent propeller, with automatic performance of all associated services, including, where necessary, means of preventing overload of the propulsion machinery.
                                        1.2. The main propulsion machinery shall be provided with an emergency stopping device on the navigation bridge which shall be independent of the navigation bridge control system.

                                        2. Remote control of the propulsion machinery shall be possible only from one location at a time. At such locations interconnected control positions are permitted. With the exception of a completely mechanically performed remote control, at each location there shall be an indicator showing which location is in control of the propulsion machinery. The transfer of control between the navigation bridge and machinery spaces shall be possible only in the main machinery space or in the main machinery control room. The transfer device required for this shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate and shall be so constructed that the proppeling thrust will never alter significantly when transferring control from one location to another.

                                        3. The propulsion machinery shall be capable of control from a local position, even in the case of failure in any part of the remote control system.

                                        4. The design of the remote control system, except for a completey mechanically performed remote control, shall be such that in case of its failure an alarm will be given where the preset speed and direction of thrust of the propeller shall be maintained until local control is in operation.

                                        5. Indicators shall be fitted on the navigation bridge for:
                                        5.1. propeller speed and direction of rotation in the case of fixed pitch propellers; or
                                        5.2. propeller speed and pitch position in the case of controllable pitch propellers.

                                        6. The number of consecutive automatic attempts which fail to produce a start shall be limited to safeguard sufficient starting air pressure.
                                        An alarm shall be provided to indicate low starting air pressure set at a level which still permits starting operations of the propulsion machinery.

                                        Article 70 Alarm system on small vessels

                                        1. An alarm system shall be provided indicating any fault requiring attention and shall:
                                        1.1. indicate visually each separate alarm function at a suitable position. The visual alarms shall be accompanied by an audible signal;
                                        1.2. as far as is practicable be designed on the fail-to-safety principle.

                                        2.1. The alarm system shall be connected, either directly to an independent current source, or to the circuit. In the latter case the design shall be such that in case of the circuit current being cut off, there will be an automatic switchover to an independent current source;
                                        2.2. The availability of current for the alarm system shall be indicated visually on the alarm panel.

                                        3.1. The alarm system shall be able to indicate at the same time more than one fault and the acceptance of any alarm shall not inhibit another alarm;
                                        3.2. An alarm situation shall be maintained until it has been accepted, while the visual indications of individual alarms remain visible until the failure has been repaired, after which the alarm system shall return automatically to the normal operational condition.

                                        4. The alarms which qualify for this shall be designed with delayed action. During manoeuvring it shall be prevented that an alarm is put into operation unnecessarily.

                                        Article 71 Special requirements for machinery, boilers and electrical installations on small vessels

                                        1. The special requirements for machinery, boilers and electrical installations shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate and shall include at least the following:

                                        2.Main source of electrical power
                                        2.1. Where electrical power is required to ensure the propulsion and steering of the ship, adequate provisions shall be made to ensure the supply of electrical power in the case of loss of the generator in operation.

                                        3.Automatic control and alarm system
                                        3.1. The control system shall be such that the services needed for the operation of the main propulsion machinery and its auxiliaries are ensured through the necessary automatic arrangements.
                                        3.2. An alarm shall be given on the automatic change-over.
                                        3.3. An alarm system complying with Article 70 shall be provided for all important pressures, temperatures, fluid levels and other essential parameters.
                                        3.4.1. The navigation bridge shall be designed with an alarm panel, indicating at least the following alarms individually:
                                        1. low lubrication oil pressure of the propulsion machinery;
                                        2. high cooling-water or air temperature of the propulsion machinery;
                                        3. low-level cooling-water expansion tank of the propulsion machinery;
                                        4. low oil pressure of the reversing clutch or propeller blade adjusting device;
                                        5. high bilge-water level in the machinery space;
                                        6. failure in the remote control system when designed other than completely mechanically; and
                                        7. low fuel level in the consumable tank.
                                        Besides, alarms shall be fitted on the navigation bridge with respect to:
                                        1. the steering gear, as mentioned in Article 59; and
                                        2. the fixed gas fire-extinguishing system.
                                        In addition to the provisions in the fifth paragraph of Article 69, the following instruments shall be fitted, indicating:
                                        1. the lubrication oil pressure of the propulsion machinery;
                                        2. the cooling-water temperature of the propulsion machinery; and
                                        3. the control air pressure when pneumatic remote control is applied.
                                        3.4.2. Near the control position where the propulsion machinery can be controlled locally, at least the following instruments shall be fitted, indicating:
                                        1. the rotary frequency of the propeller or the engine when fixed propellers are applied or the rotary frequency of the propeller and the position of the propeller blades when adjustable screws are applied;
                                        2. the lubrication oil pressure of the propulsion machinery;
                                        3. the cooling-water temperature of the propulsion machinery; and
                                        4. the oil pressure of the reversing clutch or propeller blade adjusting device.

                                        Annex III Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                                        Annex IV Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction

                                        Chapter A - D Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                                        Chapter E Provisions for small vessels, not being tankers

                                        Article 64 Scope

                                        The Articles 65 through 76 are only applicable to small vessels, not being tankers.

                                        Article 65 Fire pumps, fire mains, hydranats and fire hoses on board of small vessels

                                        1. Ships shall be provided with fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and fire hoses complying with the applicable requirements of this Article.

                                        2.Capacity of fire pumps
                                        2.1. The required fire pumps shall be capable of delivering a quantity of water for fire-fighting purposes, at the pressure specified in paragraph 4, as follows:
                                          2.1.1. pumps in passenger ships: not less than two thirds of the quantity required to be dealt with pursuant to Article 8 of Annex III to this Decree by the bilge pumps when employed for bilge pumping;
                                          2.1.2. pumps on other small vessels, other than any emergency pump: not less than four thirds of the quantity required under Article 14 of Annex III to this Decree to be dealt with by each of the independent bilge pumps when employed in bilge pumping. 2.2. Each of the required fire pumps shall have a capacity not less than 80% of the total required capacity divided by the minimum number of required fire pumps, but in any case not less than 10 m3/h. These fire pumps shall be capable of supplying the fire main system under the required conditions. Where more pumps than the minimum of required pumps are installed, such additional pumps shall have a capacity to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

                                          3.Arrangements of fire pumps and fire mains
                                          3.1. Any ship shall be provided with the following number of independently driven fire pumps:
                                            3.1.1. on a passenger ship at least two;
                                            3.1.2. on other small vessels at least one. 3.2. Sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service pumps may be accepted as fire pumps, provided that they are not normally used for pumping oil and that if they are subject to occasional duty for the transfer or pumpung of oil fuel, suitable change-over arrangements are fitted to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                            3.3. The arrangement of sea connections, fire pumps and their sources of power shall be so as to ensure that, in passenger ships, in the event of a fire in any one compartment could put all the pumps out of action, there shall be a removable pump having a capacity of at least 10 m3/h. The power of the pump, the water head, the manner in which the pump sucks up water and the manner in which the pump can be connected to the main, shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;
                                            3.4. The arrangements for the ready availability of water supply shall be:
                                              3.4.1. in passenger ships and other small vessels to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;
                                              3.4.2. on board of small vessels, not being passenger ships, with a periodically unattended machinery space or when only one person is required on watch, there shall be immediate water delivery from the fire main system, either by remote starting of one of the main fire pumps with remote starting from the navigation bridge, or by permanent pressurization of the fire main. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may waive this requirement for small vessels, not being passenger ships, if the arrangement of the accesses to the machinery space render this application redundant;
                                              3.4.3. in machinery spaces on board of passenger ships as referred to in Article 114, fourth or fifth paragraph, of this Decree, to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate consisting of fixed water extinguishers which are equivalent to those which are required in machinery spaces manned in accordance with the usual requirements. 3.5. All fire pumps shall be provided with relief valves when they are capable of providing a pressure which exceeds the pressure for which the fire mains, hydrants and fire hoses have been designed. These relief valves shall be fitted at such a position and they shall be set such, that excessive pressures in any part of the fire main are prevented.
                                              3.6. On board of tankers, for the benefit of the operational safety of the fire main in the event of fire or explosion, the fire main shall be provided with valves on a protected position at the front of the poop and on the tank deck.

                                              4.Diameter of and pressure at fire mains
                                              4.1. The diameter of the fire main and water service pipes shall be sufficient for the effective distribution of the maximum required discharge from two fire pumps operating simultaneously, provided that on a ship where only one fire pump is available, the above diameter shall be sufficient to deliver an amount of water which is equal to the required capacity of that pump.
                                              4.2. When the capacity mentioned in paragraph 4.1, supplied by the pump or pumps mentioned there, is delivered by nozzles as described in paragraph 8, coupled to hoses connected to adjacent fire hydrants, at least a pressure of 0.20 N/mm2 shall be maintained at all hydrants, provided that on board of a small vessel, not being a passenger ship, this pressure shall be capable of being maintained when delivering the required capacity by one nozzle as referred to above.
                                              4.3. The maximum pressure at any hydrant may not exceed the pressure where to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate can be proven that efficient control of the fire hose is still possible.

                                              5.Number and position of hydrants
                                              5.1. On board of cargo ships the number and position of hydrants shall be such that one water jet which shall be from a single length of hose, may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to the passengers or crew while the ship is being navigated.
                                              5.2. On board of passenger ships the number and position of hydrants shall be such that at least two water jets not emanating from the same hydrant, one of which shall be from a single length of hose, may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to passengers and crew while the ship is being navigated.

                                              6.Fire mains and hydrants
                                              6.1. The fire mains, hydrants and valves shall be constructed of materials which are sufficiently heat resisting. The arrangement of pipes and hydrants shall be such as to avoid the possibility of freezing. The pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the fire hoses may be easily coupled to them. In ships where deck cargo may be carried, the positions of the hydrants shall be such that they are always readily accessible and the pipes shall be arranged as far as practicable to avoid risk of damage by such cargo. Unless there is a corresponding fire hose with a nozzle at each hydrant, any fire hose shall be capable of being connected to any hydrant and any nozzle to any fire hose.
                                              6.2. Any connection for a fire hose shall be provided with a cock or a valve, so any fire hose can be connected or disconnected while the fire pumps are operating.
                                              6.3. Isolating valves to separate the section of the fire main within the machinery space containing the main fire pump or pumps from the rest of the fire main shall be fitted in an easily accessible and tenable position outside the machinery spaces. The fire main shall be so arranged that when the isolating valves are shut all the hydrants on the ship, except those in the machinery space referred to above, can be supplied with water by the fire pump which has not been located in the machinery space as referred to, by means of pipes which do not pass that space.
                                              6.4. Hydrants and valves shall be painted red.

                                              7.Fire hoses
                                              7.1. Fire hoses shall be of approved material which is non-ageing, heat-proof, ozone-proof, petrol resisting and oil resisting. They shall be sufficient in length to project a water jet to any of the spaces in which they may be required to be used; this length, however, may not be more than 20 m. Each hose shall be provided with a nozzle and the necessary couplings. Hoses specified in this Annex as "fire hoses" shall, together with any necessary fittings and tools, be kept ready for use in conspicuous positions near the water service hydrants or connections.
                                              7.2. The diameter of the fire hoses shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                              7.3. On board of a passenger ship there shall be at least one fire hose for each hydranat which is required pursuant to the fifth paragraph. These hoses shall only be used for fire-extinguishing purposes or for testing the fire-extinguishing system during drills or inspections. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may require a larger number of fire hoses so there are, in his opinion, always sufficient fire hoses available and accessible.
                                              7.4. The number of fire hoses, each complete with couplings and nozzle, shall be at least two on board of cargo ships.
                                              7.5. Casings and reels of fire hoses and such shall be painted red.

                                              8. Nozzles
                                              8.1. Nozzles shall be of an approved type and shall have a standard opening with a diameter of 12 mm, 16 mm or 19 mm, or a drain which is almost equivalent.
                                              8.2. For accommodation and service spaces, a nozzle size greater than 12 mm need not be used.
                                              8.3. For machinery spaces and exterior locations on board of passenger ships, the nozzle size shall be such as to obtain the maximum discharge possible from two jets at the pressure mentioned in paragraph four from the smallest pump.
                                              8.3.1. The diameter of the openings of nozzles on open decks on board of cargo ships shall be such, that one water jet at the pressure mentioned in the fourth paragraph, with the smallest pump can deliver a quantity of water as large as possible.
                                              8.4. Each nozzle shall be fitted with a device which enables the transfer from hosing to spraying and vice versa by a simple hand movement during, without interrupting the water supply to the nozzle. The nozzle shall also be provided with a device for interrupting the water supply.
                                              8.5. On ships built on or after 1 February 1992 any nozzle shall be provided with a device which makes a spray angle of at least 120° possible in order to obtain a water shield which offers sufficient protection. On ships built before 1 February 1992 this subparagraph shall be complied with in case of replacement or renewal of a nozzle.

                                              9.Location and design of water pumps with accessories for other fire-extinguishing systems
                                              Pumps necessary for the water supply of other fire-extinguishing systems which are required pursuant to this Annex, and the power sources and control devices of those pumps shall be fitted outside the space or spaces which are protected by such systems and they shall be designed such that such systems cannot be put out of operation due to a fire in the space or spaces they have to protect.

                                              Article 66 Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system on board of small vessels

                                              1. General
                                              1.1. The use of a fire-extinguishing medium which, in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, either by itself, or under expected conditions of use gives off toxic gases in such quantities as to endanger persons shall not be permitted on board.
                                              1.2. The necessary pipes for conveying fire-extinguishing medium into protected spaces shall be provided with control valves so marked as to indicate clearly the spaces to which the pipes are led. Suitable provision shall be made to prevent inadvertent admission of the medium to any space.
                                              1.3. The piping for the distribution of the fire-extinguishing medium shall be arranged and discharge nozzles shall be so positioned that a uniform distribution of medium is obtained.
                                              1.4. Means shall be provided to close all openings which may admit air to, or allow gas to escape from, a protected space.
                                              1.5. Where the volume of free air contained in air receivers in any space is such that, if released in such space in the event of fire, such release of air within that space would seriously affect the efficiency of the fixed fire-extinguishing system, the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate shall require the provision of an additional quantity of fire-extinguishing medium.
                                              1.6. Means shall be provided for automatically giving audible warning of the release of fire-extinguishing medium in any space in which personnel normally work or to which they have access. This alarm shall operate in time before the fire-extinguishing medium is released.
                                              1.7. The means of control of any such fixed gas fire-extinguishing system shall be readily accessible and easy to handle. They shall be grouped together in as few locations as possible at positions not likely to be cut off by a fire in a protected space. At each location there shall be clear instructions relating to the operation of the system having regard to the safety of personnel.
                                              1.8. Automatic release of fire-extinguishing medium shall not be permitted, except as permitted by the provisions in paragraph 2.3.5, as well as in the event of local, automatically operating units as referred to in the paragraphs 2.4 and 2.5.
                                              1.9. Where the quantity of extinguishing medium is required to protect more than one space, the quantity of medium available need not be more than the largest quantity required for any one space so protected.
                                              1.10. Subject to the provisions in the paragraphs 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5, pressure containers required for the storage of fire-extinguishing medium other than steam, shall be located outside protected spaces in accordance with paragraph 1.13.
                                              1.11. Means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the quantity of medium in the containers.
                                              1.12 Containers for the storage of fire-extinguishing medium and associated pressure components shall comply with the rules of the relevant classification society or with the requirements of the Steam Vessel Inspectorate.
                                              1.13. Where the fire-extinguishing medium is stored outside a protected space, it shall be stored in a room which in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate is located in a safe and readily accessible place. The room as referred to shall be capable of adequate ventilation to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. Any access to such a storage room shall preferably be from the open deck and in any case independent of the protected spaces. Access doors shall open outwards,and bulkheads and decks, including doors and other means of closing any opening therein, which form the boundaries between such rooms and adjacent enclosed spaces, shall be gastight. The fire resistance of the storage room for fire-extinguishing medium shall, in case of tankers, comply with the provisions in Article 58 and, in case of other small vessels, with the provisions in Article 70. For the purpose of the application of tables for fire resistance, related to Article 58, storage rooms for extinguishing medium shall be treated as fire control stations;
                                              1.14. Spare parts for the system shall be available on board in a sufficient type and number in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                              1.15. Apart from that, a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system shall comply with more specific rules laid down by the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

                                              2.Carbon dioxide systems
                                              2.1. For machinery spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide carried, if carbon dioxide is used as fire-extinguishing medium, shall be sufficient to give a minimum volume of free gas equal to the larger of the following volumes, either:
                                              1. 35% of the gross volume of the largest machinery space so protected, the volume to exclude that part of the casing above the level at which the horizontal area of the casing is 40% or less of the horizontal area of the space concerned, taken midway between the tank top and the lowest part of the casing, or
                                              2. 30% of the gross volume of the largest machinery space protected, including the casing.
                                              When two or more machinery spaces have not completely been separated from each other, these spaces together should be considered as one department.
                                              2.2. For the purpose of this paragraph the volume of carbon dioxide shall be calculated at 0.56 m3/kg.
                                              2.3. For machinery spaces the fixed piping system shall be such that 85% of the prescribed volume of gas can be discharged into the space within 2 minutes.
                                              2.4 Carbon dioxide systems intalled on or after 1 October 1994 shall comply with the following requirements:
                                                2.4.1 Two separate controls shall be provided for releasing carbon dioxide into a protected space an to ensure the activation of the alarm, as referred to in subparagraph 1.6. One control shall be used for opening the valve of the piping which conveys the gas into the protected space and a second control shall be used to discharge the gas from its storage containers;
                                                2.4.2 The two controls shall be located inside a release box clearly identified for the particular space. If the box containing the controls is to be locked, a key to the box shall be in a break-glass-type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the box.
                                                3.Fire-extinguishing systems using halogenised hydrocarbons
                                                3.1 The use of the halogenised hydrocarbons halon 1301 and halon 1211 as fire-extinguishing medium in fixed fire-extinguishing systems is only permitted:
                                                1. in machinery spaces and pumprooms; and
                                                2. when those systems have been fitted before 1 October 1994.
                                                3.2. Where halogenised hydrocarbons are used as fire-extinguishing medium in fixed systems by which the required amount of medium is delivered soon in the protected space:
                                                  3.2.1. the system shall in any case be so designed as to be put into operation by a deliberate act, whereas using provisions to automatically put the system into operation are only permitted when the ship is unmanned;
                                                  3.2.2. when the available amount of halogenised hydrocarbon has been intended for more than one space, the provisions for storage and discharge shall be such that the provisions in paragraph 3.2.9 have been complied with;
                                                  3.2.3. means shall be provided for automatically shutting down all ventilators which serve the protected space prior to discharge of the fire-extinguishing medium;
                                                  3.2.4. means shall be provided for manually closing all fire valves in the ventilation system which serves the protected space;
                                                  3.2.5. the discharge provisions shall be designed such that the minimum amount of medium required for machinery spaces pursuant to paragraph 3.2.9 can almost completely be discharged within a time of 20 seconds or less, all this based on discharging in the liquid phase;
                                                  3.2.6. the system shall be designed such that it is capable of functioning in a temperature range between 0°C and 60°C;
                                                  3.2.7. the positioning of the discharge outlets shall be such that the discharge of the medium poses no danger to the personnel involved in maintenance activities or while using the regular access ladders or stairways and escape routes serving the space;
                                                  3.2.8. means shall be provided for the crew to safely check the pressure in the pressure containers;
                                                  3.2.9. the amount of fire-extinguishing medium for machinery spaces and pumprooms shall be calculated in accordance with table 66.1. This amount shall be based on the gross volume of the space in connection with the minimum concentration and on the net volume of the space in connection with the maximum concentration, in both cases including the shaft. The amount shall be calculated on the basis of volume ratios;

                                                  Table 66.1
                                                  13014.25 percent7 percent
                                                  12114.25 percent5.5 percent

                                                  3.2.10. for the purpose of paragraph 3.2.9, for the volume of Halon 1301 shall be calculated 0.16 m3/kg and for the volume of Halon 1211 shall be calculated 0.14 m3/kg. 3.3. Only for machinery spaces which are protected by the installation, the fire-extinguishing medium may be stored in such spaces; in similar cases only Halon 1301 shall be used. The individual pressure containers shall be so positioned as to protect the entire space efficiently while the following requirements are also complied with:
                                                    3.3.1. a manually controllable activating unit for discharging the fire-extinguishing medium shall be fitted outside the protected space. There shall be two separate sources of power for this activating unit, one of which shall be located outside the protected space. Both sources of power shall be ready for immediate use;
                                                    3.3.2. in case of electrical activating units the electrical lines which have been connected to the pressure containers, shall be guarded against error conditions and against breaking down of the sources of power.
                                                    Visual and audible alarms have to indicate these situations;
                                                    3.3.3. in case of pneumatic or hydraulic activating units, the lines which transfer the pressure shall be designed twice. The sources for pneumatic or hydraulic pressure shall be guarded against loss of pressure.
                                                    Visual and audible alarms have to indicate this loss of pressure;
                                                    3.3.4. witihin the protected space electrical lines, necessary for starting the installation, shall be heat-resistant, such as cables with mineral insulation or cables which are equivalent in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                                    Hydraulic or pneumatic line systems, necessary for starting the installation, shall be of steel or of another, in the opinion of the Head of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, equivalent, as regards heat-resistance, material;
                                                    3.3.5. each pressure container shall be provided with an automatically operating overpressure protection which, when the pressure container is exposed to the effect of a fire and the installation has not been put into operation, lets the contents of the container flood safely into the protected space;
                                                    3.3.6. the positioning of the pressure containers and the construction of the electrical lines or hydraulic or pneumatic pipe lines, necessary for starting the installation, shall be such that in the case of damage to any such electrical line or hydraulic or pneumatic pipe line due to a fire or an explosion in the protected space, where a simple error is assumed, at least two thirds of the amount of medium, which is required for that space in accordance with paragraph 3.2.9, still can be admitted with due regard for the provisions regarding the uniform distribution of the fire-extinguishing medium over the entire space. The design of installations for spaces for which only one or two pressure containers are required, shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate;
                                                    3.3.7. each pressure container shall not be provided with more than two discharge outlets. The maximum amount of extinguishing medium in each pressure container shall be such that due regard has been given to the demand with respect to a uniform distribution of the medium over the entire protected space, to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.
                                                    The amount of extinguishing medium in each pressure container shall, however, not exceed 100 kg;
                                                    3.3.8. the pressure containers shall be guarded against loss of pressure due to leakage or discharge.
                                                    Visual and audible alarms for indication of this condition shall be provided on the navigating bridge. 3.4. Local, fixed automatic fire-extinguishing units with Halon 1301 and 1211 as medium, which have been fitted in enclosed spaces with a high fire risk within machinery spaces, may be accepted in addition to and independent of any required fixed fire-extinguishing system, provided the following requirements have been complied with:
                                                      3.4.1. the space in which such an additional local protection has been fitted, shall preferably be located at only one working level, which level is the same as that of the entrance. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may accept location at more than one level, provided that an entrance has been provided at each level;
                                                      3.4.2. the dimensions of the space and the location of its entrances and the machinery placed in it shall be such that the space can be left within 10 seconds;
                                                      3.4.3. the starting of each similar unit shall be reported visually as well as audibly at the outside of each entrance to the machinery space, as well as on the navigation bridge or in the space in which the fire detection devices and the control devices for fire fighting have been assembled;
                                                      3.4.4. at the outside of each entrance to a space containing one or more automatic fire fighting units, a warning sign shall be fitted which indicates that such units are in the space as well as the nature of the medium;
                                                      3.4.5. discharge outlets shall be positioned such that the discharge of the medium poses no danger to the personnel while using the regular entrance ladders or stairways and escape routes which serve the space. Besides, provisions shall be made to protect the personnel during maintenance activities against unintended discharge of the medium;
                                                      3.4.6. the fire-extinguishing units shall generally be designed to be capable of working at temperatures between 0°C and 60°C unless, in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, the nature of the space involved requires to choose another temperature range;
                                                      3.4.7. provisions shall be made for the crew to safely check the pressure in the pressure containers;
                                                      3.4.8. the total amount of medium in the local, automatic units shall be such that a concentration of 7 percent as regards Halon 1301 and 5.5 percent as regards Halon 1211, at 20°C, based on the net volume of the enclosed space, shall not be exceeded. This requirement is applicable when either a local, automatic unit, or a fixed fire-extinguishing system has started in accordance with paragraph 3.2, but not when both have been started. For the volume of Halon 1301 shall be calculated 0.16 m3/kg and for the volume of Halon 1211 shall be calculated 0.14 m3/kg;
                                                      3.4.9. the discharge time of such a unit, based on the discharge in the liquid phase, shall not exceed 10 seconds;
                                                      3.4.10. the design of local, automatic fire-extinguishing units shall be such that the discharge of the medium does not result in the loss of electrical power or reduction of the manoeuvrability of the ship.

                                                      3.5. Automatic fire-extinguishing units as specified in paragraph 3.4, fitted in machinery spaces above equipment with a high fire risk, in addition to and independent of any required, fixed fire-extinguishing system, may be permitted, provided that they comply with the paragraphs 3.4.3 through 3.4.7, 3.4.9 and 3.4.10 as well as with the following provisions:
                                                        3.5.1. the amount of medium, present in local, automatic fire-extinguishing units shall be such that a concentration of not more than 1.25 percent at 20°C, based on the gross volume of the machinery space, is obtained when the units have jointly been put into operation;
                                                        3.5.2. for the volume of Halon 1301 shall be calculated 0.16 m3/kg and for the volume of Halon 1211 shall be calculated 0.14 m3/kg.

                                                        Article 67 Fire-extinguishing arrangements in machinery spaces on small vessels

                                                        1.Spaces containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units
                                                        1.1. Machinery spaces of category A containing oil-fired boilers or oil fuel units shall be provided with one of the following fixed fire-extinguishing systems:
                                                          1.1.1. a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system, complying with the provisions in Article 66;
                                                          1.1.2. a high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system, complying with the provisions in Article 9;
                                                          1.1.3. a fixed pressure water-spraying system, complying with the provisions in Article 10; When the engine-room and boiler room are not entirely separate, or if fuel oil can drain from the boiler room into the eninge-room, the combined engine and boiler rooms shall be considered as one compartment.
                                                          1.2. There shall be at least two portable foam extinguishers or equivalent in each firing space in each boiler room and in each space in which a part of the oil fuel installation is situated. There shall be not less than one approved foam-type extinguisher of at least 135 l capacity or equivalent in each boiler room. These extinguishers shall be provided with hoses on reals suitable for reaching any part of the boiler room.
                                                          In the case of domestic boilers of less than 175 kW at least one portable foam extinguisher or equivalent may suffice for the provisions in this paragraph.
                                                          1.3. In each firing space there shall be one or more receptables, together containing 0.3 m3 sand, sawdust impregnated with soda, or other approved dry material, along with a shovel for spreading the material. An approved portable extinguisher may be substituted as an alternative.
                                                          1.4. Air ducts under overpressure of a boiler with a forced draught, when leakage oil can collect there, shall be provided with a steam fire-extinguishing system.

                                                          2.Spaces containing internal combustion machinery or gas turbines
                                                          Machinery spaces of category A containing internal combustion machinery or gas turbines shall be provided with:
                                                          2.1. one of the fixed fire-extinguishing systems as required in paragraph 1.1;
                                                          2.2. in each such space there shall be a sufficient number of foam-type fire extinguishers or equivalent fire extinguishers which shall be so located that no point in the space is more than 10 m walking distance from an extinguisher, provided that there are at least two such extinguishers in each such space.

                                                          3.Fire-extinguishing appliances in other machinery spaces
                                                          Where, in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, a fire hazard exists in any machinery space for which no specific provisions for fire-extinguishing appliances are prescribed in the first and second paragraphs, there shall be provided in, or adjacent to, that space a number of approved fire extinguishers or other means of fire extinction as he may deem sufficient.

                                                          4.Fixed fire-extinguishing appliances not required in this Annex
                                                          A fixed fire-extinguishing system not required under this Annex shall be to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. The provisions in Article 105 of this Decree are equally binding.

                                                          Article 68 Special arrangements in machinery spaces on small vessels

                                                          1. The provisions of this Article are applicable to machinery spaces of category A and, when the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate considers it desirable, also to other machinery spaces.

                                                          2.1. The number of skylights, doors, ventilators, openings in chimneys for extract ventilation and other openings of machinery spaces, shall be limited to the minimum which is compatible with the needs regarding ventilation and good operation of the ship.
                                                          2.2. Skylights shall be of steel. Windows, sidescuttles or deadlights shall not be fitted there. Suitable provisions shall be made for the extraction of smoke from spaces to be protected in the event of fire.
                                                          2.3. On board of passenger ships doors, other than mechanically induced watertight doors, shall be capable of being closed efficiently in the event of fire in the machinery space. This closure shall take place by means of a mechanical closure device, or by application of self-closing doors which can be closed against an angle of 3 degrees and which have been provided with suitable hooks, fitted with a remote control device for its release.

                                                          3. In casings of machinery spaces no windows, sidescuttles or deadlights shall be fitted. This does not exclude, however, the use of glass in bulkheads of control rooms, located entirely inside machinery spaces.

                                                          4. There shall be control devices for:
                                                          4.1. opening and closing of skylights, closing of openings in chimneys which under normal conditions enable exhaust ventilation, and closing valves at ventilators;
                                                          4.2. devices which enable evasion of smoke;
                                                          4.3. closing mechanically induced doors or the device for releasing other than mechanically induced watertight doors;
                                                          4.4. shutting downof ventilators; and
                                                          4.5. shutting down of boiler ventilators, fuel trim pumps, pumps for oil-fired heating and other similar fuel pumps.

                                                          5. The control devices, required pursuant to the fourth paragraph of this Article and paragraph 2.5 of Article 15 of this Annex, shall be fitted outside the space involved, where they are readily accessible in the event of a fire in the space they serve.
                                                          On board of passenger ships such control means, as well as the control means of all required, fixed fire-extinguishing systems shall be fitted at one operating position or grouped at as little as possible locations, to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate. Such a position or positions shall have a safe access from the open deck.
                                                          6. When a machinery space of category A is accessible at a low level from an adjacent shaft tunnel, in the shaft tunnel and near the watertight door a light steel fire door shall be provided, which shall be capable of being opened and closed at both sides.
                                                          7. For periodically unattended machinery spaces on board of cargo ships, special consideration shall be given, to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, to maintaining the fire integrity of the machinery spaces, the location and centralization of the fire-extinguishing system controls and to the required shutdown arrangements (e.g., ventilation, fuel pumps, etc.) and that additional fire-extinguising appliances and other fire-fighting equipment and breathing apparatus may be required. In passenger ships these requirements shall be at least equivalent to those of machinery spaces normally attended.
                                                          8. A ventilation system of a machinery space of category A shall be entirely insulated from other ventilation systems. A ventilation system of a machinery space other than of category A shall be insulated from other ventilation systems to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate.

                                                          Article 69 Firefighter''s axe

                                                          A small vessel shall have a firefighter's axe on board.

                                                          Article 70 Construction, fire integrity of bulkheads, decks, walls, linings and ceilings

                                                          1. General
                                                          Walls and ceilings of corridors and landings shall be at least of Class B-O.

                                                          2. Bulkheads and decks separating the wheelhouse and accommodation spaces or service spaces shall be at least of Class B-O.

                                                          3. Boundary bulkheads and decks or ceilings of individual galleys shall be at least of Class B-O.

                                                          4. Special consideration shall be given to the isolation of supports and other loadbearing frameworks of aluminium or of reinforcing fibre.

                                                          5. Without prejudice to the provisions in the first paragraph, the walls, linings and ceilings on passenger ships shall be at least of Class C.

                                                          6. The attachments of walls and ceilings of Class B and C shall not be affected in the event of a fire.

                                                          7.Ships constructed of steel
                                                          Bulkheads and decks, forming the boundary between the engine-room and the wheelhouse, service spaces or accommodation spaces shall be at least of Class A-30.

                                                          8. Bulkheads and decks, forming the boundary between a space for storage of extinguishing medium as referred to in Article 66, and the engine-room, wheelhouse, service spaces or accommodation spaces shall be at least of Class A-30.

                                                          9.Ships constructed of aluminium or of reinforced fibre
                                                          The shell, bulkheads and decks surrounding the engine-room shall be provided with such isolation at the side of the engine-room that the temperature of the aluminium or of the reinforced fibres framework during the first half hour of the standard fire test at any time shall not exceed the initial temperature more than:
                                                            a. 200° C when aluminium is applied, or
                                                            b. 120° C when reinforced fibre is applied. Where it is proven that the reinforced fibre to be applied is affected at significantly higher temperatures than 150° C, deviation from the temperature mentioned under b. is allowed.
                                                            The isolation on the shell shall extend from the deck to at least 100 mm under the level of the load line corresponding to the deadweight ship.

                                                            10. The shell, bulkheads and decks surrounding a space for storage of fire-extinguishing medium as referred to in Article 66, shall be isolated at the outside of that space, in accordance with the provisions in the ninth paragraph.

                                                            11. Supports or other frameworks for supporting the deck of the engine-room, when constructed of aluminium or of reinforced fibre, shall also be isolated, in accordance with the provisions in the ninth paragraph.

                                                            12. In accommodation spaces and service spaces below deck it shall be prevented that in the event of fire the ship's construction of aluminium or of reinforced fibre is directly affected. For that purpose linings and ceilings shall be fitted of at least Class C, with a minimum thickness of 10 mm, unless the ship's construction has been isolated.

                                                            Article 71 Means of escape on small vessels

                                                            1. Stairways and ladders shall be so arranged as to provide ready means of escape to the open deck and subsequently the life-saving appliances from all accommodation spaces and spaces in which the crew is normally employed, other than machinery spaces. Especially the following general provisions shall be complied with:
                                                            1.1. on each deck with accommodation spaces, at least two as widely as possible separated means of escape shall be provided from each enclosed space or group of spaces;
                                                            1.2.1. under the lowest open deck the main means of escape shall consist of a stairway. The second means of escape can consist of sufficient handrails and climbing steps. A second means of escape from passenger spaces shall, however, consist of a fixed stairway or ladder. For a second means of escape an escape hatch can be used complying with the following conditions:
                                                            1. the hatch shall provide direct access to the open deck;
                                                            2. the minimum free passageway of a rectangular hatch with possibly rounded corners shall be at least 600P500 mm, wheras a round hatch shall have a diameter of at least 560 mm;
                                                            3. the hatch shall open in the direction of the escape and shall only be lockable at the inside.
                                                            1.2.2. above the lowest open deck the means of escape shall consist of stairways or doors to an open deck, or of a combination of the two;
                                                            1.3. as an exception the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may allow that only one means of escape has been provided, when the nature and the location of the spaces and the number of persons which under normal conditions live there or are employed there, give rise to that;
                                                            1.4. dead-end corridors having a length of more than seven metres are not allowed. A dead-end corridor is a corridor or a part of a corridor from which there is only one escape route;
                                                            1.5. the width of the means of escape and the extent in which these means shall continue, have to comply with the provisions in Article 45a.

                                                            2. In machinery spaces of category A a means of escape, consisting of a steel stairway or steel ladder, shall be arranged.

                                                            Article 72 Protection of stairways in accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations on small vessels

                                                            1. Stairways shall be protected by B-O class bulkheads. Where the stairways does not serve more than two decks, a protection at only one level may suffice.

                                                            2. The constructive part of all stairways shall be of steel, unless the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate allows the use of other equivalent material.

                                                            Article 73 Doors in fire-resisting bulkheads and hatches in fire-resisting decks on small vessels

                                                            1. The fire-resistance of doors respectively hatches shall be equivalent to the fire-resistance of the bulkhead or deck where they have been installed.

                                                            2. Doors fitted in boundary bulkheads of the engine-room, not leading to the open deck, shall be self-closing and fairly gastight.

                                                            3. Doors or access hatches of the engine-room, leading to the open deck, shall be of steel.

                                                            4. In walls of corridors ventilation openings may only be fitted in and under the doors of cabins and public spaces. The openings shall only be fitted in the lowest half of a door and the total area of this opening or openings shall not exceed 0.05 m².
                                                            When such an opening has been fitted in a door, it shall be fitted with a grille made of non-combustible material.

                                                            5. Watertight doors need not be insulated.

                                                            Article 74 Ventilation systems om small vessels

                                                            1. Ventilation ducts shall be of non-combustible material. However, short ducts, not generally exceeding 2 m in length and with a free cross-sectional area not exceeding 0.02 m², need not be non-combustible subject to the following conditions:
                                                            1.1. the ducts are made of a material which has low flame spread characteristics;
                                                            1.2. they are only used at the end of the ventilation system;
                                                            1.3. the ducts are not located closer than 600 mm measured along its length to a penetration of an "A" or "B" class division, including continuous "B" class ceilings.

                                                            2.1. ventilation ducts at penetrations of bulkheads or decks of machinery spaces of category A or of spaces with similar fire risks shall be provided with a steel sleeve. The sleeve shall have a length of at least 900 mm and a thickness of at least 3 mm. When passing through bulkheads, this length shall be divided into 450 mm on each side of the bulkhead;
                                                            2.2. ventilation ducts shall serve only one deck and near the ventilation installation they shall be provided with a manually operated smoke damper;
                                                            2.3. ventilation ducts serving accommodation spaces or a wheelhouse shall not be directly connected to the ventilation ducts of storages or of machinery spaces.

                                                            3. Ventilation ducts for machinery spaces of category A, of separate galleys or of other spaces with an equal fire risk shall not pass through accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations, unless these ducts:
                                                            3.1. are constructed of steel having a thickness of at least 1.5 mm;
                                                            3.2. are suitably supported and stiffened;
                                                            3.3. over their entire length in the accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations have been isolated such that during the first half hour of the standard fire test the temperature at the non-exposed side at any time does not exceed 139 °C above the initial temperature.

                                                            4. Ducts provided for ventilation to accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations shall not pass through machinery spaces of category A, separate galleys or other spaces with equal fire risk, unless the ducts:
                                                            4.1. are constructed in accordance with the provisions in the paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2, where they pass through a machinery space of category A, a separate galley or another space of equal fire risk; and
                                                            4.2. over their entire length in the spaces mentioned in paragraph 4.1 have been isolated such that during the first half hour of the standard fire test the temperature at the non-exposed side at any time does not exceed 139 °C above the initial temperature.

                                                            5. Ventilation ducts, with a free cross-sectional area of more than 0.02 m², which pass through "B" class bulkheads, shall be lined with steel sheet sleeves. The sleeve shall have a thickness of at least 1.5 mm and a length of at least 900 mm. The length of the sheet sleeve shall be divided into 450 mm on each side of the bulkhead. A sleeve need not be installed if the ducts concerned over the same length have been constructed of steel with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm.

                                                            6. All possible shall be done to accomplish that ventilation, vision and absence of smoke are maintained in control stations located outside machinery spaces, so that in the event of fire the machinery and appliances therein can be checked and continue operating adequately. Special provisions need not be made when the control station is situated on, and provides exit to the open deck.

                                                            7. When exhaust ducts above furnaces pass through accommodation spaces or spaces with flammable materials, they shall be constructed of "A" class bulkheads. Any such exhaust duct shall be equipped with:
                                                            7.1. a grease trap readily removable for cleaning;
                                                            7.2. a fire damper in the lower end of the duct;
                                                            7.3. an arrangement which can be controlled from the galley for shutting of the exhaust fan; and
                                                            7.4.a fixed means for extinguishing a fire within the duct.

                                                            8. The main inlets and discharges of all ventilation systems shall be capable of being closed outside the space being ventilated.

                                                            9. Appliances for mechanical ventilation of accommodation spaces, service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces shall be capable of being stopped from a readily accessible location, outside the space they serve. This location shall be such that it will not easily become inaccessible in the event of a fire in the spaces being served. The appliance by which the apparatus for mechanical ventilation of the machinery spaces can be stopped, shall be completely separated from those, by which the ventilation of other spaces can be stopped.

                                                            Article 75 Restriction on the use of combustible materials on small vessels

                                                            1. All exposed surfaces in corridors, stairway enclosures and passenger spaces shall have low flame-spread characteristics. Ceilings in night accommodations and in the wheelhouse shall also have low flame-spread characteristics.

                                                            2. Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed interior surfaces shall not constitute, in the opinion of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate unnecessary, fire risks, and they shall not be capable of producing excessive quantities of smoke or other toxic gases.

                                                            3. Primary deck coverings, applied in corridors, landings and the wheelhouse shall be of material which will not readily ignite or which will not give rise to toxic or explosive hazards at elevated temperatures.

                                                            4. All isolating materials, also when not required on account of fire protection, shall be incombustible.

                                                            Article 76 Fire detection and fire alarm systems on board of small vessels

                                                            1. A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system shall be installed in:
                                                            1. machinery spaces of category A;
                                                            2. a galley separated from the other spaces;
                                                            3. accommodation and service spaces, if the ship has been provided with more than two night accommodations. Here the system shall be designed such that smoke detection in corridors, landings and stairway enclosures has been provided for.

                                                            2. The system shall be so designed as to give an audible and visual alarm in the wheelhouse in the event of a fire. In night accommodations, if any, this alarm shall also be audible. 1) 2) 3)

                                                            1) Reference is made to the recommendations published by the International Electrotechnical Commission and more special Publication 92 - Elektrical Installations on Board of Ships.
                                                            2) A safe space means a space in which the entering of hydrocarbon vapours would arouse danger as regards fire or poisoning.
                                                            3) A safe space means a space in which the entering of hydrocarbon vapours would arouse danger as regards fire or poisoning.

                                                            Annex IVa - XI Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                                                            Annex XII - XV Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                                                            Annex XIa Life-saving appliances and arrangements

                                                            Chapter A - C Cancelled as of 01-01-2005

                                                            Chapter D Provisions for small vessels

                                                            Article 54 Scope

                                                            The Articles 55 through 59 are only applicable to small vessels.

                                                            Article 55 Communication on small vessels

                                                            1.VHF radio installations For the benefit of the radiocommunication between the survival craft themselves and the ship, as well as between the ship and the rescueboat, VHF radio installations shall be provided on board of ships which comply with the provisions in Article 14c of Annex XIII. It is not necessary that each survival craft has an individual VHF radio installation, but on ships of 300 ton or above at least two VHF radio installations shall be on board and on ships of less than 300 ton at least one VHF radio installation.
                                                            This provision can also be complied with by applicatioin of other portable communication apparatus being used on board, provided that those apparatus comply with the provisions in Article 14c of Annex XIII.

                                                            2.1.Distress signals
                                                            On or adjacent to the navigation bridge at least six parachute signals shall be provided which comply with the provisions in Article 35.
                                                            2.2. Any ship shall be provided with a general alarm installation complying with the provisions in Article 50. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate may grant exemption from this when the design of the ship is such that the requirement appears to be redundant.

                                                            Article 56 Personal life-saving appliances on board of small vessels

                                                            1. Lifebuoys
                                                            1.1. Any ship shall be provided with at least three lifebuoys which comply with the provisions in Article 31, first paragraph, and they shall be:
                                                              1.1.1. so distributed as to be readily available on both sides of the ship and as far as practicable on all open decks extending to the ship's side; at least one shall be placed in the vicinity of the stern; and
                                                              1.1.2. so stowed as to be capable of being rapidly cast loose, and not permanently secured in any way. 1.2. At least two of the required lifebuoys shall be fitted with a self-igniting light complying with the provisions in Article 31, second paragraph. On tankers the self-igniting lights shall be of a type with an electrical element.
                                                              1.3. On each lifebuoy the name and the port of registry of the ship on which the lifebuoy had been placed, shall be indicated in block letters.

                                                              2. Lifejackets
                                                              2.1. A lifejacket complying with the provisions in Article 32, first or second paragraph, shall be provided for every person on board, and which has been fitted with a light complying with the provisions in Article 32, third paragraph. In addition:
                                                                2.1.1. a number of lifejackets suitable for children equal to at least 10% of the number of passengers on board shall be provided or such greater number as may be required to provide a lifejacket for each child; and
                                                                2.1.2. a sufficient number of lifejackets shall be carried on board for persons on watch. 2.2. The lifejackets shall be so stored as to be readily accessible and their storage position shall be clearly indicated. Where, because of the special design of the ship, the lifejackets, required under paragraph 2.1, may become inaccessible, other measures shall be taken to the satisfaction of the Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, which may imply that a greater number of lifejackets shall be on board.

                                                                3.Immersion suits
                                                                3.1. An immersion suit of the right size shall be provided on board for each member of the crew, which complies with the provisions in Article 33.
                                                                3.2. An immersion suit complying with the provisions in Article 33, may be reckoned as a lifejacket for the purpose of the provisions in the second paragraph.

                                                                Article 57 Instructions for emergencies on board of small vessels

                                                                1. Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill once every four months.

                                                                2. Each abandon ship dril shall at least include:
                                                                1. testing the emergency lighting;
                                                                2. call by means of the general alarm installation required under Article 55, third paragraph;
                                                                3. reporting to the embarkation station;
                                                                4. donning and checking the lifejackets or immersion suits;
                                                                5. checking that passengers and crew are suitably dressed;
                                                                6. operating the liferafts and appliances; and
                                                                7. if applicable, launching the rescue boat with the appointed crew.

                                                                3. Each fire drill shall at least include:
                                                                1. reporting to the muster station;
                                                                2. starting of a fire pump and the use of at least the water jets, as referred to in Article 65, fifth paragraph, of Annex IV, to show that the system is in proper working order;
                                                                3. checking of available communication equipment;
                                                                4. checking the operation of the watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers, valves, sideports, skylights, sidescuttles and other similar openings;
                                                                5. the treatment and the use of the fire-extinguishing mediums.

                                                                4. All abandon ship drills and all fire drills shall be performed as if there really is an emergency.

                                                                5. Each drill shall also be used to give instructions with respect to the tasks of each crew member in the event of an emergency. These instructions, in addition to the subjects mentioned in the second paragraph, shall include:
                                                                1. closing the watertight doors and the fire doors, valves, side ports, skylights, sidescuttles and other similar openings;
                                                                2. preparing and using personal and other life-saving appliances;
                                                                3. using the available communication equipment.

                                                                6. The dates when musters and drills are held, details of abandon ship drills and fire drills shall be recorded in the logbook.

                                                                7. When the design and the size of the ship, the number of crew members, the availability of the ship and crew make the performance of drills as mentioned above unreasonable or impracticable, the drills as referred to above can be performed with crew members of other similar ships and changing crews together once per four months on board of a ship or ashore in an institute which is equipped to that end.

                                                                8. For the crews of ships operating under the Dutch coast and who for operational purposes attend an annual retraining of the safety course, the drills mentioned in the first through sixth paragraphs can be omitted.

                                                                Article 58 Survival craft and rescue boats on board of passenger ships, being a small vessel

                                                                1.Survival craft
                                                                1.1. All liferafts required to disembark the total number of persons on board, shall be capable of being launched within 15 minutes, calculated from the time on which the signal "abandon ship" is given.
                                                                1.2. To passenger ships the following applies:
                                                                  1.2.1. at each side of the ship they shall carry liferafts which comply with the provisions in Article 39 or 40, and of such aggregate capacity as will accommodate the total number of persons on board.
                                                                  For passenger ships with a sailing area of maximally five nautical miles from the coast one or more liferafts complying with Article 39 or 40 may suffice; they shall be capable of easy launching on both sides and of such aggregate capacity as will accommodate the total number of persons on board, in which case the paragraphs 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 are not applicable;
                                                                  1.2.2. unless the liferafts required by paragraph 1.2.1 are capable of easy side-to-side transfer in order to be launched, additional liferafts shall be provided so that the total capacity available on each side will accommodate at least 150% of the total number of persons on board;
                                                                  1.2.3. if the rescue boat required by the second paragraph is also a lifeboat complying with the requirements in Article 42, 43 or 44, it may be included in the aggregate capacity required by paragraph 1.2.1, provided that the total capacity available on either side of the ship is at least 150% of the total number of persons on board; and
                                                                  1.2.4. in the event of any one survival craft being lost or rendered unserviceable, there shall be sufficient survival craft available for use on each side to accommodate the total number of persons on board.
                                                                  2.Rescue boat
                                                                  Passenger ships shall carry at least one rescue boat complying with Article 47. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, taking into account the freeboard and the manoeuvrability of the ship, as well as the availability of means for shipping drowning persons, may determine that the rescue boat can be omitted.

                                                                  Article 59 Survival craft and rescue boats on board of a small vessel, not being a passenger ship

                                                                  1.Survival craft
                                                                  1.1. All liferafts required to provide for abandonment by the total number of persons on board shall be capable of being launched within a period of 10 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given.
                                                                  1.2. To small vessels, not being passenger ships, the following applies:
                                                                    1.2.1. they shall carry on each side of the ship one or more liferafts complying with the requirements in Article 39 or 40 and of such aggregate capacity as will accommodate the total number of persons on board. For ships with a sailing area of maximally five nautical miles from the coast one or more of such liferafts which are capable of easy launching on both sides of the ship and of such aggregate capacity as will accommodate the total number of persons on board may suffice, in which case the paragraphs 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 are not applicable;
                                                                    1.2.2. unless the liferafts required by paragraph 1.2.1 are capable of easy side-to-side transfer in order to be launched, additional liferafts shall be provided so that the total capacity available on each side will accommodate at least 150% of the total number of persons on board;
                                                                    1.2.3. if the rescue boat required by the second paragraph is also a lifeboat complying with the requirements in Article 44, it may be included in the aggregate capacity required by paragraph 1.2.1, provided that the total capacity available on either side of the ship is at least 150% of the total number of persons on board; and
                                                                    1.2.4. in the event of any one survival craft being lost or rendered unserviceable, there shall be sufficient survival craft available for use on each side to accommodate the total number of persons on board.
                                                                    2.Rescue boats
                                                                    Cargo ships shall carry at least one rescue boat complying with Article 47. The Head of the Shipping Inspectorate, taking into account the freeboard and the manoeuvrability of the ship, as well as the availability of means for shipping drowning persons, may determine that the rescue boat can be omitted Where the number of crew members is less than four, there is also no need for a rescue boat.

                                                                    Annex XVI Drugs, nursery articles and antidota

                                                                    Article 1 Storage of the medical equipment

                                                                    The medical equipment shall be stored in suitable boxes or in especially arranged cabinets or spaces.

                                                                    Article 2 Separate storage of drugs and antidota, of nursery articles

                                                                    1. The drugs and antidota are stored separately from the nursery articles. When they are both stored in one box, they shall be separated by an intermediary bulkhead.

                                                                    2. The morphine preparations being part of the medical equipment are stored in a locked space, the key of which is held by the master or by the member of the crew who has been entrusted by the master with the use and the management over the medical equipment.

                                                                    Article 3 Numbering, copy of list, names

                                                                    1. On the packaging of the components of the medical equipment, as far as possible, the number shall be affixed which is mentioned in the ministerial regulation, as referred to in Article 93, first paragraph. A copy of the check-lists shall also be affixed to the boxes, cabinets or spaces as referred to in Article 1 of this Annex.

                                                                    2. For the benefit of the experts to be consulted abroad, on the labels affixed to the packaging of the medicines, besides the Dutch names, as much as possible Latin names shall be mentioned, in accordance with the nomenclature of the World Health Organisation.

                                                                    Article 4 Supply of drugs and antidota

                                                                    The drugs and antidota shall be supplied by a pharmacist, which shall appear from a mark on the packaging.

                                                                    Article 5 Additional drugs, nursery articles and antidota

                                                                    1. When there are still other drugs, nursery articles and antidota on board than those required by the ministerial regulation, as referred to in Article 93, first paragraph, of the Ships Decree 1965, as regards these additional medicines the requirements mentioned in this Annex are applicable.

                                                                    2. In the event of medical emergencies for which the necessary drugs, nursery articles or antidota are not carried on board, the master shall be obliged to ensure that these shall be made available as soon as possible.

                                                                    Article 6 Medical handbook

                                                                    For the benefit of the use of the medical equipment a copy of a medical handbook, to be appointed by Ministerial Regulation, and which has been kept up-to-date, shall be on board.

                                                                    Annex XVII - XXIV Cancelled as of 01-01-2005


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